Aquarium freshwater fish: description, names and photos

Aquarium is a great opportunity to watch the life of underwater inhabitants, without leaving your home. Aquarium fish can live in salt and fresh water, depending on their natural habitat. Among freshwater aquarium fish, there are many species that can delight the eye with a variety of colors and shapes. We list the most popular types of fish that live in fresh water, tell us about their features and conditions. The article also presents photos of freshwater aquarium fish.

General information

According to studies, freshwater fish make up 90% of the sales of all aquarium fish in the world. They are caught in rivers, lakes, swamps and artificial reservoirs. About 40% of fish species on Earth live in fresh water bodies. About 20% of freshwater fish species are threatened with extinction or have already disappeared. This is due to the destruction of the number of reservoirs in which fish species were found, represented only in this area. The reason for this is the drainage of reservoirs, the development of large areas and environmental pollution. Some species of freshwater fish are represented only in private aquariums, but in nature they have completely disappeared. In addition, there are species of fish bred in captivity as a result of human breeding. They are also not represented in nature, but are quite popular in home aquariums.

About 4 thousand species of freshwater aquarium fish are represented on the market. The most popular are carp-like species and cichlids. Cyprinids are not only kept in decorative aquariums, but also eaten. Cichlids are the largest family of freshwater fish, and it includes 2400 species. Next, we find out the names and get acquainted with the description of freshwater aquarium fish, which are most popular among aquarists. Consider the conditions of their detention.


gold fish

Goldfish are perhaps the most popular type of aquarium fish. They are very easy to maintain, hardy, forgive the mistakes of beginners. At the same time, pleasing your eye with gold-casting scales. These fish are able to withstand water temperatures from 3 to 30 degrees. With proper care, they can live for about 30 years.

The size of goldfish varies from 8 to 13 cm, although there are large varieties. The aquarium for one fish should be at least 80 liters. For each subsequent individual, the volume should increase by 40 liters. It is necessary to regularly change the water and use only high-quality feed. Goldfish feed on prepared, lively and freeze-dried foods.

Goldfish are quite friendly, however they can be attacked by other species of fish. Best of all, cardinals get along in one aquarium with them.

Danio ririo

Danio ririo

Danio Rerio (or Danio Zebra) is a hardy and unusual freshwater aquarium fish. It easily adapts to a wide range of water parameters, therefore it can be recommended to beginners.

Danio Rerio - active and fearless fish. They can be settled along with more timid species. By their example, Danio Rerio can show the neighbors that there is nothing to fear and hide. These are schooling fish, which should be kept in a group of at least 6 individuals for a comfortable existence. Females are larger than males, while males are different in color: they have larger strips on their bodies and are painted brighter yellow.

Fish can grow up to 5 cm. They live about 2-5 years. The temperature for them should be in the range of 18-24 degrees. These fish are easy to breed. The size of the aquarium for them should be at least 40 liters. You can feed the fish with cereals, live and frozen food.

Blue neon

Blue neon

Neon blue is a capricious and beautiful aquarium freshwater fish. These are schooling fish: it is desirable to keep at least six individuals in one aquarium. The minimum volume of the aquarium is 50 liters.

When you settle in the aquarium, you need to pay close attention to proper acclimatization. It should be slower than for other species, because blue neons are very sensitive to a sharp change in conditions. It is important to change water in time, monitor acidity and nitrate levels.

You can feed live and freeze-dried foods, cereals. The life span is 5-8 years. This is a peaceful species that can be kept with fish approximately equal in size. Big fish can eat them.


Fight fish

Fighting males are popular among aquarists due to a variety of colors, their huge chic tails and unpretentiousness. These are bright freshwater aquarium fish that are great for beginners.

Males have the most striking color; their tails and fins are much longer. You can not keep two males together in the same tank, otherwise they will fight to death. You can keep a male and a group of females together, while there should be enough shelter in the aquarium.

One cockerel can be kept in a container with a volume of 10-15 liters, fed 1-2 times a day. They are unpretentious in food, do not require expensive feed. The water in the tank must be changed every 4 days.


Guppy fish

Guppies are very popular among aquarists due to their stamina and unpretentiousness. They are easy to breed at home. Males boast bright colors and large magnificent tails. Females are more nondescript, but they are large.

Guppies are live-bearing fish. The fry, which the female gives birth to, are often eaten by adults, so the pregnant female should be planted in a separate container until delivery. Guppies are extremely prolific fish. If you do not want to engage in fry, a group of individuals of the same sex should be populated in the aquarium.

The size of an adult fish is up to 5 cm, they live about 3-5 years. Favorable for them water temperature is 19-29 degrees. Guppies are compatible with most non-aggressive fish. They need live food, and they should also give cereal and freeze-dried food. The more varied the food, the more active the fish will behave, and its color will be brighter.

Pearl Gourami

Pearl Gourami

Pearl gourami has an unusual color: white spots that resemble pearls can be distinguished on the body of the fish. Along the whole body is a dark streak. Males differ from females with elongated dorsal fins. Adults can reach up to 13 cm in length.

These are quite peaceful fish, however males can fight among themselves. It is advisable to contain one male and a group of females in one aquarium. These fish reproduce quite easily. Males make nests from air bubbles and put the game there. During the breeding season, they are able to boast of the most striking colors.

The male takes care of the fry until they learn to swim normally and get food themselves. After the male it is necessary to set it off, otherwise it may become aggressive towards the young growth.

Gourami are picky about feed. The minimum aquarium size for pearl gourami is 100 liters. They live in captivity for 3-4 years. This is a pretty hardy fish, because it is perfect for beginners.

Botsia marble

Botsia marble

Marble Botia is a tenacious and friendly fish that can easily get along with other non-aggressive species. These fish can reach a size of up to 10-15 cm, they live from 6 to 16 years.

Marble botsi have a light body color, on which dark stripes are located. The optimum water temperature for them is 23-28 degrees. These are active fish, which should be kept in groups of 4-5 individuals.

Fish do not show aggression, therefore they are safe for other aquarium inhabitants, although they can disturb shy and slow fish with their activity. Marble bots are pretty gluttonous. They eat both plant and animal food. It is advisable to give a varied diet, so you can achieve the most vivid color and greater activity. They are able to feast on small snails, therefore it is worth abandoning such a neighborhood. Minimum size of aquarium for marble bots: 150 liters.

Thus, due to the huge species diversity, freshwater aquarium fish are quite popular in home aquariums. Many of the species are easy to maintain, and therefore suitable for beginners. We gave the names of freshwater aquarium fish, which are the most popular among aquarists. Before purchasing fish, you need to carefully study the information on proper acclimatization, because a sharp change in conditions can become fatal for many species.


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