Feeding pads: how to use, instructions for use

Since ancient times, our grandmothers and great-grandmothers knew that breastfeeding plays a major role in the development of growth and health of the baby. And at the birth of a child, the mother should be ready for this. But not all people are the same, someone has problems with this process. It happens that the mother does not have milk at all, and she has to get out of this position.

How to use

Chest pads

Most often, mothers who begin to breastfeed their baby, especially the first-born, complain of pain when breastfeeding in the chest area, cutting pain in the nipples and discomfort in the mammary glands, in general. And then, during the life of our grandmothers, the level of moral, social and technological development did not allow us to reveal such problems as deeply as it is done now. And many had to endure, experiencing torture at every feeding. Today, there is a fairly simple but effective way to get rid of pain and discomfort.

The solution in this situation is special breast pads, to be more precise, on the area of ​​the nipples, which prevents strong compression and trauma to the tissues of the nipple. Their target area is to facilitate the process of feeding mothers who have problems with this.

The need for linings

The fact is that it is not always necessary to use breast pads, since the problem with difficult feeding can be caused by the incorrect position of the baby or other factors that the mother has the power to fix on her own, without extraneous supplies.

It is worth paying special attention to such linings only when absolutely necessary, because in some situations they will not only not solve the problem, but will worsen the situation. The following points will help you understand when breast pads can be used. Be sure to consult with your doctor before buying them, who will tell you whether they are needed at this stage or not. In all other cases not described below, self-intervention is not recommended. Pads are required with the following indicators:

  1. Early stage. Feeding the first child can be quite unpleasant and even terribly painful. Therefore, the pad can be used for severe pain at first. Watch carefully the correctness of applying such a pad, otherwise you will not see a relief effect, and even the child will not be able to suck, because the pad will block this action in the wrong location.
  2. The baby does not accept mother’s breasts. From the very beginning, the child can kick and reject the breast, which is why many people get out of the situation by expressing milk from their own breasts into the bottle. After which the baby more or less takes this type of feeding. It would seem that this is a good way out of the situation, but it must be borne in mind that with this feeding the baby will no longer want to return to the breast, because it is much easier for him to “get” milk from the bottle. When breastfeeding, the baby needs to make at least some effort in order for the milk to go. But this does not happen with a bottle. Therefore, in order to return the baby to breastfeeding for one reason or another, use linings that facilitate the "extraction" of milk from the breast, which makes it similar to getting it from a bottle. This option will not only teach the baby back to the chest, but also make the life of the mother easier.
  3. Damage to the nipples. It happens that already at the initial stage of breastfeeding, a woman can damage her nipples. Moreover, lesions most often in the form of cracks do not heal for a long time, because the child must be fed regularly. In this case, special breast pads will be more useful than ever.
  4. For educational purposes. These pads are used not only to facilitate the tasks of mothers, but also to teach the baby to suck. There are situations when a baby is born with a slightly inhibited nervous system, which directly affects skill and quick learning to suckle. In such a situation, a breast pad will teach the baby to feed directly.
  5. For premature and weak babies. Especially in the first week, such babies need help in sucking out milk, because due to weakness they cannot do it properly on their own. If this problem is not solved, the baby will begin to rapidly lose weight due to lack of milk, and, as a result, the depletion of the body.
  6. The first teeth. When a child’s teeth begin to erupt, this is a sign that Mom’s nipple will be bitten more than once. At this time, the baby’s teeth do not allow him to live in peace, he becomes moody constantly. The child all the time wants to scratch his gums and teeth on various objects. Mom’s nipple is one of the main things that the baby intends to scratch his mouth. And in this case, it is the lining for the chest that will correct the situation.
  7. Custom nipple. All women are different both internally and externally. This plate will facilitate the extraction of milk for the baby from the nipple, which is too big for him, too long or short.
  8. Problems with a child’s mouth. Sometimes babies are born with too short a bridle between the tongue and the palate, which makes getting milk from the nipple more difficult for them than for everyone else.

You must remember that for each of these situations, you must first consult a doctor and only after its approval, you can proceed to the use of pads. Also, the doctor should systematically examine the woman when using such devices. These pads should be used as a short-term solution to the problem, than to use them for a long time.

