Private opinion is always subjective - this is the most compelling argument

Subjectively, this is an opinion, a judgment that a person makes. This is the result of applying the knowledge that he has to the subject, phenomenon or object that interests the researcher. The totality of private judgments and the application of statistical mathematical methods to them allow us to draw objective conclusions with a specific level of reliability.

subjectively this

The behavior that a person follows is based on his personal experience. Subjectively, these are experienced events, this allows you to receive objective information not only in criminal or civil proceedings, but also in the implementation of effective methods of protecting the infrastructure of large companies.

The practicality and importance of subjective analysis

Subjectively, this is personal, first of all. The personal picture is formed by the psychological and emotional state, life experience, knowledge and memories of the past. The latter, as a comet's trace, fades over time, but with the correct associative effect, as a rule, a sufficiently long time is available.

It is important for the researcher to ask the right questions if he expects to receive objective answers. In this case, we are not talking about the objectivity of the information received - it is of little concern to anyone. In relations between people, truth and objectivity are always in question. But the subjective answer to the correctly posed question objectively reflects the specific part of the subjective moment.

objectively and subjectively this

As a picture under a microscope is subjective - this is a very small puzzle. The more puzzles and the closer they are to each other, the more effective the range of questions. One to three questions is wasted time.

With any range of correct questions, the factor of a person’s mental and emotional state is essential. It is necessary to take into account the environment in which the conversation takes place, and what preceded the conversation an hour, two or a certain time ago.

The time factor and content of the question

A person is always impressed by the current moment and what was in the past. The recent past is especially relevant. The applicants who came for an interview in the morning and afternoon, with all other differences, will differ in that the first one does not have time to do something or run into something, and the second may have time to pass an interview in another company and be impressed by the questions asked there.

The time factor can be used adequately to the content of the spectrum of questions that need to be asked. It’s easier than just to accidentally detain a person in a room with pictures of a certain content, to the music of a certain rhythm or use a random passer-by to provoke the necessary associations in a random conversation.

A person cannot not see or not hear, but can refuse to talk. Pictures, artwork, music are good tools in working with the subconscious, and in the context of the fact that opinion is always subjective, this is completely fertile ground for unlocking potential.

Ignorance Factor

The criminal trial devotes much more time to the time factor and preliminary preparation of the witness, and especially the suspect, than to the interrogation. Interrogation can last a minute, and preliminary preparation can take from an hour to a month.

The person who faced the investigator or investigator for the first time is bound to make a mistake and say too much. Even having seen enough of detectives and crime films, he is not ready for a personal conversation with law enforcement agencies. Only when this will be the second or third conversation, does the person already understand what needs to be said and how to behave, but it is usually too late.

Of great subjective importance is the first interrogation. All other investigative actions are an occasion to draw attention to the fact that a person is trying to hide what he intends to refuse. Although this may be relevant to the case.

The right associations and company protection

Human knowledge is associative - it is objective and subjective in relation to a specific person. The question should appeal to associations, and not put a person under a direct answer. The direct question is the answer is always conscious, not associative, but based on current considerations on how to respond.

subjective meaning

The right associations can protect the interests of the company. It is enough to build a security system (a picture of the normal functioning of the company) in such a way that any deviation in the employee’s behavior (attitude to work, message content, addressees, actions and other behavioral points that can be tracked) can be noticed.

Having discovered differences in behavior, it is easy to call the necessary associations and stop the unlawful activity of something offended or consciously interested in causing harm to the employee.

The subjective is a strong argument not only at work, in research, but also in ordinary life. There is always a way to make your life and the life of others more beautiful, not much is needed for this.


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