Lesson in the 2 younger modeling group: topics, class notes

Almost all children like to sculpt various figures from plasticine. This process brings not only pleasure, but also positively affects the development of babies. In kindergartens, there is a specific modeling program. In this article, we consider the modeling options for modeling in the 2nd younger group.

What is the use of clay modeling?

Children work with plasticine.

The younger group includes pupils from three to four years old. As a rule, children at this age are curious and grasp everything on the fly. Modeling lessons in the 2nd younger group contribute to the comprehensive development of:

  • develop fine motor skills;
  • affect the nervous and visual systems;
  • develop imagination and creativity;
  • in the process of sculpting, children learn to combine colors;
  • have a calming and therapeutic effect: the child becomes more assiduous, patient and stubborn.

Class purpose

Palm on platiline

In addition to the fact that working with plasticine can captivate kids and diversify their activities, this process carries a pedagogical function. The specialists of kindergartens during modeling classes in the 2nd younger group pursue the following goal: to develop the students' artistic perception, aesthetic feelings, imagination, creative abilities.

Main goals

Multi-colored plasticine

Each preschool has a specific modeling program for modeling. Despite the fact that there are various topics of modeling classes for the 2 younger groups, they are united by the same tasks that can be grouped:

  • Educational: form social skills, cause a desire to help others.
  • Developing: develop fine motor skills of the hands, imagination and creative skills.
  • Educational: help to systematize knowledge about the texture and color of the subject, exercise in rolling plasticine and joining parts.

What you need to prepare for classes

Any modeling lesson in the 2 younger group includes:

  • Separate workplace. It should be well consecrated and constant, so that the baby learns to keep his desk and the objects he works with clean.
  • Board. It can be plastic or wooden.
  • Plastic knife and special extrusion molds.
  • Aprons and sleeves are needed in order not to stain clothes.

Next, we will consider some of the most popular abstracts of modeling classes in the 2nd younger group among MDOU.

Acquaintance with plasticine

Multi-colored plasticine

In the first lesson, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the main subject in the work. The purpose of the lesson is to get acquainted with plasticine, its properties and various techniques, as well as to generate interest among preschoolers. For work you will need:

  • pieces of soft plasticine of various colors;
  • children's legs and board.

Course progress:

  • Show the children plasticine and repeat the names of the flowers with them. Educator: Look, this is plasticine. It is soft, it can be of different colors, and from it you can sculpt beautiful crafts.
  • Show how to cut plasticine using a stack. Educator: See how many pieces we got. Let's count them.
  • Teach children to squeeze and knead plasticine with their fingers, thereby giving it a diverse shape.
  • Give the pupils time and opportunity to play with plasticine.

It is from this exercise that teachers advise starting modeling classes in the 2nd younger group. At the end of the lesson, say that in the next lesson you will begin to create beautiful figures and crafts from plasticine.


Thanks to this lesson, children will get acquainted with musical instruments, in particular, with a rattle, learn its structure and hear the sound. For a lesson on modeling “Rattle” for the 2 younger groups you will need:

  • musical instruments that are available in a musical corner;
  • plasticine;
  • rattles;
  • boards;
  • phonogram of any classical musical composition and crying of a child;
  • player.

Course progress:

At the beginning of the lesson, a fragment of the musical composition sounds, preschoolers listen. Teacher: Children, did you like the music? How to calculate where it comes from (Answers).

That's right, well done. A melody is created using musical instruments. On the table are a pipe, tambourine, metallophone, drum, rattles and other instruments. Educator: Guys, what are these items called? After the kids gave the correct answer, the teacher shows a rattle with the words: “Children, do you know what it is? That's right, it's a rattle! Most likely, such a little thing was your first toy. " The teacher shows the rattle, highlighting two parts (pen and ball), the children listen to how it sounds.

Suddenly, a baby cries from a baby crib, the teacher approaches her with the children and sees a doll.

Caregiver: Look, the little baby is crying. What do you think can calm him down?

Children: Rattle.

The children begin to ring, and the crying of the child stops, then the teacher offers everyone to make their own rattle. The teacher asks the children to sit in their seats and step by step shows the kids how to make a ball, roll out a pen and connect these items together. On the table, each child has everything necessary for modeling, and they begin to work, repeating after the tutor.

Summing up the modeling lessons in the 2nd youngest group, the teacher notes the following: today we did a great job - got acquainted with musical instruments, learned that the rattle consists of a ball and a pen, and also made such a toy for ourselves.

