Quote about the goals of a great man - the best motivator

What can motivate better than quotes from great people? Proponents of cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy argue that wrong thoughts are the cause of all human ills. They believe that it is beliefs that affect a person’s emotions and behavior. The role of positive sources can be successfully fulfilled by aphorisms told by great people about the goal.

quote about goals

The benefits of positive information

Listening to positive affirmations and reading good books will be a good help to fill your mind with vitality. But it happens that there is absolutely not enough time for such a long absorption of information. Modern life makes such high demands on a person that he hardly manages to satisfy his urgent needs. Not to mention reading books or watching movies. In this case, even one quote about goals per day will bring enough energy to motivate yourself to reach new heights.

quotes of the great

Brian Tracy quotes for success

A world-class business coach warns everyone who has decided to take the difficult path of success: β€œThe only thing you can manage is your thoughts. Use them correctly. ”

Brian Tracy did not shine at the beginning of his journey. It is impossible to say about him that his career was lightning fast - before becoming a world-class coach, he had to change many types of activities. Until, finally, he came to the conclusion: to become successful, you need to think like successful people. His sayings have the same power as the quotes of the great.

A person is so often inclined to give in to anxiety about those things that are in no way dependent on his actions. More often than not, the only area that can be controlled is his mind. However, here we are not talking about self-hypnosis or self-deception. In order to really achieve success, you need to learn how to focus on the positive aspects of life. But this is the most difficult art. Having learned it, a person gains power over himself, and, therefore, over his life.

aphorisms about the goal

Caution Great Scientist

A quote about the goals of Albert Einstein is also known. He said: "No goal is so high as to justify unworthy means to achieve it." What does this expression mean?

Nothing can be valued higher than human life or dignity. The purpose and means of achieving it must be measured and evaluated in accordance with the criteria of morality and humanity. After all, research in various fields of science can be used against the person himself. Cognition is the tool that can both improve the conditions of human life, and destroy the whole civilization.

Einstein's fears and the life of an ordinary person

The above quote about goals can bring many benefits in everyday life. For example, often in order to feed his own family, a person is on the verge of crime. Could this be justified? Some may think that yes. But an unworthy path always leads to nowhere - in this case, only to an even greater deterioration of the situation. Even having a high goal, a person cannot afford to commit illegal actions. You can always earn money honestly. The only difference is that it will not be easy money, but the conscience of this imaginary hero will be calm.

purpose and means

Goal setting is a prerequisite for success

W. Clement Stone has another great quote about goals: β€œA clear goal is the first step to any achievement.” Most people live without thinking about tomorrow. Serious, responsible thoughts about what a person may expect in the future are sometimes unusual even for some representatives of the older generation. Why it happens? People tend to rely heavily on the fact that everything, one way or another, will be settled or become better as if by magic. Some hope that their problems will be successfully solved by parents or the state.

Go with the flow - doom yourself to disaster

With a passive approach to life, reckoning is likely to be horrific, and then you will have to pay bills with huge percentages. Therefore, the ability to survey your holistic life perspective is so important in achieving success. This skill is all the more significant when striving for a certain dream. A person cannot achieve the goal that is drawn in his mind in vague features.

That is why so many coaches and business trainers recommend writing down their goals, compiling wish lists, as well as plans for the week, month or year. Such a skill is essential to achieve a goal within a specific time frame. Only with a clear vision can a person come close to achieving it. Moreover, even working hard, most likely, he will find that the result does not quite coincide with those grandiose ideas that he drew at the beginning.

To help not to recede from our goal, to continue the movement, no matter what, and quotes from scientists, politicians, artists and other great people are called upon to help.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F21085/

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