Construction company Keil Stroy: customer reviews

It’s so good to relax in your own personal garden after a busy working week! The dream of a cozy country house excites our compatriots. However, for many, this idea seems impracticable. Indeed, behind it are time, strength and means, which not everyone has. IC "Keil Stroy" will help to cope with all the problems. The construction company operates in the Leningrad region. Consumers trust this developer. He builds houses with full knowledge of the matter, in a short time and at an affordable price. Below you can read reliable reviews about the work of this company.

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general characteristics

IC "Keil Stroy" specializes in the construction of frame and timber houses. She has been involved in construction for more than 10 years. During work, the best Russian and world traditions of wooden architecture are applied. Advanced modern technologies are also finding their place. Projects are implemented on a turn-key basis. The developer always fulfills its obligations. He already has 279 satisfied customers.

Feedback System

The activities of IC Keil Stroy are absolutely transparent. 260 families live in country houses built by the company. Someone lives in them permanently, someone in the warm season. There are people who prefer to come to the country only on weekends. However, all clients of the developer share a common feature: they are very satisfied with the result. This is evidenced by numerous reviews and letters of appreciation. Kind words about honestly done work - the best advertisement for "Keil system." On the official website of the company every positive comment is published. Moreover, in all cases, it is provided with a link to the project, which is described in the recall. Thus, any person can be convinced of the reliability of the above examples.

Kale Stroy in St. Petersburg Construction Company

Non-female affair

Many women doubt that they will cope with such a difficult task as building a house. But what if you have been dreaming of a cozy country haven all your life? It remains to enter the Internet and shovel all the available offers. The construction company "Keil Stroy" in St. Petersburg looks great against the background of other developers. There are several significant advantages in her favor:

  • official site with comprehensive information about the work;
  • own office in St. Petersburg;
  • excellent quality of building materials;
  • control over proper execution at all stages of construction.

Thus, even an ignorant person or a weak woman can apply to the company and be sure of the final result. SK never makes impossible promises. For example, building a turnkey house is not always possible, as it takes time to shrink the structure.

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Justified expectation

Building a house is not a quick matter. In the case of Keil Stroy, you still have to wait your turn. The fact is that the developer is very in demand in the real estate market. The team works in good faith, trying to realize all the wishes of customers. You probably have to tolerate the start of construction for several months. We hasten to assure you that this expectation is fully justified. Firstly, if a company has a lot of orders, it means that its activities are greatly appreciated. Secondly, a scrupulous approach takes time. And many customers in their reviews note:

  • competent approach to work;
  • compliance with all sanitary and fire regulations;
  • the ability to compromise in each case.

Of course, the client is always right. But sometimes his wishes are incompatible with reality. However, the company's specialists will always find the opportunity to meet the customer and do their job conscientiously.

construction company keil stroy

Captivating accuracy

Moreover, it manifests itself in everything. IC “Keil Stroy” is kind to the stated terms. The construction of houses is carried out exactly according to plan. Delays are possible only in exceptional cases. The client is immediately notified of any force majeure. In addition, the developer is very careful about building materials. On the developed land is always reigning order. Everything is very neatly folded and delivered to the customer in the best possible way. He can calmly wait for the house to shrink, and then turn to the same company for interior decoration. The most important thing is the lack of additional costs. Customers pay a pre-agreed amount. After that, no surprises await them. The company is extremely sensitive to costs and saves every ruble received.

Ready projects

The construction company Keil Stroy has another major advantage. The fact is that it offers customers ready-made projects. You can choose your favorite option, made by frame technology, or order a home from a profiled beam. Many people like, for example, the DM-01 project, which in its features resembles the wonderful temple of Artemis. Transformed into a comfortable country house, it looks great on any personal plot. According to customer reviews, this construction option is the most democratic. The construction team works quickly and smoothly. All customer wishes are taken into account, and defects are immediately eliminated. Nine months after the construction, the building does not even shrink. An open veranda with a balcony winters perfectly. Dampness does not threaten the house - well-designed gaps between the boards provide good ventilation. The interior space is very functional. It allows you to realize all your creative potential in the design of the premises. As a rule, people are very satisfied.

Kale Stroy in St. Petersburg Construction

Work at any time of the year

Real professionals work in SK "Keil Stroy" in St. Petersburg. The construction company works quickly and clearly, using its own proven tools. Experts are well versed in the technology of building houses made of wood. Therefore, the walls are always smooth, and the corners are dense. According to the reviews, the buildings are well erected both in the warm and in the cold season. High-quality material is delivered to the facilities. They carefully cover everything with a film. In order to conduct work from early morning to late evening, special light masts are being constructed. Construction is carried out even at very low temperatures. Therefore, houses are often built ahead of schedule. After completing the work, customers are given useful advice on caring for it. Satisfied customers advise the responsible developer to their friends and acquaintances.

Sensitivity and understanding

Everything happens in our life. For example, just a couple of weeks are left before a vacation, and you have already placed an order for the construction of an object. Always meets the wishes of customers of SK "Keil Stroy" in St. Petersburg. The company can deliver a log house on the site in just 14 days. At the same time, a flexible approach is applied when working with clients. In finished projects, changes are made that meet all the needs of consumers. The reviews emphasize that the team of builders works without any additional costs. Worker accommodation and transportation costs are already included in the project cost.

High quality

Many customers write positive reviews immediately after the construction of the house. However, more reliable information can be obtained from people who have been living in it for more than one year. The building shrinks for approximately 12 months. However, the walls do not deform, the roof does not leak, and does not blow from the windows. Indoor room temperature is maintained. On the inner beam, mold sometimes appears. But this is a natural process, because natural material always contains a certain amount of moisture. The stains leave without a trace after the wood has completely dried. All this indicates that the logs are installed correctly.

cale system reviews

Affordable prices

IC "Keil Stroy", reviews of which are published in this article, specializes in economy class housing. Prices are set very reasonable. Moreover, the detailed development of the estimate does not entail any surprises - the cost of services does not increase by a ruble. The procedure for settlements with a construction company is absolutely clear and completely logical. It includes several stages:

  • deposit;
  • purchase of material;
  • payment for part of the work done;
  • final settlement.

The developer takes about half the cost of the material. This is a unique phenomenon for the Leningrad region. As a bonus, some customers are left with a certain amount of timber. Additional work is done at the request of the client. At the same time, prices remain quite reasonable.

sk keil system

Now you know about the advantages of Keil Stroy IC. First of all, it is an honest fulfillment of all stated obligations. Contact this construction company and you will never regret it!


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