The most unusual aquarium animals

Why are pets brought up? Most often for the sake of communication. How pleasant it is to pet a cat or a dog, receiving in return love and devotion. A warm wool ball will warm and soothe. But not everyone needs a similar manifestation of feelings from our younger brothers. It is enough for someone that the pet was beautiful, pleasing to the eye and decorate the interior. Aquarium animals are a good option.

Do you know them

Who are they? Fish, for example. Among them there are unpretentious individuals, the contents of which can be entrusted even to a novice lover of aquarium animals. The males live perfectly in stagnant water, which means that the owner will not need additional accessories, such as a compressor. It is necessary to enrich the water in the aquarium with oxygen. Other species of fish will die without it. Goldfish is very beautiful, but experience will be required to maintain it. Otherwise, having not long pleased the look of the owner, it will pop up belly up. There are exotic fish. They are very beautiful. Some of them are rarely found in home aquariums. After all, their content requires specialist knowledge.

Two Denisoni Barbuses in the aquarium

Barbus denisoni

This aquarium animal is expensive and almost never found in ordinary lovers. The barbus gained wide popularity in 1997. Then aquarists were able to get to know him at an international exhibition in Singapore. Its natural habitat is mountain streams and rivers of Asia. This fish does not have large fins. It is smooth with an elongated (15 cm) body of olive color. A black stripe goes along it, and a red one above it. The dorsal fin also has a red stripe. In an amateur aquarium, Denisoni's barbs cannot be kept. They live in packs of 10 individuals. Consequently, they need such a volume of water that it is impossible to maintain in an ordinary apartment.

Freshwater Shrimp

But then there are other unusual aquarium animals that may well live in our apartments. Shrimp can be a great option. Yes, they are not only tasty, but also beautiful. The main thing, having them in your aquarium, is not to think about their edibility and not be distracted from their elegant appearance. Shrimp living in seawater cannot be kept in an ordinary apartment. Therefore, it is necessary to choose freshwater inhabitants. These aquarium animals are peaceful. Observing their life will help relieve stress, calm nerves. Other representatives of the fauna may be kept with them, the main thing is that they be calm and peaceful and not try to enjoy shrimp.

Itโ€™s easy to care for these crustaceans. If you create acceptable conditions for them, they will happily swarm at the bottom and even multiply. But if they donโ€™t like something, the temperature of the water, for example, they may well try to escape from the aquarium. This is the difference between such aquarium animals and fish, which, even with all the desire, will not be able to leave the inhospitable "house". Therefore, the novice owner must take care to prevent escape - close the lid of shrimp.

Aquarium shrimp

Freshwater crayfish

There are creatures that can decorate the aquarium. These are crayfish. Dwarf individuals were bred for maintenance. The length of their body is 3-5 centimeters. They are very beautiful. Their shells come in different colors. There are red and white Florida crayfish, Cuban blue, Mexican - taupe, Mexican - orange. Crayfish live only at the bottom. Therefore, they do not need a high aquarium. But the bottom area should be large enough to provide these creatures with freedom of movement.

Don't get bored

These animals are very interesting to watch. They don't just swim back and forth like fish. Crayfish build themselves caves, dig minks in the ground. Therefore, care must be taken to ensure that it has a solid thickness and that arthropods can move it freely. The best option is river pebbles, but a specially created artificial soil, which can be purchased at a pet store, is also suitable. You will also need plants that will last a long time, because the crayfish do not damage them, but like to dig around the roots. It's no secret that these arthropods molt. Owners will have a unique opportunity to see with their own eyes how this all happens. But you have to be patient. Shedding takes place at night and lasts only a few minutes. So itโ€™s important not to miss the moment.

Blue crab on stones


People who like to brag about the fact that they have exotic aquarium animals at home are constantly searching. They want to be the owners of something unusual, not like everyone else. In their aquarium you can find, for example, axolotl. Seeing this animal, you will not forget it and you will not confuse it with anyone. His appearance is very exotic. Axolotl looks like a white newt with red feathers sticking out of its head. These are the gills. An interesting feature of these animals is that they can regenerate the lost part of the body. If you contain several individuals of different sexes, it will be possible to observe the reproduction of axolotls. These creatures are slow, most often calmly lie at the bottom waiting for feeding or slowly swim. Therefore, they are most suitable for people seeking tranquility from the contemplation of aquatic inhabitants.

Axolotli in the aquarium

What are those looking for who are interested in aquarium animals? Photo with titles. They are in this article. After reading it, you learned that at home in the aquarium can live not only fish, but also crayfish, shrimp and the mysterious axolotl.


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