Doberman - characteristics of the breed, description. Features of education

Many dog ​​lovers believe that Dobermans have an uncontrollable disposition and an unbalanced psyche. Another opinion about this breed is professional dog handlers. They believe that the Doberman, whose breed description we will discuss later, is an extremely intelligent, easily trained, infinitely devoted animal to its master. Who is right in this absentee dispute? In this article, we introduce you to Doberman dogs. The characteristics of the breed will help to identify all the advantages and disadvantages of these animals.

Breed history

The Doberman, reviews of which are different (we will talk about this later) is a German popular breed. It got its name in honor of the first breeder - Carlos Dobermann. He was a tax collector, but in addition, he had a flipper, and therefore had the right to catch homeless animals. Of these, he selected "butcher dogs" (as the Rottweilers were sometimes called in Germany), which by that time were considered a fully formed breed. Therefore, these dogs played an important role in the creation of Dobermans. Carlos Louis created the breed, knowing exactly what he wants to achieve as a result of selection work. First of all, it was important for him that the dog was a good protector. Unfortunately, Dobermann did not leave notes about his work. It is known that at one of the shows he bought two puppies, from which a black-red female was subsequently born. Then it was crossed with some breeds, including the “butcher dog”.

Doberman breed characteristics

In addition, shepherd dogs, a Thuringian shepherd (now extinct) and a hunting dog were used in the selection. The latter added to the representatives of the Doberman breed a bluish tint to the main color.

The Doberman obtained as a result of breeding work, the characteristics of the breed of which fully met the requirements of the breeder, received official recognition in 1898 after the death of its creator. The official name of the breed has changed. If earlier these dogs were called Thuringian pinschers, then after recognition they got the name "Doberman Pinscher". The qualities of the Dobermans were appreciated in the army and police. Animals received another unofficial name - the gendarmerie dog.

External features

These animals have long been recognized as one of the most beautiful in the canine world. Slender, muscular, leggy and lean - Dobermans look like real athletes. Their beautiful face is slightly elongated and graceful. The posture is proud, the constitution is elegant, with a slightly protruding withers, wide deep chest and sloping croup. The weight of a Doberman (male) is from 40 to 45 kilograms with a height of 68 to 72 cm. Females are slightly smaller.

doberman puppy price

Doberman: ears

Most often, we see these handsome men without a tail and with triangular, high-set pointed ears. Their shape changed several times. At first it was small triangles, and recently very high ears have come into fashion. This indicator is the merit of the owner, since the correct placement of the ears is a rather complicated and painstaking work. For this, various devices are used, including crowns, which give them the correct shape.

doberman ears

Nevertheless, in many countries, including Germany, deformation of the ears and stopping of the tails are not recommended. If you want your pet to take part in international exhibitions, then you need to buy a lop-eared puppy with a tail.


The coat of these animals is very pleasant to the touch. Smooth and elastic hairs fit tightly to the skin. The undercoat does not have a Doberman. The characteristics of the breed indicate the presence of only two colors - dark brown and black with clear bright tan tan color.

Maintenance and care

It is the features of the coat that categorically prohibit keeping the dog in a booth or aviary. Doberman, the characteristic of the breed of which suggests that this animal cannot be regarded as a “sofa” pet, an active and athletic dog. She needs long walks and great physical exertion. It should be remembered that letting the Doberman run without a leash should only be in a less crowded place.

These dogs easily tolerate the heat and whims of the off-season, but in winter in severe frosts it is better to shorten the duration of walks. You can use warm overalls - then your energetic pet will be able to enjoy a long winter walk. Care for these dogs is minimal: they practically do not fade, are absolutely not afraid of water, and have no unpleasant odor.

Doberman, breed characteristics: character

There is an opinion that the Doberman is a choleric type of nervous system - he is stubborn, poorly trained. This opinion is not shared by experienced dog handlers and owners of these wonderful dogs.

