We breed sweet peas. Planting and plant care

sweet peas planting and care
Sweet pea flowers have rightfully become the favorite vines of most gardeners. And this is understandable. The plant is considered to be fast-growing, pleases the eye with beautiful flowering and exudes an amazing aroma.

Planting sweet peas is mainly made for vertical decoration, although now emerging varieties of undersized varieties are becoming popular. Lianas, on average, can stretch up to two or three meters, and low varieties up to 40 cm. Sweet peas are an ornamental plant with flowers collected in inflorescences, resembling butterflies with spread wings. They have a large set of different colors and a pleasant aroma.

Planting sweet peas is done through seedlings or sowing seeds directly into the ground. For seedlings, seeds are sown in boxes or in cups with fertilized organic soil.

Sweet peas, planting and care of which are quite traditional, are supposed to be sown in March. Before planting, the seeds are soaked in water for a day, a dense shell is removed from the seed for speed of germination. In the third May decade, seedlings are transplanted at a small (30 cm) distance from each other. It is necessary to dig out carefully so that the earthen lump on the roots of the plant does not crumble.

sweet pea flowers
Sweet pea. Landing and care on the ground

Landing in the ground involves the fulfillment of several requirements:

  • the earth should be light, well-dug and fertilized organic matter;
  • the plant loves moisture, it should be watered abundantly, but rarely (with drought - once a week);
  • when watering, the earth needs to be wetted deeply (the flower is completely moisture resistant, but severe drought causes withering and color fall);
  • young seedlings need to be pinched on the third leaf in order to stimulate the growth of side shoots;
  • top dressing and seedlings, and young shoots are produced by complex fertilizer ;
  • the flower needs a crop rotation, it should be returned to its original place after five years.

65 days after germination and until the first frost, sweet pea blooms. Proper planting and care will give a stunningly beautiful flower garden. The plant reaches its greatest decorativeness in places caressed by the sun's rays, with deeply watered and fertilized soils. From it you can create pyramids on the lawns, decorate balconies and cuts.

Top dressing

sweet pea planting
Three times top dressing is done. The first is the beginning of the growth of stems. For top dressing, take a tablespoon of urea and nitrophosphate in a 10-liter bucket. The second is when flowers appear. It is taken over a tablespoon of "Agricola-7" and sulfate in a 10-liter bucket.
The third - later, during flowering. Organic fertilizers Agricola for a flowering plant and Ross are taken and bred in 10 liters of water. Up to four liters of fertilizer are consumed per 1 m 2 .

Sweet pea. Planting and care, pests

The most common disease of the plant is considered to be downy and true mildew, spotting brown, black leg, aphid and nodule weevils. To prevent powdery mildew, the plant should be sprayed with Topaz before flowering, diluting it with one ampoule in 10 liters of water. But against the spotting and black legs preparations β€œFitoverm” and β€œIskra” will work.

And let the world around you become a little more beautiful!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F2098/

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