Breeds of burrowing dogs: dachshund, yagd terrier, Yorkshire terrier. Description, characteristics, training

All breeds of burrowing dogs were bred at different times for the sole purpose of helping a person hunt game. Due to their small size, these animals easily penetrate the hole of a badger, fox, raccoon dog.

breeds of burrowing dogs

Breeds of burrowing dogs: dachshund

Today, many pre-existing dog breeds that once helped their owners in burrow hunting have partially or completely lost their instincts, turning into cute and kind pets. Dachshunds also often live in urban apartments, but the dog remains a great, if not the best, normal dog.

The description of the dachshund can be found in many publications for animal lovers: the unusual exterior, the cheerful disposition of funny “elongated” dogs attract many. Today they are more often used as companions, but experts know that this is a real dexterous and fearless hunter. The origin of dachshunds is not known for certain.

winter fox hunting

Today there are several varieties of the breed, each of which has its own standards and features. The first appeared dachshund smooth-haired. Later - long-haired, which arose as a result of crossing dachshunds with a spaniel. And then wire-haired individuals appeared. Their ancestors became dachshunds and wire-haired terriers.

The description of the dachshund, which is given in publications on domestic dog breeding, represents to us a kind of sissy who loves warmth and comfort. But this is only one feature that the dachshund possesses. The hunting dog of this breed is good because it is universal. A dog can perfectly bark a hare with a bark, feed ducks from the water, follow a bloody trail, work on black grouse, and can be a charming pet. But her main hobby is working in a hole in a raccoon, badger and fox.

Dachshund easily catches up with a raccoon and captures him. Quite often, raccoons dig quite simple burrows, but when a dog catches them, the raccoon does not come out, but defends itself in a hole. In this case, the hunter is forced to dig a pit to get the beast.

It is harder to hunt a badger. This is a fairly large and strong beast that builds complex burrows. It can be a serious danger to the dog. Therefore, it is better to hunt him after hiding the beast or when he goes hunting from the hole. The dachshund in the hole only barks at the badger, and the hunter digs a pit with a depth of one and a half meters.

dachshund description

The main specialization of the dachshund is fox hunting in winter or late autumn. The fox seeks to escape from the hole, so the end result of the hunt depends on the accuracy of the person. A dachshund can strangle a fox in a hole, however, it does not always succeed in pulling it to the surface - the help of a hunter will be needed.


These are numerous breeds of burrowing dogs that have been bred in Britain. Their name comes from the word terra, which translates as "land". Initially, they were formed as small working dogs, possessing spite for the beast. They were kept, as a rule, at the stables, and also used to fight rodents. Terriers were mainly bred for burrow hunting.

Today, out of more than thirty breeds of these dogs, only a third are suitable for conducting normal hunting. All these animals are united by a mobile and tireless character.

German hunting terrier (yagd terrier)

These animals have long been well known to dog lovers all over the world. Nevertheless, the opinion about these glorious doggies has developed very controversial. Some believe that these are magnificent burrowing dogs: the yagd terrier is a decisive, independent and independent animal, endowed with perfectly developed hunting abilities and lightning-fast reaction, absolutely fearless in the battle with the beast.

Yorkshire Terrier Kennel

Others are confident that this dog is quite complex and requires a special approach to education. This dog came to Russia from Germany, where it was bred several centuries ago. This is a mobile, strong and very ferocious animal. Its main purpose is hunting. More precisely - helping people to hunt animals living in holes: raccoons, foxes and badgers.

The yagd terrier achieves the best results together with another representative of this breed or with a dachshund. Such a team can easily defeat and drive out of the hole not only a fox or a badger, but without fear to attack a more dangerous and large beast, for example, a wild boar. Two small dogs cannot defeat him on their own, but they are quite capable of keeping him in one place, not allowing them to escape from the hunter.

Today, more and more often they use some breeds of burrowing dogs as girlfriends, for tracking and further raising the beast from a lying position, for baiting foxes and hares, for feeding shot animals, and for pursuing wounded animals in the blood trail.

