Mechanical plastering of walls: reviews, equipment, advantages and disadvantages

Using machine wall plaster allows you to get perfectly smooth surfaces. Which are well suited for further decoration. The quality of plastering is much higher than when using the manual method.

device for mechanical plastering of walls

This technology involves the use of a special device. Its main task is the mixing of the solution and high-quality mixing. As a result, it is possible to obtain a composition that is perfect in consistency. The manual part of the work consists only in filling the necessary components in the required amount inside the device. In the mixing part, the composition is kneaded, and material is fed to the surface from the storage hopper. A special nozzle allows you to evenly spray the composition on the wall. This device has a complex structure, so such a device is not easy to manufacture.

Features of mechanized plaster. The opinion of professionals

pft g4

Reading reviews of mechanical plastering of walls, you can understand that the master performing the work should only direct the hose from the device. At the same time, trying to ensure uniform distribution of the mixture in relation to the beacons. If the solution is applied in excessive quantities, this will reduce the strength of the plaster. Otherwise, gaps may appear on the walls. The most optimal thickness value varies from 10 to 35 mm.

As part of the device there is a reservoir, into which fluid with cement enters. A certain program allows the device to independently control the proportions of ingredients, which, according to home masters, is very convenient. Inside the tank, the ingredients are interconnected.

Tips, Opinions

Getting acquainted with the reviews on the mechanical plastering of the walls, you can understand that the nozzles accelerate the speed of work. Leveling the mixture on the wall can be done with large spatulas. According to the master, the execution speed of such plaster is 5 times higher than manual. For the work will be enough strength of 2 people. One must apply the composition, and the second can even out.


mechanical stucco wall advantages

Reviews of the mechanical plastering of walls indicate that it is necessary to begin work with a measurement of curvature. To do this, use the level. On external corners aluminum guides are installed. The work is automated and involves applying the mixture to the surface. First you need to connect the device to electricity and water. Dry powder is placed inside the hopper.

Some cars are equipped with a pump that pumps water if there is no centralized water supply in the area. The stucco composition is delivered using a falling screw to a special chamber where it is connected to water. During the entire working process, the machine mixes the mixture. The quality of the solution is very high. The mixture has good adhesion to the base.

Technology Opinions

Reading reviews of mechanical plastering of walls, you can understand that the work is done in several stages. Next, the mixture is transported to the surface through a hose. Leveling can be done with a rule, trowel or spatula. The type of tool used, according to the masters, is determined by the place and nature of the work.

As soon as the surface is leveled, the solution is left to dry. In order to control the evenness of the plaster, a level is used. You can eliminate minor defects in the form of scratches by grinding with a special sponge.

The main advantages of the method

disadvantages of mechanical wall plastering

The advantages of mechanical wall plaster compared to manual are many. Firstly, mixing the solution and bringing it to the required consistency is an automated process. This allows you to reduce the physical cost of plastering. Secondly, at all stages of work, it is possible to obtain a solution with the same consistency, because the machine constantly mixes the mixture. In this regard, the surface is not covered with bumps and cracks.

Thirdly, this method allows to reduce the volume of the solution for application on the wall. It is impossible not to mention the time taken to complete the work. It is reduced several times in comparison with the manual method. You will also enjoy the high quality surface. There will be no defects on it, and the texture will turn out smooth.

Main disadvantages

machine wall plaster

There are few disadvantages of mechanical plastering of walls, but they are. Among them, it should be noted that machine stations are quite expensive. It is profitable to purchase such equipment if you plan to work with large areas or professionally. In addition, such devices require constant maintenance. After work, the hoses will need to be thoroughly cleaned of residual solution, which complicates the process. During operation, you may not be happy with the fact that the car is making a loud noise.

Mix for plaster. What should i use?

The mixture for mechanical plastering of walls is presented in two versions - liquid and dry. With their help, you can process different surfaces, based on:

  • aerated concrete;
  • reinforced concrete;
  • drywall;
  • brick;
  • concrete.

