How to choose an electric meat grinder: tips for housewives

Gone are the days when the meat grinder in the kitchen looked like a kind of sophisticated torture tool from the early Middle Ages. Now that we have electric tools, we can use them to make not only minced meat, but even cabbage rolls, dolma, sausages and even noodles. But because the question of how to choose an electric meat grinder, no longer looks far-fetched!

how to choose an electric meat grinder
When choosing, you need to pay attention not only to the appearance and your preferred company, but also to the technical characteristics, which in general should be the determining factors for the purchase. Since it is not easy to choose an electric meat grinder for these characteristics, it is better to read our article in advance.

Of course, buyers most often look at power. Models from different manufacturers can produce from 200 to 2000 watts. High power is the ability to quickly and efficiently turn even the toughest and sinewy meat into several kilograms of high-quality minced meat.

But we must remember that significant power characteristics inevitably lead to the fact that the noise level and power consumption will be high. Before choosing an electric meat grinder with high power, it is better to accurately imagine the justification of such an acquisition.

Be that as it may, but performance depends on the previous parameter. It is calculated in kilograms of products that your meat grinder can process in one minute. Most household models can crank about a kilogram of meat in a minute.

how to choose an electric meat grinder for home
Before choosing an electric meat grinder, look carefully at the stickers located on the case: as a rule, the manufacturer will try to display these characteristics first.

The material from which this body is made is also very important. It is generally accepted that plastic models are a bad choice, but this is not at all the case. All normal manufacturers use special food-grade plastics: they not only do not emit any harmful substances, but are also quite durable.

But there is one caveat. Since you need to choose an electric meat grinder for the house, taking into account its subsequent long operation, it is better to look at the varieties with metal cases. They are more practical.

As for the β€œgiblets” of the meat grinder, all of them must be made of high-quality stainless steel. It is unacceptable to buy the products of some modern manufacturers, who are trying to save some of the parts for plastic counterparts to save.

how to choose an electric meat grinder reviews
Finally, pay attention to additional features.

It will be nice if your meat grinder is equipped with engine protection. Such systems automatically terminate the current supply if the loads become out of range. Autoreverse - the possibility of reverse rotation of the screw mechanism. This is very convenient, as it allows you to get rid of the sinewy meat wound around the mechanism.

Finally, before choosing an electric meat grinder (reviews say the same), go through several stores, find out the price plug for the models you are interested in. Choose only those models that you need: there is no reason to follow the advice of the consultants, overpaying for numerous "bells and whistles".


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