How to choose a name for the boy by middle name?

All parents dream of giving their child all the best. Toys, books, clothes, education, life and more. And it all starts with a name. Which is sometimes extremely difficult to choose. And all because mothers and fathers need to choose a name that will sound beautiful in itself. But this is still half the battle. After all, it must also be in harmony with the surname and patronymic of the child. In addition, each name in some way affects the nature of the future personality and its future life.

That is why it is so important to name your treasure correctly so that, firstly, he is pleased to bear a name, and, secondly, that fate is favorable to him and bestows only good gifts.

So, in this article we will explore how to choose a name for a boy.

What is the principle of choosing names before?

Not so long ago in Russia it was customary to give names according to the church calendar, in which on each day of the year there was a day of remembrance for a certain saint. Therefore, people had no difficulties finding names. However, there was a problem that parents themselves could not name the newborn. Which is not always liked by both themselves and the child. Although, on the other hand, the question of how to choose a name for the boy did not arise and did not make life difficult for mothers and fathers.

choose a name according to the holy calendar for the boy

Years later, things have changed significantly. And in the days of the USSR, mothers and fathers got the right to name their baby by any name they liked. Only then, the popular names were very peculiar. Children were named after famous politicians, parties, holidays, slogans, etc. Then no one thought how to choose a name for the boy with the help of numerology, mothers and fathers considered completely different names to be fashionable and relevant. For example, many parents were proud of their sons with such strange (as it seems to us now) names, such as:

  • Arvil - "the army of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin";
  • Dazsweemir - “Long live the world revolution!”;
  • Kukutsapol - "Corn - the queen of the fields";
  • Leundezh - “Lenin is dead, but his work lives on!”;
  • Yaslenik - "I am with Lenin and Krupskaya."

That is, the question was not how to choose a name for the boy, but how to come up with one that would convey certain political views of that time.

How to choose names now?

Now choosing a name for a child has become, on the one hand, much easier, and on the other, on the contrary, more difficult. Easier, because parents have an unimaginable scope for creativity. For example, you can choose a foreign name, name your son Brad, George, Diego, Christopher, Chuck, Leonardo and other names unusual for Russian ears.

how to choose a name for the boy by the names of the parents

However, this is precisely the complexity of the issue. And the point is not at all that a child with a foreign name will stand out among peers and may even become the subject of ridicule. This matter is already secondary. The main difficulty is how to choose a name for the boy at baptism or at the time of registration at the registry office, by what method of name. Perhaps it is better to come up with something of your own - original and unique? Indeed, from the unthinkable abundance of male names, it is so difficult to single out something specific.

Especially for parents who are in search, then we will present different principles by which it is easiest to choose the most beautiful name for a newborn.

Church Calendar Name

Moms and dads, who are adherents of the old views, can choose a name for the boy according to the holy calendar or according to the church calendar. At the same time, forever entrusting the baby to a reliable patron - the saint in whose honor the child was named. If for some reason the parents do not like the name, which is the birthday of the baby, they can choose any other. But only such that appears in the church calendar after the birth of the baby. That is, a holiday or a memorial day has not yet been celebrated.

Most Popular Church Names by Month

About what for the boy to choose a name for the holy calendar, you need to think in advance. However, at that time, the exact date of birth of the baby may not be known. Therefore, you should focus on the estimated month.

Currently, the most popular church names are:

  • January - Artem, Egor, Maxim, Fedor;
  • February - Anton, German, Eugene, Makar;
  • March - Alexander, Daniel, Denis, Rostislav;
  • April - Andrey, Kirill, Nikita, Vasily;
  • May - Victor, Gleb, Kuzma, Roman;
  • June - Dmitry, Kirill, Konstantin, Mikhail;
  • July - Vladimir, Matvey, Pavel, Philip;
  • August - Boris, Gregory, Nikolai, Stepan ;
  • September - Arseny, Zakhar, Ivan, Sergey;
  • October - Vyacheslav, Igor, Mark, Peter;
  • November - Valery, Ignatius, Felix, Yuri;
  • December - Basil, Gabriel, Gennady, Plato.
how to choose a name for a baby boy

Zodiac Name

Many parents who can not find a name for a newborn baby, turn to astrology. There is also no need to know the exact date of birth. It is enough to find out in what zodiacal period the child is born. And then choose a name for the boy according to the zodiac sign.

Among the happiest, and therefore popular names, are:

  • Aries - Marat, Ruslan, Eldar, Jan;
  • Taurus - Anatoly, Arkady, Bogdan, Ilya;
  • Gemini - Alexey, Illarion, Innokenty, Konstantin;
  • Cancer - Valentine, Vitaliy, Leo, Taras;
  • Leo - Arnold, Leonid, Nazar, Prokhor;
  • Virgo - Vsevolod, Demyan, Stanislav, Timur;
  • Libra - Benjamin, Oleg, Semyon, Philip;
  • Scorpio - Aristarchus, Efim, Taras, Yaroslav;
  • Sagittarius - Athanasius, Vladislav, Stepan, Ruslan;
  • Capricorn - Andrey, Vsevolod, Gleb, Svyatoslav;
  • Aquarius - Vadim, Mikhail, Thomas, Yuri;
  • Pisces - Herman, Immanuel, Fedor, Jan.

