Vitamins for cats from hair loss: reviews

One of the most common problems that cat owners turn to veterinarians is hair loss. This may be due not only to improper pet care or seasonal molting. Most often, such problems arise from malnutrition and a lack of essential trace elements. In this case, the veterinarian advises special vitamins for cats from hair loss. You should not try to choose them yourself, since the need for one or another element depends on the health status of the pet, the reasons for hair loss and the nutritional characteristics of the animal.

vitamins for cats from hair loss

What vitamins are needed for cats

From hair loss, there are special vitamin complexes, but you can give your pet individual preparations or products. You only need to know what elements the cat needs. There are no special feline vitamins. Animals need the same trace elements as humans. But there are certain features. For example, cats do not need vitamin C additionally, since their body produces it in sufficient quantities. What vitamins are important for pet health:

- Vitamin A is necessary for normal vision, for the growth of a kitten and maintaining healthy skin and coat;

- of B vitamins for cats, thiamine (for the health of the nervous system), riboflavin (to maintain the normal condition of the skin and coat), pantothenic acid (against hair loss) are especially needed;

- Vitamin E is very important for the normal development of a young animal, as well as for regulating the metabolism of sulfur in the skin.

Why a pet suffers from a lack of vitamins

Most often, such a problem is encountered by the owners who feed the cat home food.

vitamins for cats from hair loss
It is very difficult to choose such a diet so that the animal receives all the necessary trace elements and vitamins. The cat regularly needs to be given not only meat and fish, but also dairy products, vegetables and greens. Fatty, salty and fried foods, sausages, smoked meats, pastries and sweets are contraindicated to the pet. So that the cat does not experience health problems, it is better with the help of a veterinarian to pick up a high-quality ready-made feed that contains all the necessary trace elements. But even in this case, sometimes it will be necessary to give extra vitamins for cats from hair loss. After all, during molting, the animal needs additional trace elements. But for cats eating ready-made food, such preparations should be given in a reduced dose.

Why do cats lose their hair?

According to the results of the pet owners contacting the veterinarian, there are two main causes of animal baldness:

what vitamins to give a cat with hair loss

1. If a cat eats normally, is cheerful and playful, her nose is wet and her eyes sparkle, then her hair falls out due to seasonal molting. This happens twice a year and usually lasts 2-3 months. You can speed up this process if you regularly comb the animal and give special vitamins for cats from hair loss.

2. Often pet owners turn to the veterinarian complaining that the cat itches, is in a depressed mood, and the hair falls out in shreds. The reason for this can be both parasitic diseases, and a banal lack of vitamins and minerals in the body of the pet. After examining the animal and learning about the features of its diet, the doctor will advise which vitamins to give the cat. When hair loss occurs, there are special tablets with a pleasant taste for the pet.

What does a cat need for a healthy coat?

  • B vitamins must be given to pets with problems with the coat. From their lack, the animal develops weakness or nervousness, various dermatitis, the hair grows dull and falls out. Vitamins B2 and B5 are especially important.
  • Biotin is very important for maintaining the health of the skin and coat of cats. It regulates metabolic processes, helps in the regeneration of tissues, makes the coat healthy and shiny.
    vitamins for cats from hair loss in drops
  • Cats need sulfur to make their coat shine. Adding it to the animal’s diet accelerates growth, prevents the appearance of dandruff and improves metabolism.
  • A calcium deficiency can also cause dull hair and hair loss. Therefore, during molting, this element must be given to the animal additionally.
  • Zinc, especially in combination with fatty acids, is also added to complex anti-hair loss vitamins in cats. It improves the quality of the coat and protects against skin diseases.

Vitamins for cats from hair loss

Owner reviews indicate that such drugs need to be selected strictly individually, depending on the health status of the pet, its habits and causes of baldness. The veterinary industry is now making many vitamin complexes designed to combat this problem. They are available in the form of tablets and drops. Many cat owners do not respond well to the tablet form of vitamins. Not every animal can swallow a pill, even if it is made in the form of a treat with a pleasant taste and an attractive smell. Therefore, vitamins for cats from hair loss in drops are more popular. They are convenient to add to food, and the owner of the animal will be sure that his pet received all the necessary elements.

What preparations can be given to a cat?

The veterinarian himself prescribes vitamins to the cat, depending on the cause of hair loss. These are mainly tablets containing brewer's yeast, iodine, zinc, sulfur, kelp extract, biotin and B vitamins.

cats anti-hair loss vitamins
Now on sale there are a large number of different vitamin complexes for cats, which will not only improve the condition of the coat of a pet, but also have a beneficial effect on its general health. They are available in the form of hearts, mice or rods, have an attractive taste for cats and most animals really like it. The most popular animal owners are Beafar, Felvey, Polydex, or Olia. There are also Russian-made products, for example, ZooMir Super Wool or Sherstevit.

Vitamin Replenishment

So that the pet does not lack micronutrients, it is necessary to add brewer's yeast, seaweed, liver and egg yolk to the diet before and during molting.

vitamins for cats from hair loss reviews
During the year, it is advisable to grow special greens for cats, oat seedlings are especially useful , containing all the vitamins and minerals necessary for a healthy coat. Owners of furry pets respond positively to such weed. After all, most cats love her very much.


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