How to feed a toy terrier: important recommendations

The American Toy Terrier is a pocket dog whose weight does not exceed three kilograms. Although these are small animals, their nutrition should be balanced. Now we will talk about proper feeding, consider important features and find out what these babies can and what can not.

If you want to maintain the health of the animal, then in no case do not give him food from the table.

How to feed a toy terrier
How to feed a toy terrier: junk food

First, select the products that should be completely excluded from the diet of the dog:

  • fish, poultry and minced meat;
  • sausage and sausages;
  • sweets;
  • legumes;
  • White bread;
  • pasta;
  • smoked meats and spices;
  • pork;
  • fat;
  • some fruits: avocados, oranges and grapes;
  • potatoes and starchy vegetables;
  • salt and salty foods.

How to feed a toy terrier: what is the frequency of feeding?

The number of meals depends on the age of the animal:

  • From a month to two - 6 feedings per day.
  • From two months to three - 5 feedings per day.
  • From three months to four - 4 feedings per day.
  • From four months to ten - 3 feedings per day.
  • Older than ten months - 2 feedings per day will be enough.

How to feed toy terrier: important aspects of nutrition

american toy terrier
A prerequisite for the health of the dog is a balanced diet. It should contain in sufficient quantities all the useful elements: proteins, fats, carbohydrates and vitamins.

Consider, for example, a feeding scheme for a two-month-old puppy of the American toy terrier:

  1. Cottage cheese (diluted with kefir).
  2. Very finely chopped meat.
  3. Cottage cheese with kefir.
  4. Porridge (well-boiled) or milk porridge.
  5. Meat + vegetables. All finely chopped.
  6. Meat.

You need to feed the toy terrier in equal portions after the same period of time, for example, every four hours. To understand if you give enough food to the baby, touch his tummy. If the sides stick out, then you have overfed the dog. In this case, you need to slightly reduce the serving size. In no case should under-feed!

Be sure to have minerals and vitamins in your puppy's diet. As a rule, an adult toy terrier, like a puppy, has a good appetite, so its food should be varied. Be sure to give the dog the following products:

  1. meat;
  2. fruits and vegetables (apples, cucumbers, apricots, etc.);
  3. offal (liver and heart);
  4. low-fat sea fish;
  5. various cereals: rice and buckwheat;
  6. dairy products: cottage cheese and kefir, you cannot give milk to adult toy terriers, since lactose is not absorbed from them.

What to feed that terrier: homemade food or ready-made food?

adult toy terrier
To answer this question, you need to understand whether you can provide the dog with good nutrition. If so, then you need to choose the option of feeding, based on your personal preferences. If not, it is better to purchase ready-made feed. You just need to remember that the cheap feeds that are sold in supermarkets are not suitable, as they are made from low-quality products. It is advisable to choose a premium product. These are expensive balanced feeds, which are an excellent substitute for prepared foods. If you buy canned goods or ready-made dry food, then you will not need to spend time preparing porridge or meat for your pet.

Now you know how to feed a toy terrier. With proper feeding, the animal can live a healthy, long life! Therefore, pay special attention to the diet of your animal!


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