Ito-hybrids of peonies: photos, reviews, planting and care

The birthplace of peonies is Southeast Asia. These flowers were cultivated before our era in China, Rome, Greece. Over the millennia, many varieties of peonies have been bred. However, saturated yellow flowers were obtained only in 1948 in Japan. Selection work was carried out by the scientist Toichi Ito. It was he who was named after the new variety, which received many good reviews from lovers of ornamental plants.

Of course, many domestic gardeners would like to plant a peony hybrid in their Ito plot. What is the difference between it and ordinary varieties and how to properly care for such varieties - we will talk about this later in the article. In principle, such plants are relatively unpretentious. But of course, they should be watered and fertilized from time to time.

ito hybrids of peonies


Ito hybrids of peonies are popular with gardeners primarily for their large and lush flowers. The saturated yellow color of the latter does not fade in the sun. A special charm to these magnificent peonies is given by lilac bright strokes at the base of the petals. Toichi Ito managed to get not only yellow flowers. Peonies of this variety can be pink, red, lilac, copper or peach. What distinguishes them from other varieties is the presence of a contrast supplement at the base of each petal.

Ito-hybrids of peonies, photos of which are presented on this page, are really endowed with unique beauty. The Ito-Pion bush itself is sprawling, densely leafy, dense. In height, these plants can reach 50-90 cm. Ito-peonies have also earned good reviews from gardeners for the fact that their bush does not branch out to the sides even during flowering. Both half-terry and terry Ito-hybrids look beautifully on the flower beds. Most gardeners find the smell of these flowers very pleasant and gentle, with a touch of citrus.

peonies ito hybrids landing and ear

Distinctive features

Ito hybrids of peonies were obtained by crossing tree-like and herbaceous varieties. Their main features include:

  • winter hardiness;
  • ability to grow rapidly;
  • dead leaves in the fall;
  • plentiful and long flowering;
  • low light requirements.

Ito-peonies begin to bloom 2-3 years after planting. However, their first buds are usually not too beautiful - they have an irregular shape, curved petals. But a year after the appearance of the first flowers, everything returns to normal and the plant pleases its owners with a luxurious appearance. According to most gardeners, these hybrids gain maximum beauty for 4-5 years of development.

With a close occurrence of groundwater, Ito-peonies are planted in elevated natural or artificially equipped areas. It is not recommended to place these flowers next to shrubs or trees. Otherwise, they will lack nutrients.

peonies ito hybrids care

Where to plant?

By the sun, Ito hybrids of peonies are not particularly demanding. However, it is best to plant them where they will receive as much ultraviolet radiation as possible. In this case, the plants will fully reveal their beauty. Soil types are different for these colors, but they feel best on loamy, well-fertilized soils with a high humus content. The soil acidity in the flowerbed with Ito-pions should be slightly alkaline or neutral. According to all gardeners without exception, these hybrids respond best to the introduction of fertilizers such as ash or dolomite flour under the roots . In addition, experienced summer residents are advised to plant these plants in areas with the most loose soil. The more air will flow to their roots, the better.

How to choose planting material?

Peonies are usually propagated by shares. For successful cultivation, the quality of the planting material is also important. Delenka should have at least 2-5 kidney renewal and the same number of roots. The presence of rot or mold is highly undesirable. In any case, all damaged and infected areas should be thoroughly cleaned. The kidneys should have a pinkish color. Before planting, it is advisable to soak the delenka in a stimulant solution. Most often, gardeners use Epin or Kornevin.

Planting Peonies - Ito Hybrids: Preparing Flowerbeds

Ito-peonies are best planted in late August - early September. The earth should be well loosened, getting rid of lumps. Small holes are dug under the plants themselves, so that after planting the buds are at a depth of 3-5 cm from the soil level. If they are too high or low, the peony will not bloom.

planting peonies ito hybrids

Dug pits are filled with pre-prepared nutrient soil. Prepare a mixture of manure or humus and garden soil. For deoxidation, a little ash or dolomite flour should be added to the soil. Experienced gardeners are also advised to add a little phosphorus fertilizer to the mixture.

Fill the hole should be approximately 2/3. On dense soils, a little sand can be added to the mixture, on peat soils - clay. Delenka in the pit is placed strictly in the center with a slight slope. Further, they fill the hole completely with soil.

How to water?

Ito hybrids, planting and care for which are carried out in approximately the same way as for ordinary grassy varieties, in the summer period, of course, require periodic watering and top dressing. Moisturize the soil under these plants should be quite often. After all, their bushes are lush and evaporate a lot of water. Ito-peonies are watered about once a week. It is especially important to do this on time at the beginning of summer, that is, during the period when the active growth of stems and the formation of buds occur. Do not forget about watering in late summer. At this time, the plants are actively forming regeneration buds.

Water should not be poured directly into the hole, but into grooves dug in advance at a distance of 10-15 cm from the stem. It is best to water Ito-peonies in the evening. In hot weather, it is advisable to produce daily surface wetting of the soil. These plants are watered exclusively under the root. Sprinkling method is not recommended. The fact is that peonies are very easily infected with fungal diseases. On wet leaves, on the condition of increased humidity inside the bush, favorable conditions arise for the germination of spores.

After each watering, the soil under the bushes should be loosened. The more oxygen the roots receive, the more magnificent and more beautiful the peonies will be.

ito peony hybrid what is the difference

How to fertilize?

Peonies Ito-hybrids (care for them is not too complicated), subject to the technology of planting fertilizing in the first two years of growth does not require. In the third and in all subsequent years, plants are fertilized in spring, during budding, and in August. The first time make nitrogen compounds. During the budding period, the same means are used. In August, Ito-peonies are fed using phosphorus-potassium compounds.

Pruning bushes

Buds appearing in the first two years should be removed immediately. Such early flowers, as already mentioned, will not be beautiful. But they are quite capable of weakening the bush and slowing its development.

In the formed plants, pruning is done in mid-June. At this time, all dry inflorescences are simply removed. When trimming, it is also important to remove all leaves and petals that have fallen to the ground. This is done to reduce the risk of developing fungal diseases. Actually, the trimming of old flowers itself contributes to the laying of new reproduction buds. The more they form, the more magnificent and more beautiful the peonies will be next year.

ito hybrids of peonies photo

Winter preparations

For the second time, Ito hybrids of peonies are cut in the fall - in early October. This time, all the foliage is removed and burned. If this is not done, they may be infected with a fungal infection in the next year of planting. Ito-peonies are winter-hardy plants, and therefore it is not necessary to shelter them for the winter. If desired, you can nip the bushes with rotted manure. In the spring it will be necessary to carefully dig it out, trying not to break the tender young shoots.

Peonies Ito-hybrids: reviews of gardeners

Opinion about the peonies of this variety among summer residents was very good. In leaving, they are not too demanding. In terms of effectiveness, this variety is not inferior to grassy varieties, and even surpasses them in originality. These are actually very unpretentious and at the same time beautiful flowers. Most gardeners advise planting them on a site in the fall. The fact is that in plants placed on flowerbeds in spring, the roots often melt in the cold season.

The disadvantages of this Japanese variety, most gardeners attribute only the high cost of planting material. The price of the latter is much higher than the shares of ordinary varieties of peonies (about 1,500 thousand).

peonies ito hybrids reviews

As you can see, Ito-peonies are really very spectacular and unusual plants. It is definitely worth choosing this new decorative culture to decorate your suburban area. Subject to the planting technology and proper care, Ito-peonies will surely please the gardener with lush foliage and abundant flowering.


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