Rave reviews: biofireplace - a wonderful invention!

Fireplaces have long been associated in people with comfort, security and a certain family affluence. Until recently, only those who lived in a private house or had at least a small cottage could afford, having saved up money, to equip a fireplace room. Those unfortunate people who live in apartment buildings could not even dream of a source of open fire. And not only because of the lack of space in urban dwellings (often small), but also because any stove requires a properly equipped chimney, which, with all our desire, can not be built in a high-rise building.

Times have changed, and for the fireplace, for the better. The relatively recent know-how has provoked extremely positive reviews: the biofireplace was liked by almost everyone who dared to purchase it.

reviews biofireplace

Favorable differences from electrics

Incorrigible romantics used to try to make their home more comfortable with fireplace substitutes. Probably, to this day, someone has remained in the apartment electric fireplaces with an imitation of open fire. Alas, it was only with his imitation. Of course, in the absence of the best and about the electrical options there were good reviews. A biofireplace, however, is better than its "electric brother" in that it has a natural, living flame, and it does not spend expensive energy.

The real fireplace also loses in something

It has some advantages in comparison with a real fireplace. Even if you ignore the place occupied by the chimney, there remains the need to clean it, which is associated with soot and dirt. In addition, the chimney is the most vulnerable spot of any furnace. He regularly needs care and periodically needs repairs. A real fireplace needs to be able to be heated, and fuel for it needs to be stored somewhere. In addition, there is always a danger of fire - either due to poorly cleaned soot, or due to reverse traction. All this is difficult for urban residents and worsens opinions and reviews about the real “stove”. Biofireplace in this regard is much less laborious.

bio fireplaces for apartments reviews

Where to put? Yes, anywhere!

Another obvious plus is a wide selection of biofireplace modifications. Even for a very small apartment, you can choose a variety that harmoniously fits into it and does not limit your space. If there is no need to save space, people usually choose the outdoor option. At the same time, there is no risk of spoiling the coating, since such fireplaces are made of ceramics, plastic, glass or wood.

Would you like something less? Choose a tabletop fireplace. They are made of traditional shapes, and in the form of a lamp, a bowl or a vase - all of them perform their functions, that is, they shine, warm and “make you comfortable”. For such mini-fireplaces, additional supports are provided so that they do not accidentally tip over.

You can buy wall options. However, in this case, it is worth checking carefully that there is nothing flammable above them. But the fireplace picture looks simply stunning.

fuel for biofireplaces

There is also a built-in subspecies of biofireplaces. They can even be mounted on the ceiling. Special devices for their installation are not required - just a niche is being prepared in which your source of comfort will stand. Such a great variety pleases and improves reviews even more - a biofireplace becomes more attractive even for owners of small-sized vehicles.

Mobility or constancy?

An ordinary fireplace is built once and for all, you can’t move it. Biofireplaces in this respect are more "flexible." If you have a place in the house, as if intended by the planner, take the stationary option. It is quite heavy, but larger, it resembles its "castle brother". However, there are mobile bio-fireplaces for the apartment. Responses of people who are inclined to diversity and love rearrangements in the house are very approving in relation to mobile species, because they can be moved from the living room to the bedroom and read a book, enjoying the glimmers of live fire.

bio fireplace burner

What's in the firebox?

As already mentioned, you will not need either firewood or coal used in traditional stoves. Fuel for biofireplaces is ethanol denatured alcohol. In principle, pure ethyl alcohol could have been used, but international agreements prohibit its free sale, so you have to resort to denaturing.

When burned, fuel for biofireplaces breaks down into carbon dioxide and water, naturally generating heat and without causing any harm to nature. However, with the accumulation of CO 2, it can create discomfort for breathing, so you need to ventilate the room where the biofireplace stands. However, here he has an advantage over the natural one, since CO does not form during the burning of ethyl denatured alcohol, so there is no danger of burning out, even if the window is always closed.

What to look for

The main detail in the whole structure is a burner for a biofireplace. In principle, it is replaceable, so if you are not happy with your purchase, or the burner is out of order, it is easy to replace it with another. However, when buying this important spare part, pay attention to the wall thickness and metal quality - the durability of the service of your "hearth" depends on it. It is desirable that the burner for the biofireplace be protected from falling and, accordingly, spilling of alcohol. And for ease of use, it is better to buy a device (or a burner for it) with a regulator that will make the flame stronger or reduce it to a barely noticeable mysterious glow.

Have a nice evening in front of the fireplace!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F20951/

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