How to make a wind generator from a car generator with your own hands?

If you want to make a wind generator from a car generator with your own hands, it will be necessary to prepare all the tools and materials, as well as familiarize yourself with the methodology of the work. Quite often, carrying out this kind of work does not take a lot of time and energy from the master, but the services of a turner may need to be used. This statement, of course, is true only if you yourself are not a professional in this field. Be that as it may, a specialist in this profile will perform the minimum number of manipulations, which is why you can do the rest of the work yourself. As a result, it will be possible to obtain a design with a long service life.

Guidelines for handling

do-it-yourself wind generator from a car generator

For work, you can use a 95A generator at 12 V. At the first stage, it is recommended to remove the field winding and electronic control circuits. Now you can remove the winding, and put in its place ring ferromagnets in the amount of 3 pieces, each of which should be 85 x 35 x 15 millimeters. These items need to be borrowed from the speakers.

How to eliminate errors?

do-it-yourself wind generator

The installation should be made inside the so-called crabs, after manipulations they will attract iron elements well. In order to exclude this phenomenon, you need to put everything on a metal shaft. This is due to the fact that the shaft shunted through itself magnetic lines of force. If you decide to make a wind generator from a car generator with your own hands, then you may have to order a new shaft from a material that is not related to the magnet. To grind the shaft, you can find a piece of a titanium rod. After that, the rotor should work properly. If the generator at 600 rpm will produce only 4 V without load, you will have to rewind the stator.

Technology of work

wind generator from a car generator

The master should increase the number of turns by 5 times, this will reduce the diameter of the wire. At idle, the voltage will be 20 V. If you boot using an electric bulb borrowed from a car headlight for 60 candles, the voltmeter will show 12 V, while the ammeter will show 5 A. If you think it is insignificant that the 1.3-kilowatt generator produces 60 watts, you can use a gearbox. This is due to the fact that 600 rpm is too small an indicator to compare with a car generator. Power will increase in proportion to the number of revolutions. If you can get neodymium magnets, the size of which will be 50 x 20 x 5 millimeters, in the amount of 12 pieces, then you can make a new rotor.

Rotor work

homemade wind generator from a car generator

If you decide to make a wind generator from a car generator with your own hands, you can make a rotor. To do this, you need to prepare aluminum scrap, which old pistons from an internal combustion engine are capable of acting as. In a steel mug, it is possible to re-melt aluminum scrap, and from the obtained blanks - to grind the base of the rotor, this element can be planted on the old shaft from the first rotor. On the one hand, a side should be left, the width of which will be 8 millimeters, and the rest of the aluminum must be removed with a cutter, deepening to such a distance that will be equal to the dimensions of the magnets and the metal bandage. It will be necessary to add 5 millimeters to these parameters.

Bandage Tips

wind generator from a generator

A wind generator from a car generator with their own hands can easily be made. The bandage is easy to perform from pieces of steel pipe, the diameter of which should be 100 millimeters. This workpiece should be pressed all the way into the side on the base. On the sides, the master should mark up, which will be represented by 12 sectors. Magnets should be fixed with glue on a metal bandage, while it is worth sticking to the previously made markings. You need to use glue "Second", while alternating polarity. After that, the magnets are wrapped with wax paper, and reinforced with adhesive tape on top so that the adhesive tape adheres to the side. You will need to prepare the epoxy glue by carefully pouring it into the space between the magnets. After the composition has hardened, it is necessary to balance the position of the rotor on parallel metal rulers, which should be clamped horizontally in a vice through a piece of board. The rotor will rely on these elements with its shaft, rolling, as if on rails. It is important to consider that there should not be an imbalance.

