Politeness, tact and respect for elders - sincere and formal

Throughout its history, human society has already developed certain standards of behavior. True, we all notice that many of them are rather arbitrary and cannot replace morality. For example, respect for parents is expressed in behavior such as recognition of their rights and priority. Thanks to our grandparents, fathers and mothers, who invested our spiritual strength in us, every day we discovered the world around us, grew and developed and gained skills in ethical and moral behavior.

Respect for the elder

It is these people who are dear to us who have cultivated in us respect for elders, for their age and rich experience, life achievements or mistakes, taught to recognize the value of the people around us, which include not only family members, but also neighbors, friends, colleagues, local or of national importance, fellow citizens. The criteria for such behavior include not only the inherent right of every inhabitant of the earth to humane attitude, but also the authority and status earned by his personal actions.

Respect for parents
One of the main forms of behavior, reflecting respect for elders, is manifested in politeness. What does it consist of? If we turn to the Old Slavonic language, the father of the current Russian, it becomes clear that โ€œvezhaโ€ is the root of the word, and in ancient times it meant โ€œknowledgeโ€. That is why a polite person is one who knows the rules of behavior in society and the value of courtesy. True, today, for many, politeness is only observing the rules of good taste, in which internal respect for elders is not shown, but formalities are observed. This is fundamentally different from a true worthy attitude based on exceptional goodwill.

Respect for a woman
An equally valuable form of respect is tactful behavior. It lies in the ability to balance your desires with the needs and needs of others, the ability to observe certain boundaries in behavior. Tact is brought up over the years and instills an intuitive finding of the right tone and degree of expression of their feelings in communication. From early childhood, this property is taught by mothers, grandmothers and aunts, therefore, it is based on respect for the woman and reverence for the mother.

The politeness of etiquette and the lack of tact, which cannot be obtained without a long and skillful spiritual education, give rise to cynicism. Unfortunately, some venerate him for his virtue. Why? Because in such a person there is no spiritual basis that reinforces and supports respect for the elders, for those who are worthy of the younger ones and for the entire world around.

Therefore, each of our contemporaries himself decides who to respect and for what, evaluating the actions and actions of others, based on his spiritual education and general worldview. People brought up in formal conditions, striving for the cynical gain of prosperity only for themselves, are always outwardly polite and respectful, but this is very far from the true meaning of this concept. To respect a person means to sincerely acknowledge his high status and merits. This is the right way, giving hope for the future.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F20943/

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