Weaning a baby from the chest

Disadvantages of breast pads

Like every item, pads have their cons and pros. On the pros, it was said above, what disadvantages arise when using, are described below:

  1. Long-term use of lining for feeding can disrupt the mechanism of milk extraction, because the baby understands that milk is going well and starts to suck it faster. As the intensity increases, so does the pause between feedings, the breast takes longer to recover. The end result of such a result may be the loss of milk in a woman.
  2. Even with the lining pressed firmly against the breast, milk may fall under it. This means that a considerable amount of milk will simply be lost, and babies will not be able to fully satisfy their needs, they may remain hungry. Such situations prolong the feeding time, which makes the kids tired. Some of them manage to fall asleep, so normal and not eating, which ultimately affects the weight characteristics of the child.
  3. If you use the pads, then there is a big chance that the child will consume more air than necessary with milk. Because of this, he may have problems in the intestinal tract, such as belching, colic, etc.
  4. Discomfort for both mothers and a child to use in some places (walking in a park or city), as well as at night or in very cloudy weather.
  5. Due to the fact that the lining for feeding can be used for a sufficiently long amount of time without the necessary disinfection, it can serve as a source of infection, in particular such as thrush. She is the most frequent enemy of mothers who use nipple liners for a long time without the necessary sterilization.
  6. Addiction occurs not only in the child to such a more lightweight version of the extraction of food, but also in the mother because she is much easier. Smaller pains and a more comfortable state of health make the mother forget that they need to be used much less than they can afford.
  7. A psychological problem is also present in this aspect. Scientists have found that the mother understands that there is a barrier between her nipple and her baby, and psychologically this separates them from each other so much that very often the production of milk in women is halved by almost half. Due to the fact that the woman does not directly contact the child, but is fixated on the process itself, which occurs with the help of the lining, psychologically this affects her, preventing her from relaxing.
Use of pads for feeding babies

Types of overlays

The following types of overlays are available:

  1. From rubber. Such linings are already outdated and in the modern world they are no longer so easy to find. They were one of the first and are currently not recommended for use. They are designed to fit on a different base such as glass or plastic, like plastic bottles. They are quite inconvenient, cause problems with the flow of milk and its minimal contact with the child. The baby is too far from the mother during feeding, the effects on the nipple are minimal, as a result, the baby will not be able to eat normally, since it is not only far away, but also the milk will flow out of the lining.
  2. From latex. More frequent than rubber, but still not often used. Such linings are quite soft, but have a rough yellow tint and quickly absorb odors, literally after the first application. Also often cause allergies in children.
  3. The most modern and popular version of the linings is made of silicone. According to reviews, silicone lining for feeding is the best. They are transparent, do not cause allergies, are resistant to wear and are absolutely safe. They are gaining density as they approach the nipple and are quite flexible, which allows them to be tightly fixed to the chest. By themselves, they are very thin, and their density is in the necessary norm to provide the necessary stimulation of the nipple.
What are the linings for feeding?

Selection of manufacturer of lining for feeding

At the moment, three companies are leading that can provide quality products. All of them are similar to each other, but still have minor differences, each of which will suit one or another woman.

The first company is Avent. Before use, read the instructions on how to use the Avent feeding pads correctly. This company uses only high-quality materials. Silicone has the thinnest base, while it does not smell, does not absorb odors, has no taste. Sizes of this company: devices of standard size, small size. Only positive reviews of Avent feeding pads, photos can be viewed on the manufacturer’s website.

The company Avent has such a thin material that it will help your baby feel the mother’s nipple without much effort, the child will not feel the difference. If you learn how to use Avent silicone feeding pads correctly, this will save the baby and you from contact with cracked and sore nipples.

The next company is Medela Contact. How to use Medela feeding pads can also be found in the instructions for use. The assortment of this company has more linings than in the past:

  1. S is a small size that is suitable for nipples up to 1 cm in diameter in tension and for premature babies.
  2. M - the average size is suitable for nipples, the size of which is 1 cm in diameter.
  3. L - large size, suitable for nipples that exceed 1 cm in diameter.

This company also makes a product from thin material. Silicone is odorless and tasteless. Tightly sits on the chest, which allows the baby to fully feel the mother’s nipple. But before use, you must definitely familiarize yourself with how to use the Medela feeding pads.

