Jeans patch on the knee. DIY jeans repair

Sewing or repairing clothes requires special skills. But there are times when you can cope on your own. For example, simply by patching the jeans on the knee, you can extend the life of your favorite thing.

Jeans were torn on my knees: to sew or not to sew?

One of the most vulnerable places on jeans to wear is the knees. Pants are often wiped in this area, torn when falling (especially in children). Or, over time, spots appear that cannot be eliminated.

Lovers of ripped jeans can leave everything unchanged. But not everyone likes this style. In addition, some models of jeans look unaesthetically and messy with holes on their knees.

In this case, a simple solution appears: to patch the pants. This method will also help to transform a boring thing. It’s not necessary that they be ripped jeans.

Jeans patchwork for men and women

Women's jeans with patches on their knees can be purchased ready-made, or can be made independently.

leather patches

Sometimes jeans undergo such a transformation not so much for repair, but in order to make them more stylish and individual.

Depending on the material of the patches and the method of fixation, various images can be created.

  • For example, lace sewn from the inside looks romantic and feminine.
  • Patches made of leather will suit bold and bold fashionistas.
  • You can also slightly dissolve the threads at the edges of the patch, apply floral appliqués or cut out logos in the form of patches.

And there are a lot of such decisions. The choice depends on the taste and individual preference.

In a similar way, you can repair jeans with your own hands for men. They can also be vibrant and unusual. Or executed as discreetly as possible, to match the trousers.

patch for men's jeans

Patches for children's jeans

A patch on children's jeans on a knee can look very funny. If you show imagination, you can not only fix the pants, but also make them loved for the child.

For such a patch, you can use images of your favorite cartoon characters or various types of decor:

  • Buttons sewn in the form of eyes.
  • Small pieces of multi-colored fabric sewn in the form of animals, ears or protruding tongue.
patch for baby jeans
  • Multi-colored threads, which can also indicate a smile or face of an animal.

Baby patches may also vary depending on the gender of the child. For example, for a boy, you can prepare a patch in the form of a typewriter or a soccer ball.

And for a girl, you can additionally decorate your knees with sequins, beads, lace or satin ribbons around the perimeter, etc.

Types of Patches

Depending on the wishes, patches on jeans on the knee can vary greatly in their characteristics. They are:

  • Bilateral. This means that they consist of two elements. In shape, the parts repeat each other, but one part is larger and the other is smaller. A smaller patch is applied to the gap from the inside and the edges are sewn. Any seam may be suitable for this. The second element is applied on the front side. Due to the fact that its size is larger, it completely covers the edges of a small patch. You can fix it using a blind seam made by hand.
  • Set-in. This is a type of patch that completely replaces the damaged area of ​​the product. A damaged piece of fabric is cut out. Next, the patch is located on the clothes so that some of its edges coincide with the seams on the thing. This technique helps to make the repaired thing as natural as possible.
  • Overhead. A similar piece of fabric is simply applied over the damaged area on the front side and fixed with a hidden seam.
  • Artistic or decorative. Their function is not just to cover the torn place on clothes, but to become part of the decor and decoration.
lace patches

Such patches can be bright, unusual, made of another material that is different in color or texture. They can also be additionally decorated with decorative elements, lace, buttons, sequins, etc.

Of all these types of bilateral patches are the most durable and durable. And patch patches are easier to execute.

How to make a DIY patch

You can purchase a patch in the store ready-made. Its edges will already be processed and prepared. It remains only to carefully sew it on clothes.

Or you can make it yourself, based on your design.

To do this, trim jeans (for example, from previously shortened pants). They do not have to match in color. Contrast patches look even more interesting. Or you can use any other flap of fabric.

patch fabrics
  • Then you need to draw a patch of the desired size and shape on thick paper or cardboard.
  • Cut out cardboard template.
  • Attach the template to the fabric, circle with chalk or pencil.
  • Cut the patch.

Patches can be of regular geometric shape or have uneven edges.

Important! The patch size is usually calculated with a seam allowance. It is about two centimeters from the edge. Excess can then be trimmed.

What will be needed for repair

Before you start applying a patch on jeans on your knee, you need to prepare everything that may be needed in the process:

  • Jeans that need repair.
  • Needle and thread.
  • Ready patch or material for its manufacture.
  • Glue cloth.
  • Scissors.
  • Pins
  • Decorative elements, if provided.
    tools for repair

If you wish, you can do all the work with a sewing machine, if possible.

How to patch yourself: a step-by-step description

If it is impossible to go to the workshop or there is no sewing machine at home, then you need to know how to sew a patch manually.

  1. Prepare jeans, patch and tools needed.
  2. Attach a patch on the front side of the product and fix it in the correct position using pins.
  3. Pass the thread into the needle, fold it in half and tie a knot. First, thread the needle only from the inside of the patch. So that the knot subsequently appears between two layers of fabric, and not on the inside of the pants.
  4. Now you can lightly grab the patch with thread from several sides. This will not be the main seam, but will only help to better fix the tissue flap.
  5. Next, you can sew a patch around the perimeter. It is advisable to make accurate, identical stitches. The distance between them should also be the same.
  6. When the seam is ready, it must be secured with a knot. This knot, like the first one, needs to be placed between the patch and jeans.

The patch is ready. It remains only to remove the pins. If desired, you can further strengthen the hole on the knee by flashing it around the perimeter over the patch.

How to make an inconspicuous patch on jeans

If there is no desire to decorate the pants, then you can make the patch as inconspicuous as possible.

  • Place the hole on the knee on a flat surface.
  • Align all threads in the direction of the fabric fibers.
  • Iron them in this position with an iron through gauze.
  • Pick up a patch in the same color as jeans, or very similar.
  • Match thread color.
  • From the seamy side, put adhesive glue (or "spider line") on the hole no larger than the patch itself.
  • On top of the cobwebs, place the patch.
  • Make sure that the direction of the fibers on the patch and jeans match.
  • Iron everything over the patch.
  • Secure the edges of the cobwebs and latki with pins.
  • Now you need to sew stitches 5-6 mm long along the fibers.
  • They should create lines that fill up the space where the threads are torn.

You can do the work on a sewing machine or manually.

sewing machine

When the repair is completed - iron the jeans with an iron.

Jeans Repair Recommendations

In order to carry out the repair work as accurately as possible, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. If the texture of the fabric on the patch and on the pants is different, it is better to wash the patch beforehand. Then sew it to the problem area in a slightly wet form. These measures will help prevent deformation of the sewn fabric after the first wash.
  2. To apply an inconspicuous patch, it is recommended to prepare several skeins with threads of a similar color. In the process, you can choose the most suitable. It is not always possible to do this correctly visually.
  3. Items to be repaired must be washed first. Because they stretch out a bit during socks. Only then proceed to work.
  4. To prepare a patch for jeans on the knee, the direction of the fibers on it and on the pants should be taken into account. It is desirable that it match as closely as possible.
  5. When working with a dense fabric, you can rub the thread with beeswax. This will help her pass easier and not get confused.


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