Attica grape variety: description with photo

Attica grape variety is distinguished by high taste and marketability. But far from every gardener manages to achieve a generous and stable crop of this type of culture. This is due to non-compliance with the basic requirements of the variety and errors in agricultural technology. Therefore, in order to achieve the desired result, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the characteristics of this species and the features of its cultivation.

History of the variety

Photo grapes "Attica"

This variety of grapes was bred about 40 years ago in Greece. Its creator is Mihos Vassilos. This variety is based on the species qualities of Alfons Lavallet grapes (France) and Central Asian Kishmish. As a result of selection, a seedless black variety was obtained.

In some reference books you can find another name for the species - Attika seedless, which means "seedless attica". But in both cases we are talking about the same variety.

Description of Attica grape

Attica is a self-pollinated species

This type of culture is distinguished by medium-sized bushes, the young vine on which fully ripens during the season. "Attica" is characterized by matte three- or five-lobed leaves of a saturated green hue. On top of the leaf plates have a smooth, slightly dissected surface, and on the reverse side there is a sparse hairiness.

According to the description, the grape variety Attica forms bisexual flowers, which guarantees a satisfactory fruit set regardless of weather conditions during the flowering period. The color of the berries when ripe turns purple with a thick waxy coating on the surface. The flesh is crisp transparent with a pleasant neutral taste. The fruits of the "Attica" have no seeds, with a dense eaten peel.

The variety is distinguished by large clusters

According to the description, Attica grapes (photo above) are characterized by the cylindrical shape of clusters, the length of which reaches 30 cm. The berries are densely arranged to each other. At the age of 3 years, the bush is able to form up to 8 clusters on 1 vine.

The variety, subject to the rules of agricultural technology, is characterized by high productivity, therefore, it needs to normalize the load.


The variety is well tolerated transportation

According to the main indicators, Attica grapes (photo above) are suitable not only for home, but also for industrial cultivation. This variety tolerates transportation and long-term storage with minimal losses.

Technical indicators of the "Attica":

Ripening period118-120 days
Cluster weight700-1000 g
Mass of berries4-5 g
Sugar content16-18%
Productivity25-30 t per 1 ha
Maximum load on the bush30 eyes

Growing Features

Attica prefers to grow in open sunny areas, protected from drafts. This variety is not demanding on the composition of the soil, but does not tolerate an increased level of salts and stagnation of moisture. The best yield indicator can be achieved when growing "Attica" on light sandy loam soil. When planting, it is necessary to observe the distance between the bushes of 1.5-2 m.

Trellis will help reduce the load

The variety has a tendency to overload with fruits, so it is recommended to regularly conduct short and medium pruning of shoots, as well as install vertical trellises to maintain the plant. This will help minimize the likelihood of damage to the vines during the formation and maturation of bunches.

Attica cuttings have a high percentage of survival. But to achieve maximum yield indicators, the variety needs a strong stock. Gibberellin treatment is not required.

Attica grapes need sufficient moisture during the pouring period. Therefore, it is possible to reduce the number of irrigations and prevent excessive evaporation of moisture by mulching the topsoil at the base of the bush. To do this, it is recommended to use peat, straw or humus. The thickness of the mulch should be at least 5 cm.

Before flowering, it is recommended to pinch young shoots, which will redirect the plant's forces to the formation of large clusters. In addition, during the entire growing season, sanitary pruning should be carried out, removing damaged, weak and dried branches.

For the full growth and development of the plant, it is necessary to carry out 3 stages of top dressing: during the period of growing green mass, before flowering and during the formation of fruits. At stage 1, it is recommended to use fertilizers with a high nitrogen content, at 2 - phosphorus-potash, at 3 - potash.

Grape clusters ripen evenly

Technical maturity of grapes occurs in late June - mid-August. This indicator depends on weather conditions and the region of the country. Harvesting is recommended a few days after the full staining of the berries. This will give the opportunity to fully reveal the taste of grapes "Attica".

Exposure to Diseases and Pests

Fungicide treatment recommended

This variety has a high level of resistance to gray rot. However, it is susceptible to defeat by other common crop diseases. Therefore, it needs preventive treatment with fungicides throughout the season.

The optimal result can be achieved by spraying the vines in different phases of bush growth:

  • after budding (from oidium) - the drug "Bayleton", "Topaz";
  • before flowering (from anthracnose, mildew) - the drug "Antracol", "Acedan";
  • after flowering (from oidium) - the drug "Falcon".

The main advantage of this variety is resistance to common pests of grapes: wasp, spider mite, grape itch, leafworm, phylloxera.

Winter preparations

Attica grapes are able to withstand temperature drops to -21 degrees. Therefore, to grow this species without shelter in winter is only possible in the southern regions of the country. In more severe frosts, even short-term, grapes freeze.

In the central and northern regions it is possible to grow the "attic" only with the condition of shelter for the winter. To do this, it is necessary to trim the shoots at the end of September after harvesting, and then spray the bushes with a 5% solution of iron sulfate. After that, remove the vine from the trellis and lay it on the soil. As a warming pad, you can use dry leaves, agrofiber, coniferous spruce branches.

In addition to sheltering the vine, it is necessary to insulate the roots of the plant. To do this, pour an additional layer of earth with a thickness of 5-10 cm and compact. Moreover, the soil should not be taken next to the bush, at a distance of at least 1-2 m.

It is also necessary to worry about snow retention. To do this, you can arrange vertical wooden shields 1-1.5 m high behind the grape bush in the direction of the wind.

Attica Advantages

Comparing the technical indicators of the variety, we can confidently judge its merits.

The main advantages of Attica grapes:

  • stable yield;
  • undemanding to the composition of the soil;
  • resistant to common crop pests;
  • immune to gray rot;
  • has a neutral pleasant taste of berries;
  • well tolerates transportation and long-term storage;
  • forms strong bushes;
  • develops a powerful root system;
  • undemanding to care;
  • differs in early ripening of bunches;
  • compatible with different stocks;
  • clusters are distinguished by a high rate of marketability;
  • early vegetation begins in the spring;
  • differs in friendly ripening of berries;
  • universal in application;
  • does not need additional pollinators.

Variety disadvantages

In addition to its advantages, Attica grapes have certain disadvantages that a gardener should consider when choosing this variety.

  1. This species does not tolerate shading and lack of light, therefore, bushes should be planted purely on the southern side of the site.
  2. When the soil is waterlogged, the berries crack, so the variety needs an optimal level of watering.
  3. The vine is prone to overload, so you need to constantly adjust the load. The maximum number of eyes on the bush is 30 pcs., The excess of their number will adversely affect the marketability of the bunches.

Gardeners reviews

Many gardeners respond positively to Attica grapes . This is due to the good pollinability of the variety, undemanding care and a neutral pleasant taste of berries. In addition, this type can be used not only in fresh form, but also used for the preparation of preservation, as well as raisins.

Negative reviews of the Attica variety are mainly due to the fresh taste of the fruit if the summer is cool. But at the same time, many gardeners claim that in this case it is worthwhile to be patient and leave the ripened clusters on the vine for another 7-10 days. This will allow berries to improve their taste.

Comparing the advantages and disadvantages of Attica grapes, we can confidently say that this raisin has a number of advantages compared to other types of culture. But to obtain a stable and high-quality crop, it is necessary to take into account all the requirements of the plant. Otherwise, all the efforts of the gardener may not live up to expectations.


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