Do cats sweat? How to prevent overheating of your pet.

Pets for many people are equal members of the family. Taking a bird, a cat, a dog or any other pet into our house, we are obliged to take care of it, to properly feed, drink, and monitor its health. As a rule, pet owners periodically have various kinds of questions, such as, for example: β€œDo cats and dogs sweat,” β€œHow to properly compose a diet for the sphinx,” β€œDo I need additional vitamins for guinea pigs,” and others. And this is natural, since we must have information about our pets in order to properly care for them.

Cat is a friend of man

The cat in the house is a wonderful sedative for the whole family. Scientists have already proven that these fluffy (and not so) creatures have the ability to treat their owners - to establish a heart rate, lower blood pressure, relieve stress and much more.

do cats sweat
We, in turn, should also give our friends enough attention and help them in difficult times. Providing your pet with nutritious nutrition, monitoring compliance with his drinking regime and hygiene is our direct responsibility.

In addition, we still need to know the features of the functioning of his body in order to prevent health problems. For example, it doesn’t hurt us to possess information about whether cats sweat in order to understand how they thermoregulate. Knowing these features of the body is necessary in order to prevent our pet from overheating in especially hot weather.

Do cats sweat

Sweat secretion is one of the mechanisms of thermoregulation. Cats sweat, but in a different way, not like humans. The number of sweat glands in them is limited, they are located mainly on the pads of the paws, as well as around the anus and nipples. Do cats have armpits sweating? No, there are no sweat glands in this area of ​​the body.

In dogs, for example, just like in cats, the feet sweat, but the main mechanism of thermoregulation in them is the evaporation of saliva through the protruding tongue. Cats, like dogs, can sometimes stick out their tongues when they are hot. However, if this is the norm for a dog, then in cats this phenomenon may signal other problems not related to heat (up to heart failure). If the cat's tongue is stuck out because of the high air temperature, then you need to know that the cat sticks out its tongue when it is already on the verge of heat stroke.

Do cats and dogs sweat

Do sphynx cats sing

This cat breed is an exception to the rule.

do cat armpits sweat
The absence of wool in the sphinxes gives rise to its own characteristics of the body. These cats sweat with their whole body, this is especially noticeable in completely naked individuals. Some owners of sphinxes notice that after their pets there may be a trace on the surface on which they like to spend time. These cats require special care, they need periodic bathing or wiping their bodies with wet wipes.

How much the sphinx sweats depends on the individual characteristics of the body and the state of health. Some representatives of this breed sweat a little. But it also happens that copious perspiration from the sphinx is a real problem for the owners, as brown sweat stains on furniture and other surfaces create some discomfort.

Thus, to the question "Is sweat allocated to sphynx cats?" The answer will be yes. If there is too much sweat, it is necessary to consult a veterinarian, your pet may have health problems.

How cats cool

A good help in the thermoregulation of cats is its coat. Either fluffing or pressing wool, the animal ventilates and cools the surface of the skin. In addition, in hot weather, cats instinctively look for the coolest place in the house. It can be a tile, marble surface, sink or bathroom - i.e. those surfaces that do not heat up much.

Another way to cool for cats is washing. Evaporation of saliva from the surface of the body allows the cat to lower the temperature. Drinking cool water also helps the animal more easily tolerate heat.

How to prevent cats from overheating

Whether cats sweat - we have already figured out. Their sweat is not the main mechanism of body regulation, as in humans. But how can one prevent the animal from overheating, because this is a very dangerous condition that can even lead to death?

does sweat stand out in cats
When the air temperature is abnormally high, and you notice signs of overheating in the cat, which she cannot cope with herself, you need to help her:

- Give her food of cool temperature, maybe even pieces of frozen meat;

- Put a basin of cool water next to the cat, maybe she will want to cool through water procedures;

- Do not drive the animal out of the bathroom if it is easier for it to endure heat there;

- Provide your cat with access to cool drinking water to quench your thirst;

- In an extreme case, when the cat is very sick, she sticks out her tongue and breathes heavily - wrap her in a cool, damp towel and consult a veterinarian.


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