In fact, the Doberman (the reviews of the owners confirm this) is not just an alert and attentive guard and defender, but also a great companion who gets along well in the family.

qualities of dobermans

This smart dog feels amazingly delicate mood of its owner and behaves accordingly. Doberman is a wonderful friend, but he becomes one only for a kind and intelligent person.

Future owners should be aware that the Doberman becomes a little nervous, especially with a sharp change in situation. If your house has an aggressive cat or other animal, then their acquaintance should take place gradually.

It should be said about a special, emphasized respectful attitude towards children. As soon as the child begins to walk on his own, he immediately falls under the care of a four-legged friend. It is interesting to see how this large and strong dog gently and carefully plays with the kids. Many dog ​​handlers believe that if you need a dog for a child, you should buy a puppy from North America. There, the breeders achieved amazing results in the fight against the aggression of these animals, completely eliminating the possibility of a dog attacking a person. As for the attitude towards strangers, we can say that among all Dobermans it is equally wary-aggressive.

doberman reviews

Owners of these dogs should know that pets and people unfamiliar to him can easily provoke a pet into the attack. Given the size of the animal and its strength, you should always walk your pet on a strong leash with a carpal loop and a muzzle. Here I would like to note that in time and correctly conducted adaptation and training of the puppy can significantly reduce the risk of such reactions.

Dobermans belong to dogs that always warn of an attack with a low uterine growl. As a rule, this is enough for the opponent to retreat.

This dog barks extremely rarely. In a room, such a sound is like a bomb explosion - all living things in this case will be stunned, except for the Doberman himself.


This breed needs early education. Doberman really needs long walks, but only they will not be able to influence the formation of the character and habits of your pet. This dog needs education and training.

It should be noted that this is an amazingly observant and thinking animal. It is enough for the Doberman once to feel the weakness of your position, and he will use it for his pleasure. Therefore, be consistent and persistent even when there is not a formidable guard in front of you, but a charming and affectionate puppy.

From an early age, a quick-witted kid easily and joyfully learns new lessons. I must say that work and study are the most favorite activities of the Doberman. The puppy must be watched very carefully. If he has lost interest in the lesson or is tired, it is better to finish the training. Of course, you can make the dog do something, but we assure you that in the next lesson he will find a thousand ways to prevent him from fulfilling the command. But not everyone can cope with the stubbornness of a Doberman.

doberman description

It should be remembered that, by nature, Doberman is a rather aggressive breed. Do not experiment, do not provoke the dog, do not develop anger in it. This is especially true for puppies or teenagers. His innate malice and incredulity is more than enough to ensure that, with proper training at the appropriate age, he will make an excellent guard.

Puppy cost

Surely many dog ​​lovers dream of acquiring a Doberman breed pet. The puppy’s price consists of several factors. A dog of this breed can not be purchased with it or on the bird market, despite the very attractive prices. After all, they usually sell animals without documents there. In addition, the buyer is deprived of the opportunity to see the parents of the baby.

Unscrupulous sellers use the trustfulness of future owners and sell puppies for 4-6 thousand rubles, “forgetting” to mention that in front of you is not a Doberman, but a mestizo, who is not crossed with anyone.

doberman weight

It should be noted that substitution in the pedigree of a dog of this breed is quite difficult to notice. It’s hard to imagine how the “hybrid” Doberman behaves. Therefore, it is necessary with special care to approach the acquisition of a dog of the Doberman breed. The puppy's price (average) today is from 18 to 25 thousand rubles.

Verified well-known kennels, in which we recommend you get a puppy, offer the following prices:

  • pet class (a dog with small deviations from the standard, ideal as a pet) - 8-20 thousand rubles;
  • brid-class (animal for breeding) - 20-30 thousand rubles .;
  • show class (dog with an excellent pedigree) - from 30 thousand rubles.

Owner reviews

Most dog breeders with Dobermans are very happy with their pets. These are excellent guards that do not require complicated care. Doberman gets along well with all members of the family, is anxious about children.

However, experienced owners do not recommend starting such a dog for beginners who do not have experience with dogs. With improper upbringing, an inexperienced owner can grow an uncontrollable and aggressive monster who will dictate his living conditions in the house.


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