The temperature range for the use of the solution is limited to + 5 to 30 ° C. The surface should initially be treated with a primer, which improves the adhesion between the plaster and the wall. After the layer has dried, further work is carried out. If you are carrying out facade plastering, the mixture should be cement-sand based. Water is used for dilution. Additives to the composition help to adjust the level of ductility and solidification time.

For internal plastering, gypsum-based mixtures can be used. They quickly set, but are only suitable for rooms with a normal level of humidity. Such materials let air through, so they allow the walls to breathe. This helps to get an even finish for further finishing.

If you use a cement-sand composition, then before further work it will be necessary to wait until complete drying, so that the material gains strength. The composition for application by machine must be more liquid than that used in the manual method.

Equipment for work

wall plaster

As an example of equipment, consider the plaster station PFT G4. It runs on a 400 V motor. The pump power is 5.5 kW. The number of revolutions of the pump per minute is 400. The feed drum has a power of 0, 75 kW.

The main indicator of work is the volume of mixture dispensed per minute. It is 20 liters. The feed range reaches 30 m with a diameter of 25 mm. Working pressure is 30 bar. The design provides for the presence of an electric or pneumatic remote control. The diameter of the air hose is 13 mm. The filling height is 910 mm. 150 l in the receiving hopper.

The plaster station PFT G4 has the following dimensions: 1200x720x1550 mm. The total weight is 250 kg.

Distinctive features

This equipment has high performance with the ability to adjust in the range from 6 to 55 liters of mixture per minute. Correction can be made by changing a screw pair. The station is universal, its compressor has a high-pressure switch, which operates in automatic mode. This device for mechanical wall plastering can work with other machines. The device does not provide complex maintenance. Its cleaning is convenient and easy.

User's manual

The equipment has a safety device that activates the switch when tilted. It is located in the terminal box of the motor. The operation of the switch occurs when the shutter opens when the engine is tilted. If the machine is on an uneven surface, the switch will trip.

Before starting operation, the apparatus for wall plastering must be prepared. To do this, the locking roller is fixed. The machine must be installed on a flat surface and strengthened against unintentional movements. During operation, it is important to eliminate the movement or rocking of the station. It is important to make sure that there is no danger of foreign objects falling onto the machine. Controls should be easily accessible. Around the machine, it is important to provide a space of 1.5 m.

After connecting to a three-phase current network, a pressure maintenance pump is connected. It is important to connect an air compressor and its drive. Next, connect to the water fittings. It is necessary to close the water intake valve and connect the drain valve to the pump.

The PFT G4 should only be used with clean water, which is free from impurities. The water pressure should be 2.5 bar or less. Dry running is not permissible, as this shortens the life of the pump. The water hose should be disconnected from the mixing tower and open the water tap.

Technology of work

mechanical stucco wall reviews

The relevance of mechanical plastering is justified in large areas. Plastering can last several days, while manual work could only be done in a week or more. For mechanized application of the mixture, a plaster station or gun with a compressor should be prepared, which will deliver the composition under pressure. This allows you to get perfectly smooth walls with a durable layer and a long service life.

The plaster station is an independent system. Inside it, a solution is being prepared. At the next stage, he gets to the gun and is fed to the wall. But to begin with, the mixture must be filled in a hopper where water is poured. The gun should be held as tight as possible, because the solution comes under high pressure. The gun should be held at a right angle to the surface.

Another embodiment of machine plastering is to use a cartouche gun. This device does not prepare the solution, but involves pouring the finished mixture into the upper part of the device. You will need to turn on the compressor spraying the solution over the surface. The gun will need to be held in hands. It creates a high mechanical load on the operator, so it is less convenient than a plaster station.

Alternative mechanical plaster

Another method of mechanical plastering is the use of pneumatic shovels. It provides for spraying the solution thanks to the steel container scooping the mixture. Shovels can be designed for ceilings or walls. They also differ in the shape, location and size of the buckets. Their additional advantage is that such equipment is not so expensive, which means that you can purchase it for personal use.

The productivity here will be lower than when using the station. Before applying the plaster, prepare the surface. To do this, the ceiling or walls are cleaned, the installation of beacons. Then you can start applying the primer, then the angular guides are installed. After this, plastering begins.


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