Children's shoes "Indigo Kids": reviews

Before each change of seasons, parents have a question: what shoes for children to buy? Well, if you have already decided on your favorite brand. If you are looking for the perfect match for your child, check out the Indigo Kids trademark.

indigo kids shoes reviews

About the manufacturer

The Indigo Kids brand is owned by the NSK-Lux LLC company from Novosibirsk, but is produced, like most goods, in factories in China. All products comply with GOSTs for the production of children's shoes in the Russian Federation and have quality certificates, which is indicated on the website of the manufacturer. In addition to GOSTs, all Indigo Kids models are certified by the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of our country. That is, parents may not worry about poor-quality materials or poor performance pads, which can be harmful to the formation of children's feet.

General Information about Indigo Kids Shoes

By production, both natural and various artificial materials are used. Insoles are made of genuine leather with an insert for the prevention of flat feet in babies. Lining and insulation made of natural sheepโ€™s wool. For the upper layer, high-quality artificial materials that have undergone technological control are used.

Winter and demi-season models have a membrane layer that prevents them from getting wet in wet weather and does not increase sweating of the baby's feet. If you buy your child membrane shoes, make sure that the socks are made of synthetic fabrics, then the legs will not sweat and as a result freeze.

winter shoes indigo kids reviews

The lineup is updated every season. The company's designers follow the latest trends in the field of children's fashion.

According to the manufacturer, the sole is quite flexible, and the shoe is comfortable, which creates comfortable conditions for wearing.

Apparently, you can not worry about the quality of the products of the Novosibirsk company.

Positive feedback on shoes "Indigo Kids"

It is worth noting that most speak positively about the products of this brand. The company produces models for all seasons, and people willingly take not only winter or demi-season pairs, but also summer ones for socks indoors and outdoors. On the Internet, reviews of children's shoes Indigo Kids say that this brand stands on a par with such well-known Russian manufacturers as Fairy Tale, Tommy, Kotofey, Kapika and Zebra.

The main positive points noted by consumers:

  • Great design. You can choose models for everyday wear, and for the holiday.
  • Threads and glue do not stick out anywhere, although Chinese factories often sin like that.
  • Most models are great for high-rise legs.
  • Reviews about the membrane on the shoes "Indigo Kids" are positive, most note its waterproofness even in extreme situations, for example, when jumping into a puddle.
  • Convenient flypapers and fasteners both on winter, and on summer models. They are easy to adjust on the foot of any volume. Kids who are just learning to wear shoes on their own will be comfortable.
  • The price of shoes "Indigo Kids", according to reviews, is quite acceptable for budget shoes. Winter models cost about two and a half thousand rubles. The price of summer sandals is about one and a half thousand.

baby shoes indigo kids reviews

Negative reviews

Not all consumers are completely satisfied with their purchase.

Negative points when using the products of this brand:

  • Winter models are quite voluminous and difficult to bend, rough in appearance, uncomfortable to wear.
  • Some reviews of winter shoes "Indigo Kids" suggest that the models are not warm enough even for the winters of central Russia. Already at -5 degrees, children's feet are freezing. Even the additional warming in the form of a fur envelope in a stroller for the smallest does not save. For Siberian winters, the warmest models are suitable only as demi-season ones.
  • In the lineup there are practically no pairs made entirely of genuine leather. No matter what they say about the high quality of artificial materials, the child wants to give the best. And better than genuine leather, according to some parents, the material has not yet been invented.
  • The dimensional grid of shoes "Indigo Kids", according to reviews, does not match the manufacturer's declared two sizes. This means that when buying shoes of this brand for a child with a foot for the 37th Russian size, make an order for the 39th. Apparently, Chinese tailoring makes itself felt.
  • Some parents note an uncomfortable tongue in models. It is spinning and difficult to correct. The child is uncomfortable because of this.

indigo kids shoes membrane reviews

How to choose baby shoes

Highlights when choosing shoes for babies:

  • The material must breathe. Preference should be given to natural materials. If you buy artificial, they must be of high quality. Judging by the reviews of shoes "Indigo Kids", this brand uses good materials and the baby's legs do not sweat.
  • Choose laced shoes for older children. Children under 5 years old can hardly tie shoelaces without assistance.
  • For children who are just starting to walk, choose closed models. With a deaf sock, the baby will not hurt the delicate toes if it stumbles. The heel should not come out, so the back should also be closed.
  • Choose models with anatomical insoles that prevent the development of flat feet. If your child already has such a diagnosis, then you should choose shoes only marked "orthopedic". It will cost much more than Indigo Kids shoes (reviews say the same).

indigo kids shoes dimensional mesh reviews

In conclusion

Children's foot is growing fast, so there is no point in chasing durable models. One or two seasons - and the baby has to change shoes. But at the same time, the quality should be on top, because the formation of the foot of a small person occurs from birth to five years. Therefore, it is during this period that correctly selected shoes are so important.


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