Border Terrier

Another representative of burrowing dogs is the Border Terrier. Border translates from English as "border". The history of this breed began in the border areas of Scotland and England. These animals have a not very presentable appearance, which is explained by the fact that the goal was originally to bring dogs with excellent performance, not paying much attention to appearance. Border terriers appeared in our country relatively recently and immediately won the hearts of hunters.

hunting with burrow dogs

These dogs are indispensable helpers on the hunt and excellent companions, loyal friends at home. The Border Terrier has a magnificent character, allowing them to be maintained even by beginners. A dog can chase prey for hours. She doesn’t have a “stranglehold”, as a rule, the dog works with voice and assertiveness.

Yorkshire Terrier

Another terrier that is well known in our country as an indispensable attribute of socialite. Any Yorkshire Terrier Kennel, which can be found in almost every city, positions this dog as a room-decorative. And indeed it is. The breed, which appeared at the end of the XIX century, was bred in the UK. But perhaps not everyone knows that initially small terriers were used as hunters for small rodents.

The owners of these animals were mostly poor people who were not allowed to have large dogs, which were used by poachers. Researchers of the breed believe that the famous Waterside Terrier in the 18th century is the closest ancestor of modern York. A description of such a terrier has been preserved: a small dog with long silky gray-blue hair.

dachshund hunting dog

Over time, the aristocrats of England drew attention to the little Pied Piper Terrier: his nobleness and become aroused admiration. Over time, smaller representatives of the new breed began to be bred in the country. Today it’s not at all difficult to acquire such a “hunter,” for whom hunting comes down to running for a butterfly in the park, to choose a well-established nursery. Yorkshire terriers are bred in Moscow and St. Petersburg, Krasnodar and Rostov-on-Don, Voronezh and Saratov and many other cities of the country.

Hunting with burrow dogs

In Russia, fox hunting with burrowing dogs is very popular. The hunting season begins in mid-autumn and lasts until spring. In the hole, the fox hides before the weather changes or when snow falls. In winter, the fur of the animal becomes thick and shiny. Starvation and cold in winter push foxes to very risky and daring actions, attacking poultry, for example.

german hunting terrier

For a successful hunt, you need to know the location of the holes in the land. Hunting a fox in winter is most effective if your helpers are wire-haired and smooth-haired fox-terriers and welsh terriers, yagd terriers, and, of course, dachshunds.

The fox always comes out of the hole swiftly and unexpectedly, immediately starting to flee. The hunter needs an excellent reaction and a well-aimed shot. It happens that the dog manages to pull the fox out of the hole. But always at the ready you need to have a second dog, which will help keep the prey.


For hunting with a dog to be successful, it is necessary to prepare your assistant in advance, to train. Dogs must obediently take command! and “It is impossible!”, to appear to the hunter by a sound signal or the first command, be able to walk without a leash at his foot, and execute the “Stand!” command. To complete these commands, training is common to all breeds.

And to normal dogs special requirements are imposed. A good burrow dog should come to the owner by a noiseless signal, look for and serve objects, and calmly and quietly be in his shoulder bag.

burnt dogs

Silent Approach

Such a signal is necessary at the hole when it is required to suspect a dog. In this case, the dog is called with alluring movements of the fingers or palm. Young dogs are taught this requirement only after they begin to approach the owner by command or signal. A noiseless signal is first applied simultaneously with the sound. After three sessions, the dogs begin to approach the silent signal. The process is especially fast when using treats.


Dogs and the “Search!” Team quickly master (after three to four lessons). In the first lesson, quietly put a treat in an open place and, holding the dog on a leash, go to the lying treat against the wind, at the same time giving a command and point the dog at it. This is enough for the dog to understand what is required of it. With each lesson, she will fulfill the team more willingly.

“To the place!”

For normal dogs, calm behavior in a shoulder bag is very important. Dogs learn this command quickly and climb into the bag themselves. They are accustomed to this from an early age. The first lesson is carried out when the young dog walked well and was even tired.

The owner gives the command "To the place!" and puts his four-legged assistant in a bag. At first, the dog will toss and turn in it, and maybe even whine, but when repeating "To the place!" and stroking the bag he will quickly calm down. Two or three lessons is enough for the dog to master this command and be in the bag for a long time.


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