Name by month of birth

If in astrology a year is divided into certain periods that are under the auspices of some celestial body - the zodiac sign, then from the point of view of numerology every month is a number (from one to 12). And it is she who influences the name, and, accordingly, the fate and character of its owner.

how to choose a name for a boy

For parents who want to choose a name for the boy by the month of his birth, we offer the following classification.

  1. January is the number “1”: boys born under the auspices of the unit, good friends who are prone to independence, do not recognize authorities and make decisions, guided exclusively by their knowledge and speculation. The most suitable names are: Semyon, Sebastian, Timothy.
  2. February is the number “2”: boys, whose cherished number is a deuce, are very gentle, sweet, caring and responsive, can think sensibly, act regardless of the complexity of the situation. What name should a boy born in February choose? The most suitable names: Anton, Maxim, Leonty.
  3. March is the number “3”: the three boys from early childhood are cheerful and optimistic, they are able to find a bright side under any circumstances. The most suitable names: Mikhail, Rostislav, Taras.
  4. April is the number “4”: the boys that were born in April are windy and changeable, their life is movement, they will never stand still. The most suitable names are: Basil, Gabriel, Maxim.
  5. May is the number “5”: May boys are small rays, they are able to see the light everywhere, find a way out of any situation, born diplomats. The most suitable names: Denis, Egor, Kuzma.
  6. June is the number “6”: all children born under the auspices of the number “6” will be lucky to carry their whole lives in all matters and undertakings. The most important thing is to choose the right name for a boy born in June. The most suitable names: Nikita, Tikhon, Khariton.
  7. July is the number “7”: July boys are leaders, they have the gift of empathy and persuasion and, if they wish, they can lead the whole world, they are very rarely mistaken. Most suitable names: Gleb, Mark, Philip.
  8. August is the number “8”: the eighth boys are calm, you can always rely on them, they will keep any secret. The most suitable names are Ilya, Konstantin, Peter.
  9. September is the number “9”: boys who were born this month are temperamental, but not aggressive, do not like to sit still and are too trusting. The most suitable names: Alexander, Andrey, Zakhar.
  10. October is the number "10": October boys are reckless to disgrace and can not always control themselves in spontaneous impulses. The most suitable names are Oleg, Stepan, Tikhon.
  11. November is the number “11”: the boys who were born under the auspices of the eleven are quite impractical and wasteful, as a result, the money seems to drain through their fingers. The most suitable names: Victor, Eugene, Kuzma.
  12. December is the number “12”: winter boys seem very cold and even insensitive, but in fact they are riddles, if you get to know them closer, you can open their sensitive soul. The most suitable names: Anatoly, Maxim, Semyon.

We hope that now parents will be able to correctly name their baby from the point of view of numerology. And they will not be long tormented by the question of how to choose a name for the boy.

How to choose a name by middle name?

At the very beginning of the article, we already noted that the selected name, in addition to sounding beautiful in itself, should also be in harmony with the surname and patronymic of the baby. Indeed, while he is still a baby, he is called the diminutive form of his name: Egor - Egorushka, Egorka, Alexander - Sashenka, Sasha. In the future, the boy will turn into a man, become the head of the family, and then he will be called as an adult. Like, for example, the popular singer Yegor Creed. The real name of which is Yegor Nikolaevich Bulatkin. Or as a significant historical character - Alexander Filippovich of Macedon - the great king and creator of a world power.

So, how can you choose a name for the boy by middle name? But only such that it was sonorous, beautiful, and worthy of the most wonderful baby in the world. Indeed, all parents have their newborn just like that!

choose a name for the boy

Three main principles when choosing a first name

Moms and dads have every right to determine the “right” name for their boy, being guided exclusively by their own views, thoughts and desires. However, there are still some recommendations that will help you not to make a mistake.

  1. Compliance with the nationality of the middle name. Recently, parents are very fond of foreign names. For example, the famous prankster Pavel Volya, whose real name is Denis Dobrovolsky, called his offspring Robert. As a result, the child inherited the surname and patronymic natively Russian, but the name is European (Robert De Niro, Robert Downey Jr., etc.).
  2. Consonance of consonants. Surely from the lessons of the Russian language, many remember that consonants are divided into voiced and deaf. Therefore, when choosing a boy’s name, one should be guided by this criterion. For example, father Sergei Borodin is recommended to name his son Victor. Then you get a beautiful "growling" combination: Victor Sergeevich Borodin. The name Anton - Anton Evgenievich Ulshin is suitable for the son of Evgeni Ulshin, it sounds soft and pleasant.
  3. Focus on stress. Each word has its own correct stress, including the name, patronymic and last name. Therefore, this criterion will also help to make the final decision and finally choose a beautiful name for the boy. For example, father Fedor Dolin (in both cases the stress on the first syllable). His son will be able to introduce himself proudly: Yuri (Dmitry, Yakov) Fedorovich Dolin.

