How to stop blood from a dog from a nail: first aid, advice of veterinarians

If the dog damaged the nail, every owner should know how to stop the blood. There are simple methods that do not require special training.

Most often, damage to the live part of the claw occurs during cutting. There are times when the dog itself is injured. In any case, damage of various kinds must be taken. How to stop the bleeding will depend on the location.

Each owner should know how to provide first aid, for example, if the dog’s blood is coming from the tooth, or how to stop it in case of pulp injury. It is worth noting that the actions will be completely different. In the first case, you just need to hold the gum for a while with a cotton swab. But you can’t do this with a paw. The fact is that the pulp (the living area of ​​the claw) is quite sensitive and hurts a lot when cut. Therefore, it is not recommended to press on it in any case. The dog simply will not allow it to be done, it will bite and break out. But do not panic. You can also stop bleeding in this area. The article will present effective methods that will be painless for the pet, and he will calmly withstand the procedure.

how to stop blood from a dog from a nail

Claw structure

Before you get acquainted with the methods of stopping bleeding, you need to understand the structure of the claw. It consists of two parts. The first is the outer hard shell. Inside it there is a spongy part, which is called the body. In appearance, it differs from the hard shell, primarily in color. This spongy material has a light pink hue. In the inside there are blood vessels and nerve fibers. That is why with too high a cut of the claw, bleeding can begin. Its intensity is different: from weak to plentiful. However, worrying ahead of time is not worth it. As a rule, a small wound does not pose a danger to the animal. All that is needed is to stop the blood. How to do this, read on.

how to stop a dog’s blood from toothing

How to cut dog claws correctly

In order not to think about how to stop the blood from a dog from the nail, you must be able to cut them correctly. Many owners are interested in: “Why do this and do animals really need a“ manicure ”? Dogs need to shorten their claws. The fact is that they can grow into the skin, and this will cause severe infection.

How to trim the claws? To do this, you must have special scissors. For large breeds they are suitable with a sickle-shaped blade, and for medium and small breeds they are suitable with a “guillotine”. Next, you need to examine each claw. If the dog has white, then it will not be difficult to determine the length of the pulp. The situation is somewhat more complicated with black claws. They can cut only sharp tips. This will guarantee that the living area will not be affected.

After trimming, it is recommended to file the claws with a nail file. This is especially important if the slices are uneven. In such places, they will eventually begin to exfoliate, and this is extremely undesirable.

dog injured a nail how to stop blood

How to stop a dog’s blood from nailing: five proven ways

Claw damage in dogs is common, so experienced owners have already tried many ways to stop bleeding. Let's look at those that are truly effective and approved by veterinarians.

  • Using a pencil.
  • The use of soap.
  • Compress from potassium permanganate.
  • Flour pasta.
  • Baking soda or corn starch.

It is important to understand that these methods are useful only in non-critical situations. If the animal has long and heavy bleeding, then there is no self-medication, only a visit to the veterinarian.

dog claw blood

Hemostatic pencil

How to stop a dog’s blood from a nail with a special pencil?


  1. Prepare the dog's paw.
  2. Wet the tip of the pencil.
  3. Fasten a paw with a damaged claw.
  4. Set a pencil in the wound and hold in this position for 2 minutes.

If the bleeding from the claw does not stop, the procedure can be repeated. However, the second time it will be necessary to hold the pencil longer - up to 5 minutes. If this does not help, then you must immediately contact the clinic.

To date, a hemostatic pencil is considered the most effective way to stop bleeding. It is advised by veterinarians. It is sold freely in specialized pharmacies.

Antibacterial soap

How to stop blood from a dog from a nail using soap? Complex manipulations for this will not be required. It is enough to take the paw of the animal and press the soap with a damaged claw. With this procedure, the wound closes with a kind of cork, which falls off after 3-4 hours. For its formation, the claw must be immersed in soap about 2-3 mm. After fixing this position for 3-4 minutes.

It is important when you press the soap to keep the claw clearly perpendicular. This action the dog may not like, it will start to break out, so you must definitely hold it tight during the procedure. It is recommended to remove soap from the claw carefully, as this place is very sensitive in the animal.

how to stop blood in a dog at home

The use of potassium permanganate

How to stop a dog’s bleeding at home? For this, potassium permanganate can be used. What is this substance? Powder of small crystals of dark purple color. This method is recommended by veterinarians. Most often, this is exactly how clinics stop bleeding from the claw.

What is needed for the procedure?

  • A little warm boiled water.
  • Potassium permanganate itself.
  • Cotton swabs.

The procedure itself is simple. You will need to dilute potassium permanganate in water. After taking the prepared swab, dip it in the solution and attach to the wound. Maintain about 30 seconds. Next, see if the blood stopped. If this does not happen, then the procedure is repeated. Re-apply the swab for 5 minutes.

Flour and water pasta

There is another simple way that you can stop the blood from the claw - a paste of flour and water. How to cook it? Take one teaspoon of water and flour. Mix well. Apply the composition to the claw better with a cotton swab, holding it on the wound for 5 seconds. If the discharge continues, then it is worth repeating the manipulation.

Baking soda

If you are interested in how to stop a dog’s blood at home after clipping, you can use baking soda for these purposes. The method is very simple. A paw with a damaged claw should be dipped in soda. Due to the fact that the place is oozing, a clot will form on it. He will stop the blood. This plug will disappear on its own after 40 minutes, so you will not need to do other manipulations.

how to stop blood in a dog after cutting nails

How to transport a dog to the vet if the bleeding does not stop

In most cases, bleeding after clipping is not dangerous for the animal. However, there are situations when the above methods do not help. Owners begin to worry about the pet and go to the veterinary clinic. It is advisable that the dog does not go under its own power, as it has an open wound on its paw. An infection can easily get there, which will significantly worsen the condition of the animal. So, how to properly transport a dog to the clinic for an appointment with a veterinarian?

  • First of all, you need to prepare a cotton swab and place it on the wound.
  • Next, bandage the paw with a bandage. To prevent the bandage from sleeping on the road, it is advisable to use a self-adhesive tape for fixing. Pulling your paw is not worth much. This can cause the animal discomfort, and it will try to pull off the bandage. Also, with tight bandaging, the pain spasm intensifies. This must be taken into account.
  • A dog in this condition can be nervous, so a sedative will not interfere with it.


The main thing to remember is that the claw trimming procedure should be regular. Veterinarians recommend doing this once a month. At first, the pet will not like this process, but over time he will get used to it when he realizes that this does not give him pain. It is also worth noting that regular claw trimming strengthens blood vessels. And then the problem of how and how to stop the dog’s blood after cutting the nails will disappear by itself.


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