The last company on the list is Ameda. The products of this company not only allow you to maintain maximum tactile sensations, but can also adjust the shape of the nipple, if necessary. This company adheres to all the above manufacturing rules, like other companies.

Breast pads for feeding babies

Features of choice

First of all, decide on the size. This is an important stage. Which company to choose is up to you. According to reviews, Avent feeding pads are one of the best. But the ideal option in this situation is the opportunity to try on different sizes of different manufacturers. So you will select the necessary overlay with maximum accuracy. When trying on, remember that the nipple must be in tension. For premature babies, choose smaller linings than standard ones, but at the same time they must be measured anyway.

Remember, the highest quality and safest material for linings today is silicone. Latex and rubber are the worst choice, they cause allergies in both babies and mothers. Silicone will give a feeling of lightness, and you generally forget that the pad on you.

How to use the lining for feeding?

The pad itself is easy to put on, it is just necessary to ensure that the nipple hole does not fit snugly at the base. This small gap is specially left so that when the baby begins to suck the nipple, it will tighten and touch at the tip of the lining.

Knowing how to properly use the pads for feeding, the baby will not remain hungry. They are specially designed so that with good shrinkage of the nipple, milk flows into the baby’s mouth, and not under the product itself. This is the size that should fit. If you feel that the nipple is strongly compressed and rubs, then the size of the lining is small, but if the tip of the lining is loose and does not touch the nipple - large.

Breastfeeding rules

Instruction for use

Since the Avent company is one of the best, we will consider how to use Avent silicone lining for feeding. User's manual:

  1. The first step is to clean the pad of various bacteria. Sterilization is a very important step, do not skip it.
  2. The next step is to put on the pad. To do this, excite the nipple, turn the product inside out, then, applying to the nipple, turn back in the shape of the chest. You need to make sure that the pad is tight on the chest.
  3. You can moisten it a little with warm water, so the air between the chest and the lining will become less, and it, like a sucker, will sit more tightly on the chest.
  4. If the baby does not want to take it, you can literally add a couple of drops of milk to her tip.
  5. The child’s nose should not rest against the pad, so place it so that the edge with the neckline is opposite the child, and not to the side.
  6. The process of feeding the baby and the sucking mechanism should be identical with the pad and without it.

Product Prices

Product prices are different, they vary depending on the company, country of manufacture and quality of performance. On average, the cost of such pads is about 150 rubles per pair. But in order not to risk the health of the child, it is better to choose a trusted manufacturer who uses only the best materials and tests his products to obtain the highest quality result. Prices for linings from such firms start at about 300 rubles per pair and end with 500 rubles per pair.

Learning to breastfeed


Pads, like rubber nipples, also need some care. Minimum hygiene must be observed. With frequent use of boiling, as a processing method, rubber and latex lose their softness, but silicone lasts much longer. It is necessary:

  1. After purchasing a new pad, be sure to boil it.
  2. After using it, wash it with soap. Do not be afraid to do this, it will kill all the germs. It is recommended to use the usual antibacterial, without various additives. After soap, be sure to rinse it again to wash off all its residues. Dry the pad or let it dry on its own. Just do not leave it in the sun for a long time.
  3. Regular boiling is also one of the necessary cleaning processes. Use it in a day or two (depending on the frequency of use). A couple of minutes of boiling will be enough.
  4. If you have a steam cleaner, you can use it instead of boiling. This is even a plus, since silicone will retain its softness longer than boiling. But you will need to hold the pads a little longer, about 5 minutes.

How to refuse the device?

When choosing a pad, you need to remember that sooner or later it will be necessary to completely stop using them. If this is easy for you to do, then for the baby - not at all. And you need to know how to do this, just like knowing how to use the feeding pads (Avent, Medela, etc.). This is quite important information, which is on par with the instructions for use:

  1. During feeding, when you use the pad, try to remove it as quickly and accurately as possible. If the baby is hungry enough, and you do everything accurately and quickly, then he may not even notice that he is already eating without the help of a silicone product.
  2. Just try to feed him already without the pad. , , .
  3. , , . . , .
  4. . , , , , , , . , .


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F2109/

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