Doll cookie

Girls sculpt crafts

We propose to consider the summary of the modeling classes for the 2 younger groups of "Cookies for the Doll", aimed at the artistic and aesthetic development of preschoolers.

Material Required:

  • doll;
  • plasticine,
  • board for modeling;
  • plate;
  • groats (buckwheat or peas are best).

Working process:

Educator: Children, see who came to visit us. This is a doll, her name is Masha. She bought a delicious cookie in the store for her brother Sasha, but on the way she dropped it and lost it. Now Masha has nothing to treat the little brother. I propose to help the doll - let's all together prepare beautiful cookies. The teacher continues to the positive answers of the kids: First, let's remember how to roll a ball from plasticine. After that, put a lump between your palms and press it down. Show me your index fingers. With this finger, we need to make small indentations on the resulting cake in different places. Well done! It remains only to decorate our cookies with the help of cereals, which are poured in plates. Further, the children themselves decorate their dish, the teacher helps only if necessary.

Educator: Well done! What a beautiful cookie! Let's put it on a common plate and treat the doll to Masha. In gratitude, the main character waves a hand to the children.

Gingerbread man

Plasticine gingerbread man

Immediately before the lesson on modeling “Gingerbread Man” for the 2nd younger group, it is necessary for the pupils to read this tale and talk with them on the illustrated images.

Material Required:

  • plasticine;
  • boards;
  • characters for a fairy tale.

Course progress:

Teacher: Guys, look who today visited us. This is Kolobok! How did you end up with us? ”And Kolobok sang a song from a fairy tale (the teacher shows the characters that the main character met along the way).

Educator: Kolobok, how brave and dexterous you are. We invite you to play with our guys. Children get up and the teacher conducts a physical session:

My grandmother kneaded neither rolls nor pancakes (we hook our hands into the lock, circular movements left and right), took out neither pies, nor kalachi ( hands on a belt, turn the body left and right) out of the oven (raise our hands up, put them apart and lower them down ) , as I set it on the table (squat), he left his grandmother (we jump on the spot), who jumps without legs? (clap), this is a yellow Kolobok. (raise your hands up).

Teacher: Look, our bun is sad. What has happened with you?

Kolobok: Here the guys are so friendly, they play and have fun together, but I have no friends, so I'm bored.

Teacher: Don’t be sad, Kolobok, we will help you. Guys, let's blind from plasticine friends for Kolobok, similar to him. After which the children sit in their places.

The teacher shows the kids Kolobok: Guys, what shape is the kolobok? And what color? Now let's start modeling. To make the clay soft, you need to knead it in your hands. We break off a small piece of yellow color, put it on the palm of our hand, hold it with the other handle and roll it out in circular motions, depict the mouth and eyes. After the children complete the task, the teacher says: Guys, what a fine fellow you are! You got such beautiful Koloboks.

Abstract lesson in modeling "Snowman" for the 2 younger groups

Plasticine snowman

For this lesson you will need the following equipment:

  • plasticine;
  • board;
  • a knife;
  • letter.

According to the comprehensive thematic planning, this lesson is modeled on modeling in the 2nd younger group in January.

Teacher: Children, today we received a letter from an unknown sender. Take in the pens, what is it? Children: Cold. Educator: Why do you think it's cold? Children: Because from the cold, frost. Educator: Are you curious about what's inside? Let's read (opens and reads the letter): "Dear guys! I really want to be friends with you. Snowman." Educator: Do you know who the Snowman is, and why his name is? Children: Because it is made of snow.

Educator: Let’s make a plasticine Snowman today. Tell me, what shape is it?

Children: Round.

Educator: The snowman consists of three parts: a large, medium, and small ball (shows figures). Children, how do we begin to sculpt?

Children: From the big.

Educator: Take a large lump of plasticine, put it on the palm of your hand and roll it in a circular motion. So we got the first big part of the snowman. Then we take a smaller lump and roll in the same way - we get the middle ball. Now we just have to take the smallest lump and make a head out of it. After we have three parts ready, we take a large and medium lump and connect them together. Then we press a small lump to the finished body of the snowman.

With the words "We rolled up three lumps, made a Snowman," the teacher demonstrates the finished product and asks: Guys, what else can we add to our friend?

Children: Nose, eyes, mouth, hands.

Educator: We will make eyes and a mouth from cereals, hands from thin branches, and a nose from plasticine of orange color.

