Vampires in the game, or How to recover from vampirism in Skyrim?

Everyone has heard of vampires and vampirism. In the world of Skyrim, with the help of a certain addition, it became possible to face the inhabitants of the night. How to cure or become infected with vampirism in Skyrim? Read on!

Who is a vampire?

how to recover from vampirism in skyrim

But first, let's talk about who vampires are and what they can do. Skyrim vampires are not available on their own. You can not meet with them, much less join their ranks. However, if you download the DragonVaron add-on, these functions become possible. In addition, you will open a whole chain of new tasks in the world of the inhabitants of the night.

A vampire is a powerful adversary at night and weak in the afternoon. In order to fully understand how to recover from vampirism in Skyrim, they must first become infected. This can be done by making contact with one of the vampires. If he applies one of his special blows to you, you will be infected. But how to cure vampirism in the game "Skyrim"? For a more complete answer, first you need to talk about what are the stages of lycanthropy.

Stages of vampirism

Of course, when a character in a game becomes infected with lycanthropy, he begins to change before his eyes. Actually, the answer to the question "How to cure vampirism in Skyrim?" directly depends on, so to speak, the appearance and behavior of your character (or rather, on the stage of development of the disease). But what steps does the player go through before finally becoming a vampire?

how to cure vampirism in skyrim

First, let's see what happens at the very moment of infection. During this time, the initial stage of vampirism passes. It lasts 72 hours. At this time, the player has a great opportunity to prevent the start of the introduction of the virus into the body. If no treatment is given for this period of time, the player will go to the first stage of lycanthropy.

As soon as the player begins his journey into the world of vampires, he gets all the possibilities of the inhabitants of the night. For example, it takes more damage from fire, but it becomes resistant to cold. The vampire of the first stage is able to reanimate corpses, see in the dark and draw a little life energy from his enemies. In the sun, the player becomes weaker, does not receive energy from sleep, but receives the ability to suck out blood. If you do not quench your thirst, then the character will soon enter the second stage, and the answer to the question "How to cure vampirism in Skyrim?" will require more complex actions.

In the second stage of vampirism, the character receives a 2-fold improvement in previous effects. In addition, he has the skill β€œSeduction”. It helps soothe aggressive creatures up to and including level 10. It can be a pretty useful thing. The third stage also provides improvements in the initial effects. However, at this point, fire damage increases by 100%.

to recover from vampirism in the game Skyrim

Last stage

Now, before we talk about how to cure vampirism in Skyrim, we need to discuss the latest stage of the disease. It requires special attention, since during this period the behavior of the player and non-player characters changes radically. When your ward reaches the peak of vampirism, then his appearance changes - his eyes turn red, fangs grow, and all the inhabitants of the game world begin to attack you at the first meeting. The only exception is vampires themselves.

But in this state, the player gets powerful features. For example, once a day revive the strongest corpses that will fight on your side, or become invisible. You can lower the stage to the previous one by quenching the thirst for blood. Now let's talk how to recover from vampirism in Skyrim.

Quest and Altar

So, when you just became infected, you have some time to avoid developing an infection in the body. In 72 hours, you need to find a special altar with which you will be healed.

If you do not have time and set foot on the first stage of vampirism, do not despair. You can go through a special quest and become a werewolf. After that, lycanthropy will no longer be scary. Join the Companions during the passage of the quest "Silver Hand" - and all.

In addition, in the fourth stage of vampirism you will have only one way - the help of a necromancer. You have to look for a person who is engaged in the study of vampires, and turn to him for help. The quest is quite long and long, but passable. You can fill it only once.


how to cure vampirism in skyrim code

But there are other ways to get rid of lycanthropy. So, if you asked yourself the question "How to cure vampirism in Skyrim?" - a code to help you. Enter player.removespell 000B8780 in the game console - and you are not afraid of vampire disease anymore. You can also try to score setstage 000EAFD5 10. This code only works once since it completes the healing quest.

If this combination has already been used, then you can try to recover from lycanthropy in another tricky way. To do this, create a new save and enter resetquest 000EAFD5. After that, create another save and load it. All that remains to be done is to score setstage 000EAFD5 10. After that, the character will no longer be infected.


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