The best sport for children from a year. Equestrian for children

Before making a final decision as to which particular sports section to send a child to, it is necessary to pay attention to his temperament, character and physical data as a whole. In some cases, it does not hurt to consult a child psychologist. If a child visits any section, then he should do it with pleasure, and not because his parents want it so. Maybe he is not attracted to sports for children at all, and he dreams of drawing, sculpting and making something.

sport for children

A variety of circles and all kinds of sections is now more than enough, so it makes sense to try out several options and see what he really likes. The age threshold for the sections is not high, and you can find a sport for children from one year old - the sooner the child starts classes, the higher the chance for him to become a professional athlete. But preschool children, up to seven years old, should be cherished and given to circles, where the load is evenly distributed throughout the body, and after the child goes to school, you can choose any kind of sports orientation.

Sports for active children are extremely diverse: swimming, shooting, martial arts, running, figure skating, football and much more. But there is one very interesting, exciting (especially for the child) and responsible sport, which is worth mentioning separately, is horseback riding.

Horseback Riding

Any rider, when asked why he chose horse riding, will answer you: “Horses are my life!” One has only to visit a stable or an arena - and you will be forever enchanted by these beautiful and graceful creations. And what is especially mesmerizing is how easily a ten-year-old baby manages a five-hundred-kilogram horse.

sport for active children

From 8-10 years of age, experts recommend professional equestrian sports for children. Such an age threshold is not accidental, because a horse is a bulky and rather strong animal, and if a rider cannot control it psychologically, then some problems with obedience and control may arise.

Riding Features

Equestrian sport for children is the perfect mechanics of one living organism - the rider and the horse itself - coupled with moral responsibility and physical exertion. In the first lessons, the child will not be left alone in the saddle. The initial stage begins with steps with a cord (a trainer occasion to control the horse), then the child is taught horse steps (gait) and only after honed training the rider is released into the arena for independent riding.

Some parents are just psychologically scared that their child is jumping at a height of one and a half meters, so in such cases you can start with a pony, for which the age limit is much lower (from four years).

It is also worth dispelling some rumors regarding riding, namely the most inveterate - all riders have crooked legs. This is utter nonsense, if the legs have some kind of defect, then this is only a “gift” of nature, and it is not connected with equestrian sport in any way. But to get a beautiful and sedate posture, while riding, you can without problems.

Arguments for"

Our children, due to modern factors, spend a lot of time at home at the computer, communicating with their peers not on the street, but via the Internet and phone. You can also add a school bench to this, as a result of which the child first of all suffers from posture and leg muscles atrophy. Equestrian sport for children copes with these problems. Riding a horse is simply impossible to slouch, and regular visits to the club will help the baby sit correctly.

sport for children from a year

Another powerful argument in favor of riding is the emancipation of the child and the acquisition of self-confidence and self-reliance. Managing such a "colossus" weighing half a ton, willy-nilly you will feel like a significant and confident person.

It is also worth touching on the emotional factor of equestrian sport - getting a lot of positive emotions. Many students note for themselves that, having come to the arena even in a very bad mood, at the end of classes they feel a boost of strength and a surge of energy.

Equestrian sport for children is teaching friendship, understanding, kindness and teamwork, which is extremely important for the world in which they now live.

Arguments against"

Like any other sport, equestrian sports do not exclude injuries and falls, although it is here that they are quite rare. For a correct landing from a horse, it is enough to follow a few rules and listen to your mentor. If you are afraid of small bruises, dislocations and other injuries, then you should think about whether this is really your sport.

equestrian sport for children

Horse riding is not only riding a horse in the arena, but also caring, feeding, cleaning the animal. If a child does not want to take care of his horse and any care for him seems tiring, this is also an extra reason to think about another sport.

Another important and specific factor in equestrian sports is the smell. Not every little princess or young “Lancelot” can get used to such an entourage, so keep this in mind.

For those smaller

The best sport for a child is any physical activity from an early age, so if you have a desire to start small, you should pay attention to pony clubs where everyone is welcome without any training, the main thing is to love horses.

best sport for baby

For starters, you can just visit the club as an excursion to equestrian sport, take a walk with a pony, feed it with crackers and carrots, that is, have a good time. And if your baby is interested in a stately and new four-legged friend, then you can record him for further classes.

A child’s communication with a pony will undoubtedly benefit him: a lot of positive emotions, the development of willpower, thinking and character acquisition - all this is worth it to send the kid to the club.


There is no such dropout in clubs. They are waiting for guys of any complexion, height and weight. At first, some special physical training is not required, it will be needed only in sports schools, where the specifics of training imply participation in competitions after the first year of visiting.

There is no need to carry out any special preparatory procedures, the child just needs to be in normal physical shape, especially since in medicine there is even such a thing as “hippotherapy” - one of the types of rehabilitation of special children: with multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy and other similar diseases .


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