Shaft and hub recommendations

car generator windmill

If you are thinking about how to make a windmill from a car generator, you should consider that the shaft diameter should be equivalent to 20 millimeters. At the end of this workpiece there should be a thread and a key. A two-stage spacer sleeve is installed between the bearing and the generator propeller, the outer diameter should be as possible as possible, only in this way the propeller will be well pressed against the end. Behind the bearing inside the generator there should be a spacer sleeve, which must be abutted in the rotor, or rather in the disc. After you assemble the generator, it may turn out that the magnetic sticking is excessively large, while turning the rotor mechanically will be difficult enough, despite the fact that the magnets are glued with a slight bias.

Generator test

homemade windmill from a car generator

Do-it-yourself windmill from a car generator is quite simple to perform, it will be possible to test the generator on a lathe. If all is well, then the results should please. When the number of revolutions per minute is 125, it will produce 15.5 volts, while at 630 revolutions without load, this figure will be 85.7 volts. If we are talking about the load on the nichrome wire at 630 rpm, the voltmeter will show 31.2 volts, while the ammeter will be 13.5 amperes. Thus, the power will be equal to 421.2 watts. This indicates that neodymium magnets work 7 times more efficiently than ferrite magnets.

The nuances of the work

When a do-it-yourself wind generator is manufactured, it may be necessary to rewind the stator with a large wire diameter to reduce stress. To reduce magnetic sticking between the stator and the rotor, you can go through the stator plate. It is worth considering that this work is very painstaking. Using an angle grinder you can get rid of the seams, each plate should be separated with a hammer and knife. If you decide to make a wind generator with your own hands, then a flat anvil may be needed in the work, on which it will be possible to level out with light blows using a rubber hammer. As soon as the plates can be separated, you can use the help of a turner, ordering the undercut of the equipment for assembly. The tooling has in its composition a cylinder whose diameter is equivalent to the same indicator characteristic of the plates. The second flange will slide freely along the cylinder. In the flanges you need to make two oppositely located holes, the diameter of each of which will be 6 millimeters. They are necessary for the installation of guide rods. The latter should have a diameter within 5 millimeters. The master can start assembling a homemade wind generator from a car generator on a snap, putting it on the cylinder so that the rods are inside the opposed grooves. After assembly, the rods can be tilted in different directions to the stop, clamping the plates with clamps in an amount of 4 pieces. The skew should be 13 millimeters with a height of a set of plates of 36 millimeters.

How to choose between rotary and drum wind turbines?

Do-it-yourself wind generator can be made on the basis of a drum or rotor design. The coefficient of removal of air masses will always be lower for drum structures compared to propeller ones. If you try to approximate this parameter, the device will turn out to be quite complicated. At the same time, excessive financial costs cannot be avoided with the same capacity. Among other things, the drum unit must have a very sophisticated protection system that eliminates spacing. In view of this, masters quite often refuse this element in the design.

Propeller Guidelines

A homemade windmill from a car generator cannot be made without a propeller. After the stator can be rewound, it will be possible to start manufacturing one of the important parts. There can be three blades, and they need to be cut from a duralumin pipe, the length of which is 1 meter. At the very beginning, the width of the element should be 120 millimeters, while at the very end - 50 millimeters. Inside is a metal disk with a diameter of 100 millimeters. Its thickness should be equivalent to 2.5 millimeters. For rivets, holes will need to be made, and between them and the upper flaps, blades will have to be installed. The ends of the latter will need to be adjusted in order to get an equilateral triangle. When a windmill is made from an automobile generator, it will be necessary to balance by suspending the propeller on a thread through the central part.

You can get rid of excess weight with the help of an angle grinder, which is equipped with an emery cloth. The blades should be well sanded. You will need to prepare a frame from a metal corner to fix the generator, the tail axis is welded to it. Paws should be attached to the body of the generator, which will allow fixing to the frame.


A wind generator from an autogenerator may emit some sounds during operation. This is due to the fact that inoperative step from the end of the blades to the mast is only 12 centimeters. The centrifugal force does not allow the blades to bend, and the ends of the blades approach the mast, depending on the strength of the wind. A wind generator from an automobile generator has many advantages, and the creation of some noise during operation can not be called a clear minus.


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