Acrylic gypsum: description, features, types and applications

Acrylic gypsum marks the fiftieth anniversary of utilitarian use. Builders and designers use decorative details of the interior with imitation of natural gypsum and ornamental stone.

Uncomplicated technology will allow you to organize your own business for the manufacture of nice looking and useful things for residential buildings and fashionistas. The extraction of ornamental stones is controlled by the state. Plastic filled with color paste and crushed stone dust will create an imitation of a product from mountain treasures.

acrylic plaster

Background information

Another name that clearly reflects the composition of acrylic gypsum is plasticite. Because it consists of substances of artificial origin - polymers MMA and PMMA.

Patented PMMA 90 years ago. In everyday life, a polymer is known as organic glass. The components of artificial gypsum are acrylic resins and water. The composition of water from acrylic resins and powder is called a cold cured resin. To obtain a solid product does not require heating.

The feedstock - monomers, are substances of the third class of environmental hazard. But after the completion of the polymerization process, no free monomer is detected in the acrylic product, so the finished product from acrylic gypsum is safe for humans.

Rationale for benefits

The fragility of products made from natural materials is reported by the pores. Natural gypsum products shrink. Alabaster dries instantly.

Acrylic plaster is deprived of these shortcomings:

  • the polymerization process is extended in time;
  • shrinkage of ornamental material is absent;
  • there is no risk of bubbles during molding.

The country's construction stores offer customers Ecoresin simil ceramica acrylic gypsum, which in Russian is shortened to the name Ecoresin. Technological substance for needlework. The powder is mixed with water in proportion according to the instructions. Stir for two minutes. Then pour the mixture into molding silicone volumes and remove after an hour. Further, the finished casting can be coated with paints and varnish. The technology is suitable for the manufacture of souvenirs, vases and decorative panels.

acrylic plaster varnish

Prescription part

Acrylic mass for the manufacture of decorative products is formed of two or three components:

1. Polymer powder and water.

2. Acrylic resin, colorless polymer and hardener.

To improve the decorative qualities of gypsum products and prevent moisture, acrylic gypsum varnish helps. Protective varnish film does not warp and does not peel off due to temperature differences. Sunlight does not destroy the coating and the product.

The disadvantage of most coatings is the “chemical” odor due to the evaporation of the components. Acrylic varnish has no odors.

The substance applied to the surface dries in minutes, the drying speed is related to temperature and humidity. But there is a nuance. Water-based acrylic lacquer starts to stick after a while. Therefore, for gypsum products, it is preferable to use polyurethane varnishes.

DIY acrylic plaster


In a country where winter lasts 6-7 months, the use of frost-resistant and moisture-resistant acrylic gypsum is appropriate and justified for the exterior walls of buildings.

But for interior decoration, tiles, ceiling sockets and accessories made of acrylic plaster are applicable.

Home craftsmen

Do-it-yourself acrylic gypsum can knead a person with minimal construction experience.

Preparation begins with the air temperature in the workspace. According to sanitary standards in the production volume, the suitable readings of the thermometer are equal to plus 15 ° Celsius. Crossing this limit decreases the rate of polymerization exponentially. For example, a decrease of 5 degrees will increase the waiting time of the finished product by five times.

Excess moisture harm the polymerization process, increase the cooking time and adjust the color of the intended product. Before kneading without heating, the components are dried on a dry board of natural wood or on clean paper. It is not permissible to place the drying surface on radiators or in the oven.

Capacity for the bay of the composition is called the matrix. So that the starting material does not stick, the working surface of the molding utensils is lubricated with a separator.

Acrylic gypsum is kneaded in a plastic container. First, resin is poured into the container, then polymer is poured.

acrylic gypsum composition


It is useful to follow the proportions. By eye, measurement is unacceptable.

We take the whole set for 10 parts: 7 parts of resin and 3 parts of powder. The ratio for the initial preparation: 6 parts of resin and 3 parts of powder. Mix gently and thoroughly, achieving a consistency “like pancakes - without lumps”. The waiting time for the complete introduction of the powder into the resin should be equal to one hour, provided that the temperature at the place of work is comfortable.

Now is the time to use the deferred seventh of the resin; hardener is added to the component in a separate container; mix, wait for the complete dissolution of the hardener and add to the prepared solution.

Proportions in kilograms:

  • 1.8 kg of resin.
  • 0.9 kg of acrylic powder.
  • The weight of the prepared composition is 2.7 kg.
  • Hardener is taken 2% of the weight of the finished mixture - 2.7 kg * 2% = 54 grams.

Pour 300 grams of resin residue into a separate plastic container, add 54 grams of hardener. By shaking, they convince the hardener to dissolve without residue. The resulting 354 grams of the mixture is poured into the prepared solution and mixed.

Act should be argued. In a warm atmosphere, polymerization will be completed in half an hour. If the product is meant in color, then paste in the desired color is mixed. To avoid the effect of plastic, washed river sand, marble stones are added to the molding material; aluminum powder or crushed stone of small fractions.

Small-format products harden completely in 2 hours after pouring the mixture into the molding container. Dimensional tiles, countertops and columns "dry" day.

ecoresin simil ceramica acrylic gypsum

Safety precautions

Before starting work, provide ventilation. Put on cotton clothes. Take protective measures: on hands - rubber gloves, on eyes - goggles like swimmers, on the nose and mouth - a respirator. At the end of work, discard gloves, since washing is more expensive. If the glasses did not prevent the components of acrylic gypsum from getting into the eyes, you should quit and immediately rinse your eyes in running water for at least 15 minutes.

Bulk and liquid substances are stored in a sealed container with a tight lid. If the home craftsman purchased the resin in the package and the material was not used 100%, then the remains can be stored on the balcony or in the garage for 12 months. Resin tolerates Ural frosts. There is no need to store the consumable component in the living space.

The second component of acrylic gypsum - hardener - ignites. Therefore, the component is kept cool and wet.

Compliance with these simple and understandable rules will help to spend your free time excitingly making interior items from artificial gypsum.


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