Disney Fairies Dolls: How and What to Choose for Your Princess

Looking at the variety of toys for girls, many parents are just at a loss how to please their princess. Disney Fairies dolls can be a great gift, as this series is very popular, as well as the cartoon itself. Well, and what kind of girls do not like magic?

disney fairy dolls

What do parents say?

Many mothers and fathers are happy that their girls play with Disney Fairies. If only because it allows you to develop imagination. In inventing various stories about their heroines, girls actively fantasize, imitating what they saw in the cartoon, or creating their own unique games and events. In addition, Disney Fairies dolls have become an excellent substitute for the famous Barbie, which used to be very popular. There are various sets, allowing parents to choose the most suitable option.

disney fairy dolls photo

11 cm models with accessories

Disney Fairies dolls in this category are a fairly salable item. Firstly, their cost does not exceed 1200 rubles, which does not hit the parental pocket too much. Secondly, you can collect a collection of all fairies for a long time. And, therefore, the question of what to give the child for the next holiday, disappears by itself. Thirdly, these models are quite durable. Made of high-quality plastic, the toys have bent legs and arms, a plastic hairstyle that always remains perfect, and a set of accessories in the kit. So, the winter fairy-forget-me-not can be dressed up in one of four dresses that are made in the best traditions of the cartoon - in delicate pink, blue and lilac colors. Yes, and she also has a fashionable purple handbag. Ideal for a gift to a young princess. The Disney Fairies dolls, the photos of which are given in this article, are not just dolls, they are a kind of children's brand that allows the girl to feel special and unique.

disney fairy dolls set

11 cm single models

Disney Fairies dolls (Disney Fairies) without any accessories in this variation will cost only 500-700 rubles per model, which is also pleasant for parents. Such a gift will not hit the family budget much, but it will bring the child a lot of joy. In general, fairy figures look the same as in sets with accessories. Unless their wardrobe is presented only by what is on the models themselves. But, by the way, you can buy clothes for fairies separately. Or, for example, sew on your own.

23 cm models

These are big enough dolls for the game. Their cost fluctuates around 1,500-1,800 rubles per model. And there are significant differences with the 11-centimeter "sisters." The first is the size itself. Playing with a large toy is much more convenient and enjoyable. Secondly, the hairstyles of the models are not made of plastic, but of artificial hair. That is, the Disney Fairies dolls can be combed and arranged as desired by the owner of the toy. This also develops fantasy very well. Thirdly, the wings of the fairies come unfastened, which creates an unimaginable number of options for games and creating stories. Girls, as practice shows, like to fantasize not only that their favorite heroine is a magical creature, but also to know that this is the most ordinary doll that you can bathe, for example. And all this without fear of spoiling the toy. In a series of 23-centimeter models, all the fairies that are found in the cartoons of the same name are presented.

disney dolls fairies disney fairies

Sets of two dolls (11 centimeters)

This is one of the most beloved options among girls. For example, a set of Disney Fairies dolls, consisting of two dolls and 25 accessories for them. This is a whole story that you can play again and again as you want. Many outfits for dolls delight girls with the fact that it is possible to dress their heroines in different ways, each time in something new, corresponding to a made-up occasion. In addition, many show design talents already in childhood, creating their own unique collection of clothes from what is in the set, complementing with what is at hand. The cost of a set may vary depending on what is included in it, but on average it does not exceed 2500 rubles. And if it is an analogue of the original pupae, then even cheaper. Although the quality of this may suffer a little.

Many dolls and immediately

Perhaps this is the biggest dream of little sorceresses. A set of Disney Fairies (6 dolls) will cost parents an average of 4000-5000 rubles, provided that the model is 11 centimeters in size. Yes, this is not the cheapest gift, but how much joy he can bring to a girl! The set contains, as a rule, the most popular dolls that are so loved by young princesses. Each doll is dressed in its own unique outfit, which is fully consistent with what is shown in the cartoon. Yes, and you can always come up with your own how to decorate clothes of your own free will.

Disney Fairy Set 6 Dolls

Is it worth it to purchase?

If a girl constantly revises the cartoon "Fairies", talks about the main characters, devotes her drawings to them, then she definitely stands! Let the gift not be the cheapest, but the young sorceress will be immensely happy. In addition, playing with dolls, as proven by child psychologists, is very important and educational. In the modern world, many parents seek to surround their children with all kinds of gadgets, which somewhat harm the development of the kids. And the good old dolls, albeit in a new fashionable packaging, remain indispensable and useful. In addition, the cartoon itself, to which entire series of Fairies sets are dedicated, is very kind and instructive. Girls will be interested in playing with the heroines and looking at them. It is worth buying one doll from the series to check how enthusiastically the baby will deal with it.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F20963/

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