The riddle of the book: encrypted folk wisdom

Riddles teach the baby to think and analyze, improve diction and memory. Riddles on the theme of the “book” are also useful in that they let the child understand how vast the wisdom contained on the paper pages is. They stimulate interest in the printed word, instill a love for it from an early age.

book riddle

Who speaks in silence?

Riddles appeared a long time ago, when many natural phenomena were still incomprehensible to man. Then a “secret language" appeared, which was able to turn into a riddle any object or event in people's lives. Now this is a word game, a tricky question and a puzzle at the same time, but they still point to the essence of things.

With leaves, but not a bush,

Stitched, but not a shirt,

He says, but not a person.

The riddle of the book can be very wise and poetic right away. Here is such a striking example:

Have paper birds

Hundreds of wings - pages.

There are simple, but no less substantial and deep in meaning puzzles created by the talented Russian people:

Without a language, he’ll tell you everything.

It’s very small, but it has given the mind.

Rhymed Puzzles

The riddle of the book is a storehouse of folk wisdom. Very often, such puzzles are presented in the form of a small verse:

Out of paper palace,

A sage lives there.

Generously treats with knowledge

Everyone who visits it.

puzzles on the topic of the book

It is important that the child is able to guess them himself, without prompting parents. At the age of three, he enjoys listening to magical stories that adults read to him, examines colorful illustrations, and probably managed to spoil the appearance of several books, so the kid will understand such a riddle about the book:

Pleases with paints

And fairy tales.

When it rains

We glue her dress.


I know everything, I’ll teach everyone

But I am silent, always silent.

To make us friends

You need to know all the letters.

There are more complex puzzles that are designed for primary school children. For instance,

She says without a sound

But boredom is not friends with her.

Speak more often with her -

You’ll be five times smarter.

If the riddle about the book is very pleasant, then the child will want to learn it by heart and tell her grandmother, grandfather, teacher and friends with expression in kindergarten or school. Thanks to the rhymed lines, the baby will learn to feel the beauty of his native speech.

The value of the book in people's lives

proverbs and riddles about books

Humanity has long treasured the book. Ancient books were cherished and passed on through generations as a great value. In troubled times, they were burned at the stake because they were afraid of the power and truth contained in them. The merit of the printed word in the development of civilization cannot be overestimated, and numerous proverbs and riddles about books serve as proof of this. Here are some striking examples of folk art:

Read books - to know everything in the world.

Gold is sought in the earth, and knowledge is found in books.

The book is the key to science.

The best gift is a book.

To be friends with a book - do not bother for a hundred years.

To make the baby inquisitive, active, do not neglect riddles and proverbs about books. The riddle is the best developmental tool for the child. At home or on the way to kindergarten, train with her help the baby's memory, imagination and logical thinking. A good and wise riddle is always out of place.


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