How to dress in the theater? Theater Etiquette Rules

How to spend your free time, most effectively? There are a huge number of different options: playing sports, reading books, watching TV shows, meeting friends and acquaintances. One of the ways to effectively spend free time is to go to the theater.

how to dress in the theater

Why is this option the most preferable? How to dress in the theater? When and where did they appear? How to behave in the theater? What is unacceptable to wear other curious facts.

From the history of theaters

The first information about the origin of this art dates back to Ancient Greece. In those days, actors dressed in goatskins and sang songs in honor of the god of agriculture Dionysus. They were highly respected.

In Russia, theatrical art was born with the advent of ritual ceremonies and Christian holidays. One of the most beloved was Shrovetide. It was a ceremony of seeing off winter and meeting spring, for this holiday it was customary to collect large festivities with dressing up, jokes, games, performances.

Types of theaters in Ancient Russia

People’s. It was represented by buffoons, booths, puppeteers.

School. The plays were written by teachers, and students played them. Performances were shown on holidays.

The courtier. Appeared in the middle of the 17th century. The first stage directors and actors were foreigners, mostly Germans.

three piece suit

Curious facts

In ancient theaters, the plots of performances were only on mythological or historical themes.

The actors were only men who performed in special, high masks. Shoes with thick soles were put on their feet. Women were not allowed to perform, later they sat separately from men.

Actor Bruce Willis, known to many Russian viewers for his roles in the films "Die Hard" and "Armageddon", played in a school theater as a teenager.

The longest performance in ancient times could take - one year.

The first stone theater was built under Catherine II, it was located in St. Petersburg.

In the Middle Ages, women could only play maidservants or slaves.

Seven reasons to go to the theater

  1. Spend an evening in a beautiful setting and with nice people.
  2. Get the whole gamut of human emotions: laughter, tears, excitement, joy and others.
  3. Experiencing the fate of the heroes of the play, you can find a solution to some of their life problems.
  4. Broaden your horizons.
  5. Going to the theater can be a good family tradition.
  6. The ability to mentally travel to other times and learn a lot of interesting things about people's lives.
  7. The atmosphere of magic and fairy tales inherent in the theater helps to escape from everyday work and forget about unresolved problems.

how to dress a woman in a theater

How to dress in the theater

Many theatergoers do not always dress according to certain etiquette rules. Let's look at how to do it beautifully and elegantly. Basic Rules.

  • How to dress a woman in a theater? This issue must be taken very seriously, since attending such an event is considered a solemn occasion. First of all, it is necessary to take into account the type of theater, as well as the time of the performance. Children's and puppet clothes allow you to dress without any frills. It can be a skirt and a blouse, or a trouser set. For an evening performance in a drama theater, a classic dress would be more appropriate. Preferably black or blue. If you go to opera or ballet, then in this case you need to wear an evening dress. The options may be different, but be careful with the neckline and cutouts, they should not be too frank. A little black dress will be a win-win option for any kind of theater, the main thing is that its length should not be too short. Be sure to bring your second shoes with medium or high heels. Do not forget about accessories that fit your outfit: jewelry (earrings, rings, beads, etc.), scarves, a small handbag. The most important thing when choosing options for how to dress a woman in a theater is to remember that clothes should be smart and comfortable. Makeup should be made more vivid and festive than daytime.
  • How to dress a man in a theater? A suit of dark colors is preferable: black, blue, gray. The shirt should be light shades, preferably plain. Do not forget about a tie or neckerchief.
  • How to dress a teenager in a theater? The best choice would be a dress to the knees or a little higher, as well as a skirt with a blouse or blouse. You can choose any color. Pants can be worn if there are no skirts or dresses in the wardrobe.
  • How to dress in a theater for a musical? Evening dresses and costumes should be worn in classical theaters, and in more modern ones, options may be slightly different. For a man - jeans with a jacket, and his companion - a dress or a skirt with a blouse, jeans are also possible. The musical allows you to wear clothes of a more informal nature, although you should not forget that this is still a theater.

how to dress a man in a theater

Suit - Three

This option for going to the theater is best chosen by a man. What is included in the concept of a three-piece suit? Pants, jacket and vest. Most preferred colors: black and gray. The vest can be of a different shade than trousers and a jacket. In such a suit, any man will look elegant and solemn.

how to dress in a theater for a musical

Theater etiquette

If you go to the theater, it is not enough to be able to dress properly, you must remember the basic rules of behavior in this place. These include:

  • It is necessary to come to the theater 20-30 minutes before the start of the performance. Why is this necessary? To have time to undress and put in order in the toilet room: to change shoes, if necessary, correct makeup and hair.
  • If a woman goes to the theater with a man, then he must help her take off her outer clothing and hand over to the wardrobe.
  • What if your seats are in the middle of the row, while other viewers are already sitting in their seats? It is necessary to apologize for the anxiety and go face to the seated. The man always goes first and helps his lady sit down.
  • They enter the auditorium no later than the third call. Here, too, have their own nuances. If your seats are in the middle of a row, it is better to go to them in advance so as not to disturb people sitting on the edge. Otherwise, you can enter the room a little later.
  • To be late for a performance is considered a sign of bad taste and a gross violation of the rules of theater etiquette.
  • Before the start of the performance, one can buy binoculars in the wardrobe. Remember that it is intended to consider actors and theatrical scenery, in no case other people who came to the theater.
  • During the presentation, it is necessary to turn off the cell phones so that they do not interfere with the actors and other viewers.
  • Discussion of the actors' play during the performance is unacceptable, like any other conversations. Keep quiet.

how to dress a teenager in a theater

10 things you can't wear in a classic theater

Categorical No:

  • Sport suit.
  • Torn jeans.
  • Sneakers or sneakers.
  • Shorts.
  • A very short dress.
  • T-shirt.
  • Pullover.
  • Tights or fishnet stockings.
  • Dress with a very deep neckline.
  • A strict suit without accessories.

People come to the theater to enjoy the performance and the play of the actors. Therefore, you need to know one simple rule. How to dress in the theater, everyone decides for himself, but it is necessary to remember that the appearance reflects your attitude to what is happening. If you are not sure of the correctness of your decision, then choose an old classic, proven over the years. We wish that your option was always impeccable, and the problem of how to dress in the theater always found its solution.


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