OSR. How to send replay World of Tanks?

The battles in World of Tanks, as they say, do not occur once or twice. I’m boring, uninteresting, but sometimes it’s so exciting and dynamic that I want to share their results with the whole world. The tank moved, confidently "caught ricochets," as if it were shooting, it killed a lot, in a word, the result is stunning. For these purposes, the company Wargaming has created a special project, "The best replays of the week," where you can reset the recording of your battle. If a strict jury considers the battle worthy of attention, it will appear in the program on the main portal of the game.

OSR. How to send replays - the basics of the process

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To begin with, let’s figure it out - what are we talking about? The World of Tanks replay is not a video as such - it is a very small file, a digitally recorded stream of signals exchanged between the player’s computer and the server during the battle. This file is stored on the user's device - in the root directory of the game, in the Replays folder.

The file is written to the folder in automatic mode, but only if such a function is enabled in the account settings. Particular attention must be paid to the fact that there can be three options: do not record at all, every battle is recorded or only the last. The best option, especially if the computer does not have a lot of free space, seems to be the third. Otherwise, you have to periodically clean the specified folder.

Preparation for publication

Before asking the question "how to throw replay in OSR", you should carefully review it. It is necessary to critically and objectively evaluate it according to the main parameter - did you really do something out of the ordinary in battle? The competition in the program “The best replays of the week” is the highest, and just a successful shot or maneuver does not guarantee you victory in the competition.

Your battle should be truly significant, as it will be set as an example to other players. As practice shows, in the transmission battles most often appear, where the player demonstrates the following: survives to the end, simultaneously destroying several opponents; firing several successful shots from difficult positions in a row; makes non-standard decisions that radically affect the outcome of the battle or change its course.

best replays of the week

If you really did something similar and consider yourself worthy of being promoted to the role of the best in any category, go to the next step, namely the process of sending a file to the desired address.

How to upload replay to OSR: process technology

In order to demonstrate their success on the fields of tank battles, the player must take the following steps:

how to throw replay in lrn

Firstly, log in to the game’s main page through a browser by entering your account registration information (username and password).

Secondly, in the menu, select the necessary service called Wotreplays and follow the link. This is the repository of information for the OSR - how to send replays is written in sufficient detail here.

Thirdly, download the selected file by clicking on the corresponding menu item. One feature should be noted here: the service allows you to simply store your notes, without publication. And if you decided to definitely try to become a participant in the program, you should check the box "Send to OSR" before downloading.

Fourth, at the end of the download, the portal will offer to describe your file and its successful actions. The description should be sufficiently detailed, indicating the time intervals to which special attention should be paid. If this is not fixed, the record will be rejected by the administrators, and the plot will not be transmitted.

Best replays: what are they for?

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Getting into a popular program carries several advantages for players.

  1. Nominees whose records are played on the air are paid in-game currency (gold, from 1000 to 2500 coins) and a unique medal is awarded. Moreover, it is quite simple - to become a participant in the OSR. How? Send replays and wait for your happy chance.
  2. This repository of information is truly priceless. Looking through the successful battles of your colleagues, you can learn a lot in the game plan.
  3. Also, with the help of this service, you can bring to a clean water a person who, without a twinge of conscience, uses forbidden game modifications: sending an appropriate video indicating violations will interest the administration to pay attention to a clear crime, and punishment of an unscrupulous fighter will not take long. In this form, it is a very effective tool.

Many players strive, but not every one of them decides to try their hand and become the winner of the OSR. “How do I send replays to be accepted?” - This is one of the main issues that often stop fighters from publishing their masterpieces. Do not be afraid. There is nothing complicated or terrible about this. But there is an opportunity to get not only moral satisfaction, but also material confirmation of their exploits.

Good luck on the battlefield!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F2110/

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