By the end of the Snowman modeling class in the 2nd youngest group, the teacher puts the Snowman in the center, and adds the little ones around him: “Snowman, look at what beautiful friends our guys made for you.”


Plasticine airplane

As a demonstration material you will need: a mock aerodrome, a toy airplane, a chest or a box. The following handout is needed for the Airplane modeling lesson in the 2nd youngest group:

  • plasticine;
  • legs;
  • board.

Modeling an “airplane” for the 2 younger groups involves the following actions:

Educator: Children, what do you think is in this chest? (Answers of children). There lies a toy, and which one - you will find out when you guess the riddle: Not a bumblebee, but a buzzing, not a bird, but flying, not nesting, people and cargo being lucky. (airplane)

Teacher: Well done, they solved the riddle. Do you know poems about the plane? Let's talk together (reading Agni Barto’s poem "Airplane"). Do you want to fly it?

Children: Yes.

Educator: Then I propose to make my own airplane out of plasticine.

Children sit down in their places, and the teacher continues: In order for us to get airplanes, we first need to carefully examine it: it has windows, a cabin, a tail, wings and a body.

Educator (demonstrates and speaks every step of his work): We divide a piece of plasticine into two parts, one of which is slightly larger than the second. From the pieces we sculpt two columns, working with straight palms back and forth. From the large column we make the body of the aircraft, the end of which is lifted up to get the tail. We will make wings of their small column, for this we press it lightly and attach it to the body. Here's a plane I got, now you try to repeat.

To organize the modeling of an airplane for the 2 younger groups, in the process of the lesson, the teacher approaches each kid and prompts if necessary. At the end of the sculpting, the children play with their planes, and then put them on the airfield.


Tumblers of platilin

For classes you will need:

  • tumbler doll;
  • plasticine;
  • toy pictures;
  • Stacks
  • boards;
  • phonogram of a baby crying.

Lesson "Modeling a Tumbler in the 2 younger group":

Teacher: Guys, look who came to visit us. Do you recognize her?

Children: This is a tumbler.

Caregiver: Say hello to her. Do you know how she dances? Let's stand and repeat her movements.

The teacher swings the toy and conducts a physical session: we are funny cuties (we put our hands on our belts, sway to the sides), wonderful dolls are tumblers (we continue to sway), we dance and sing (squat), we live very well (we jump on the spot).

The teacher includes a phonogram, and in the room the cry of the Tumbler is heard.

Teacher: Children watch, Tumbler crying. Why are you crying? Are you feeling bad with us? (appeal to the toy).

Tumbler: I have a lot of fun with you, but you all will soon leave, I will be left alone, and I will become bored.

Educator: Poor Tumbler! Guys, let's help her and blind her friends.

Children: Yes.

Educator: And who will tell me what parts it consists of?

Children: She has a head, trunk and arms.

Educator: And what do these body parts look like?

Children: On the balls.

Educator: That's right. Now let's get to work.

The teacher demonstrates and voices his every action. To begin, divide the plasticine into two parts. To do this, take a knife and divide the plasticine bar in half. One of the halves will become the body. The remaining half is divided into two equal parts - make the head. The last piece is again halved for pens. Look, we got the details for creating the Tumbler. Tell me, what will we sculpt from the biggest piece? (torso). And from the middle and small? (head and arms). Who remembers how to sculpt a head and a body, we have already sculpted a snowman. Show me your hands (show hand movements in the air). After which the teacher sculpts Tumbler toy from prepared materials.

Educator: Look how beautiful the Tumbler turned out to be. What color is it? Now let's pick up the clay, divide it into parts and blind the girlfriends for our tumbler. But first, we will carry out a warm-up: we hold our hands firmly and rub our palms, firmly, firmly rub them, give them a warm up.

Children start work, if necessary, the teacher helps.

Educator: Here are the girlfriends for Tumbler Boy. Look how beautiful they turned out. The tumbler is happy, and she wants you to dance with her.

Educator: What a great job! We have to go, let's say goodbye to her together!


Work with plasticine

It is worth noting that modeling plays a huge role in the development of children. In addition, when working with plasticine, certain points on the fingers and palms are massaged, which are associated with the part of the brain that is responsible for intelligence. Thus, modeling in the 2nd younger group lays the foundation for mental development, positively affects visual memory, and has a calming effect on the nervous system. By the way, regular modeling classes in the 2nd younger group help hyperactive children to become more calm and assiduous.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F21060/

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