Peonies: growing delicate flowers

Peonies, the cultivation of which brings only pleasure, gardeners are very fond of. They are popular worldwide plants. Their beauty, wonderful aroma and unpretentiousness attract almost everyone. An amazing fact, but peonies can grow in one place for a hundred years! One drawback is that they quickly fade. I did not have time to admire the beauty, and the petals fell ...

peonies growing

The genus of herbaceous perennial plants of the family Ranunculaceae is peonies. Their cultivation began a very long time ago. Most varieties (and there are about 45 thousand) come from a milky-flowered peony called Chinese. All of them are divided into terry, semi-double and simple. Their flowers are large - up to 20 cm in diameter, regular, bisexual, have a pleasant delicate aroma. Leaves alternate, large, double or triple triple.

Peonies are planted in early September (possible at the end of August) so that they have time to take root by winter. Blossom in May-June. They grow well on loamy loose soils. It is desirable that the site was sunny and without groundwater (peonies die from them). The roots penetrate very deep into the ground, so a deep hole is needed for planting - up to 70 cm. The distance between the bushes is one meter. The earth must be mixed with a bucket of humus, 100 grams of lime and 500 grams of ash. The bottom of the pit is laid with 10 cm of manure, then it is covered with earth (a ball up to 20 cm) and compacted. Next, the prepared soil is poured with a knoll and gently watered with plain water from a watering can. Thus, the earth is well compacted. A bush is placed in the middle of this mound so that the buds are right at the top of the pit. Then the roots are covered with earth. Then the bush needs to be watered abundantly. After planting, it is very important that the buds are no lower than the edges of the pit, because when planted too deep, they may not please with their flowers for a long time or not bloom at all.

peonies growing and care

For the winter it is necessary to shelter peonies. Growing and caring for them still require attention. Therefore, in the cold season, it is better to cover them with dry leaves or spruce branches (a layer of up to 30 cm). In the spring, the cover is carefully removed, and when the first sprouts appear, they are fed with a solution of bird droppings or mullein. The second top dressing - during the formation of buds, the third - after flowering.

Watering is very important for peonies. Therefore, until late autumn, they must be plentifully supplied with water, after which a little loosening (by 5-7 cm).

To propagate peonies, growing them in large quantities begins with dividing into parts. Do it every 5-8 years. In August, the bushes are deeply dug no closer than 50 cm from the center, they are carefully lifted by a garden pitchfork or a shovel and removed. Then water is washed off the roots from the roots, patients remove and divide the bush. Better to share with a sharp-pointed knife and a solid blade. On each part, 4-5 stems with roots and buds are left. Cuts must be sprinkled with crushed charcoal. In the previously prepared holes plant these new bushes.

growing tree peonies
Peonies, the cultivation of which is not so difficult, propagate by seed. They are sown in the garden after harvest, preferably immediately. Next year they will rise and bloom in the fourth or fifth year.

Popularly growing tree peonies. These are frost-resistant shrubs wintering without shelter. They are unpretentious and resistant to disease. Decorative due to unusual shapes of flowers and leaves.


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