Chubushnik ordinary - false jasmine

Common Chubushnik is often confused with jasmine. The first grows in our latitudes much more often. Perhaps, for those who tried to plant garden jasmine at their site, the mock-up will be a disappointment. And completely in vain. After all, its aroma, which resembles a luxurious mixture of the smells of an orange tree and vanilla, is no worse than that of jasmine.

common mock

Plant description

This is a beautiful and lush shrub with a spreading dense crown. Its flowering is so impressive with the aroma and abundance of white flowers that, having planted an ordinary mockwort on the site, you will look forward to it all year. Modern varieties have terry inflorescences, shrubs come in different sizes. For a small area or front garden, you can pick up dwarf forms of mock up. It multiplies after flowering (using cuttings). The best time for this is midsummer.

mockup virgin

How to correctly trim the mock orange

On fertile and moist soil, the growth of this shrub will exceed all your expectations. But most forms (especially frost-resistant and undemanding mock virgin) can feel good on loam, and even in a dusty city front garden. Low-growing varieties are no more than two meters high, and tall-up to four.

This is one of the most popular hedge plants . To do this, you need to get a large number of quality cuttings. It is advisable that the fence be in the sun and regularly trimmed properly. Chubushnik, who is heavily overgrown with new shoots, is a miserable sight. Excessive density of branches leads to sparse flowering. You do not need to feel sorry for the common mocker, thinking that timely thinning will harm him. On the contrary, harm can be caused by a long stay in a neglected state. Let the pruner become your faithful ally in the fight for the beautiful crown of your mocker. Bare branches should be removed immediately and without regret.

The first pruning should be done in the spring before kidney activation (as early as possible). After flowering, unproductive branches (on which there were no flowers) are immediately cut off. Damaged and dry shoots can be removed at any time of the year. Also, using the secateurs, the tops of long shoots should be removed to round the crown. An oversized mock-up is ugly. Even a neglected bush can acquire a very attractive appearance if you regularly straighten its shape. He will reward you subsequently for the efforts of abundant flowering.

jasmine garden mock


After you cut the mock-up, you probably have plenty of annual shoots left. Use them to propagate the bush! First you need to cut them up to five centimeters long - at this distance there should be a pair of leaves and a pair of internodes. Faded shoots are not recommended. Take young and short. You need to cut either a very sharpened secateurs or, even better, a thin sharp knife. Above the knot, you need to cut it off directly, and below the knot, make an oblique cut. This is an important nuance. Then the cuttings are placed very carefully in a moist substrate and covered with plastic bottles until rooting.


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