Tomatoes: seeds, their preparation and sowing

Tomatoes can be grown both by direct planting in the ground, and with the help of seedlings. When using seedlings, fruiting of tomatoes begins earlier for 3-4 weeks. The most important condition for planting tomatoes is the correct selection of soil for seedlings. It should have a uniform ratio of the solid part with respect to the soft and gaseous, since with compacted soil the exchange with air is significantly impaired, resulting in poor seedlings.

Before sowing tomatoes (seeds) should be processed in any of the many ways. First, you need to calibrate the seeds in order to discard low-quality seeds that may not sprout or give a bad crop. To do this, the seeds are soaked in a 5 percent salt solution for several minutes, and then the pop-up seeds should be removed. Rinse the remaining thoroughly in clean water.

To disinfect seeds, potassium permanganate is used. Seeds for 20 minutes should be aged in a 1 percent solution of potassium permanganate, which will help get rid of many tomato diseases.

The procedure of soaking seeds and their germination will help to accelerate the emergence of seedlings. Soak the seeds should be in melt water, while its volume should be about 70 percent of the mass of water. First you need to pour a small amount of water, mix the seeds in it, and then add the remaining water. Tomato seeds for full soaking should be in the water throughout the day, after which they should be planted in the ground.

Also a very useful procedure is seed hardening, which can help increase yield in cold spring. To do this, before sowing, the swollen seeds must be kept in ice or in a refrigerator with a temperature of 0-3 degrees for about two days.

To increase the intensity of growth, tomatoes (seeds) are processed with biologically active elements and substances. For example, solutions of succinic acid and heteroauxin can be used.

Many people wonder which tomato seeds are the best and most fertile. It should be noted that for each natural climatic band there are their most optimal varieties. It is best to ask your local breeders or consult with gardening organizations. Also, before buying certain types of seeds, you should read information about them.

For those who regularly grow vegetables, it is recommended to see what good tomato seeds grow on their own site, and prepare them in advance. To do this, it is better to take the fruits of tomatoes with 1-3 brushes of the plant. You can take tomato fruits for the testes at any ripening period, starting from the moment when they become brown. It is worth remembering that too overripe fruits reduce the quality of seeds. If the fruits are still unripe, they can be brought to the desired condition for a couple of weeks. After the tomatoes become ripened and soft, you need to use a teaspoon to take out the seeds together with the pulp and place them in a glass jar, which should be placed in a warm place (about 20 degrees) for 3-4 days to ferment the resulting product. You can also add some water there.

After this, the seeds must be washed in clean water and dried in the fresh air, then the next year you will get good tomatoes. Seeds are laid out in a thin layer on cardboard or other suitable surface. So that they do not stick together, they should be wiped periodically. After the seeds have dried, they need to be laid out in sachets and stored until spring. Using this method gives good results, since the tomato crop will be from proven good varieties that are suitable for this soil and climatic conditions.


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