Name of the child by the names of his parents

The most common way to name a baby is to use the name of one of the spouses. So, for example, very popular combinations are: Ivan Ivanovich, Alexander Alexandrovich (aka San Sanych), Petr Petrovich, etc. However, in this case, parents very often encounter the following problems:

  1. Confusion with the names: it is not clear who is called - son or dad.
  2. "Doubling" character traits. A child is a copy of parents, he borrows their character, habits and much more. Having named the baby by the name of his father, you can "double" the influence of the family on the fate of the child. And this is not always for the better.
  3. The lack of personality in the boy. Very often, babies named after their father, all their lives are just a shadow of their parent.

However, not always mothers and fathers, when pondering how to choose a name for a boy by the names of their parents, give preference to daddy. It happens that a baby grows under the influence of a mother in the literal and figurative sense. For example, Olga’s mother can call the child Oleg, Vladlena’s name is Vladik (Vladislav), and Victoria’s name is Victor. That is, in this case, the masculine form of the female name is used.

Also, very often mothers and fathers combine their names together, trying to endow the baby with their best qualities. The result is such original, and often strange combinations, such as:

  • Wickan - Victoria and Anton;
  • Setan - Sergey and Tatyana;
  • Connie - Konstantin and Nina.

And if you think about what, these guys will also be named after their patronymic? That is, Viktor Antonovich, Setan Sergeevich, Connie Konstantinovich. It becomes clear that the decision to name a child in this way is not always reasonable. After all, they will have to go with this name through their whole lives or until the time when they reach the age when they can change it to another, more familiar rumor.

The State Duma of the Russian Federation thought about this at some point. As a result, in April last year, a law was adopted that officially prohibits giving children title, abbreviation, abusive names, as well as those that consist of numbers.

choose a name for the boy by month

Name a boy after an important parent

We have already found out that some mothers and fathers name the newborn according to the church calendar, according to the recommendations of astrology or numerology. In addition, they can choose a name for the boy's middle name or the name of the parents. And what other variations of the dialect exist?

In Russia, there is a peculiar tradition of choosing a name for the baby, focusing on their musical, cinematic or other preferences, wishing to honor the memory of a loved one, to name the child as a sign of respect for any relative, friend and even obstetrician who has taken birth. However, the science of anthroponymy, which studies names and their influence on the character and fate of people, does not recommend such a method of naming for a number of reasons.

  1. To name a child in honor of a relative means to make him an object of protection and a favorite of the person whose namesake he is.
  2. Giving a boy a name in memory of a deceased person (especially one who left at the wrong time, but much earlier, due to violent death) is fraught with the fact that the offspring will completely repeat the namesake’s fate and its sad outcome.

If parents, thinking about how to choose a name for a boy, decide to name the newborn in the same way as the beloved by the parents or one of them is a poet, musician, actor, etc., they and their child may encounter some difficulties in the future. Because over time, the name may become outdated or begin to seem strange.

Although it is possible that the name will be quite normal for the perception of others. For example, dad, a fan of the very popular rock band "Alice", can call his daughter that name. Or mom, a lover of books by Lewis Carroll, - to name the baby in honor of the main character Alice. But now, if parents decide to give this name to the boy, guided by the same thoughts, the child may even hate them with age.

The influence of other cultures

In addition to the above options, there is another way of naming. For example, some parents, trying to find an answer on how to choose a name for a child to a boy, turn to other cultures and nationalities. Borrow the names from them. So, last year, children with names such as:

  • Alex
  • Benjamin
  • Daniel
  • Demeter
  • George;
  • Dionysus;
  • Xander;
  • Michael;
  • Robert.

However, again it is worth mentioning that, in an effort to name the baby in a foreign manner, you should consider whether the name is combined with the middle name and surname. And also how appropriate it will be in the place where the child lives. After all, he also has to go to school, and make friends, and build a career. Not to mention the fact that the current boy will become a man after a while. He will have a family, and then his children. What middle name do they have to wear?

choose a beautiful name for the boy

For example, the grandchildren of the infamous Nikita Dzhigurda will probably have to train in the pronunciation of tongue twisters in order to correctly say their middle name. After all, their future dad was named Mick-Angel-Christie.

For this reason, parents who are unable to come up with themselves and turn to friends with the following request: "Help me choose a Tatar modern name for the boy!" - it is important to think. Will it cripple a child’s life? Would his fate be spoiled?

The best name for a boy, according to star dads and moms

Celebrities, despite the fact that they live somewhat differently from us, also at some point begin to suffer from the question of how to name their baby. As a result, they select the best, in their opinion, names. Which then recommend to their fans. Let's consider them in more detail:

  • Saint - son of the star couple Kardashian West;
  • Knox is the son of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt;
  • Silas is the son of Justin Timberlake and Jessica Beale;
  • Bowie and Saya are the twins of Zoe Saldana;
  • Bear - called her son Alicia Silverstone, Kate Winslet gave the same name to the newborn.

Russian celebrities also do not lag behind in originality from foreign ones. And for a long time they do not think about how to choose a name for the boy. As a result, the children of domestic stars are:

  • Martin - Philip Kirkorov;
  • Raphael - Alsou;
  • Seraphim - Irena Ponaroshku;
  • Solomon - Anfisa Chekhov.


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