Great Swiss mountain dog - breed description, photo

A dedicated and loving companion who is a good defender. He seeks to win the favor of his masters. From the dog you can raise a great watchman, as the breed is characterized by special vigilance.

great swiss mountain dog

Greater Swiss Mountain Dog is an excellent bodyguard. This dog will bravely rush to attackers, protecting its owner.

A bit of history

Greater Swiss Mountain Dog is an ancient breed. Her story is two thousand years old. It is likely that the ancestor of this dog was a Tibetan mastiff. The dog was brought to Europe by the Phoenicians. And then with the legions of the Romans, he quickly spread across the continent. In the course of natural selection, it gave rise to almost all modern Molossian breeds.


The large Swiss Mountain Dog (photo you see in our article) has a dense, but not flabby body with a wide chest, muscular legs and a heavy hanging tail.

great swiss mountain dog photo

Size and weight

The breed standard indicates that the growth of the male at the withers is 72 cm, and the females 68 cm. The animal can weigh from 50 to 65 kg. In the old days, a large shepherd dog mainly needed strength, because she needed a lot of weight. Even bitches with much smaller stature weigh almost like males.

Wool and color

The coat of these animals is of medium length, with a dense undercoat. The standard allows the dog and short hairs, but in the event that they have an undercoat. The main color of the coat is black with a brown tan and white spots.

The tan is located on the cheeks, on the ears, over the eyes, on the sides of the chest, on the legs and on the tail. On the head there are white marks (borehole). In addition, they can be seen on the face, chest, neck (connected), paws. Sometimes they can be seen at the tip of the tail. Between the hole and the spots above the eyes, there must be a black strip. The standard allowed white collar or white spot on the neck.

puppies of the great swiss mountain dog


The Greater Swiss Mountain Dog is a very capable dog. She is smart, attentive. This dog learns easily, quickly remembers many commands and can perform various tasks.

But the hallmark of these animals is their inextricable relationship with humans. Communication with the owner for them is a necessary need. Starting from puppyhood, a baby who is not too confident on his feet follows the person - the pack leader recognized by him. This affection remains with your pet for life.

When you start teaching a puppy to walk on a leash, it will only be enough for him to explain which way to go - he will never resist again. This dog would never think of moving away from the owner (according to his own affairs). The Sennenhund house does not cause any trouble.

great swiss mountain dog reviews

"Swiss", unlike many breeds, will not become a dog of one person, which is tied only to the owner. True, he can highlight the person who gives him the most attention. He generously gives his affection to all family members. He implicitly obeys and allows himself to control several people. But such a result can be achieved with proper and consistent education.

Beautiful and intelligent, bold and affectionate, the big Swiss mountain dog, whose photo often adorns the covers of animal magazines, was born to live next to a person, to collaborate with him.

These are dogs that cannot be left alone in the yard - they should always feel like family members. For your sake, even a very small puppy will leave all its fun and interests. Their main feature is their amazing ability to love without limit!

great swiss mountain dog

Maintenance and care

Undoubtedly, the big Swiss mountain dog is a dog for the family. Of course, in the house she will need a place (and a lot), regular movement. Do not forget that this breed has a shepherd instinct. She loves to swim both in a calm pond and in moving water.

Hair care

The Sennenhunds molt strongly, and this process continues throughout the year. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully and regularly take care of the dogโ€™s coat, especially during the most molting period.

When the molting is moderate, the Sennenhund is enough to comb out once a week, and possibly once every two weeks.

great swiss mountain dog photo

Do not be afraid to cut off areas of tangled or heavily soiled wool that cannot be cleaned of dirt, but should not be constantly done.

The Sennenhund does not require great physical exertion, as, however, many other large working dogs.

The best kind of exercise that is quite suitable for the Sennenhund is long walks (or light slow runs).

Greater Swiss Mountain Dog - owner reviews

If you need a faithful and devoted friend, a cheerful and attentive family member, an affectionate and caring nanny, then you need a โ€œSwissโ€.

great swiss mountain dog reviews

This is the opinion of all owners of these amazing animals. Puppies of the big Swiss mountain dog will not leave anyone indifferent. They are the pride of the owner. The owners of these dogs love their beautiful pets for their mind, kindness. But, probably, most of all - for their ability to bestow on others with their love.


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