How many bricks per square meter: material calculation

When designing a house, it’s impossible to go to the next stage of development without calculating the required amount of material. Accuracy is important in any business, especially in construction. Having made the wrong calculation, you can not only miscalculate with the necessary amount of building materials, but also not build a house at all.

How many bricks in a square meter

Why is this knowledge necessary?

In order to purchase the necessary number of construction equipment, you need to calculate how many bricks per square meter. It is important to know how to better mount the walls. Without accurate answers to these questions, it is unrealistic to conduct construction competently and on time.

The salary of workers depends on how many bricks per square meter and what is the area of ​​the future home. Performing calculations, the owner not only finds out how much material will have to be purchased, but also estimates the approximate cost of construction work and adjusts his budget.

To determine how many bricks in one square meter per eye, or to calculate independently it will not work, since the material is too small in relation to the future construction.

How many bricks are in 1 m2?

How many bricks per square meter of masonry and in one cubic meter? Two parameters clearly define the solution to this issue. These include the size of the brick and the width of the brickwork. Building brick is divided by type. There are 3 of them:

  • standard;
  • compacted;
  • double (ceramic stone).

Brickwork is performed in half brick and brick.

It is important! When calculating how many bricks per square meter, do not forget about the laying seams. Exclude the volume they occupy.

How many bricks per square meter, builders calculate. Given the seams on the masonry (and without), the next amount of material will go to the half-brick.

Material type








How many bricks per square meter

Supplies Options

Standard bricks are made according to the following standards:

  • 250 mm - length.
  • 120 mm - width.
  • 62 mm - height.

The parameters were not chosen randomly. Such a material is best suited for alternating both longitudinal and transverse masonry.

The only difference between compacted bricks is the height, which is 88 mm.

As for double brick or ceramic stone, the length and width of the material is preserved, and the height is 138 mm. It is well suited for express construction.

So, how many bricks per square meter of masonry depends on the type of building material and its dimensions. Having ready-made numbers and the desired quadrature, you can easily calculate the required number of bricks for your future home.

How many bricks per cubic meter?

How many bricks per square meter, sorted out, and how much consumable is placed in 1 cubic meter?

The number depends on the type of brick. If we consider the standard option, for which a brick of 0.5 is taken, then a solid figure is obtained. Where better to use a double brick. So you reduce the time spent on construction and the amount of material required.

How many bricks in one square meter

According to the construction calculations, 1 m 3 of brickwork contains the following amount of material.

Material type








Possessing the necessary knowledge, you can independently calculate how many bricks will be needed to build a house, and how expensive the process will be.

Such knowledge helps to save on the delivery and payment of material.


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