Mituna Kaptor: MS Comics Web Comics Character Biography

Mituna Kaptor is a popular web comic book hero called MS Paint Adventures by Andrew Hussey. This hero has interesting properties and a biography that fans should know about. All useful information in this area is in this article.

General information

Mituna Kaptor had the title Heir of Doom in A1 session, which was a failure. This action lasted three solar revolutions until it came to an end. Many assume that the hero ascended to the God-level after the end of the session, but this is not known for sure. Even Mituna himself does not provide accurate information on this subject, since he got confused in the course of time. The heir to Doom was considered a powerful psionic with incredible abilities for telekinesis. One of his main abilities was to assess the situation taking into account future events. According to theory, the hero knew about the impending destruction and even made appropriate warnings in this regard. The problem was that no one took his speech seriously.

Captor Mituna

Loss of skills

Mituna Kaptor was a strong psionicist and even knew how to use double vision, but at the moment he lost all his skills. This happened due to overstrain of the body and going beyond its capabilities. It is not known exactly why the hero took such a risky step. In the future, it is said that Mituna decided to commit an act of heroism that could not be understood by ordinary people. All this was for the sake of saving the world, which was on the verge of destruction. In any case, Mituna Captor has lost all his abilities, including a mental impact on the outside world. The worst thing is not even that. He had a dual character before, but this was not so much manifested. After overvoltage it became more apparent. That is why at some moments the character seems incredibly evil, able to incinerate any creature in front of him. At other times, Mituna is too shy and shows only her best side. For this reason, it is difficult to find an approach to it.

mituna captor

Some information about the incident.

The most complete information about Mituna Kaptor comes to readers at the moment when Arania takes the form of Miina and leaves the hive of Theresa. Then the character begins to tell a story about the former Heir of Doom. The incident with the loss of all the powers of a powerful psionic attracted the attention of many individuals. The most skilled detectives tried to solve the riddle of this incident, but failed to do this. All answers to this score are too abstract, vague, and even contradict each other. It was precisely possible to find out only that at that moment Kurloz was also with Mituna. This did not help much in the investigation, because it is impossible to draw the truth from this character. All the data he said could be a typical hoax, and therefore the loss of strength incident remains shrouded in mystery. Arania concludes that because of the inability to separate truth from fiction, the true story of the Heir of Doom will never be made public.

brass and mituna

Links with other characters

Latula and Mituna Kaptor have long been inseparable in their adventures. They are similar in character and have the same preferences. Their pair were called meatsprits. So it was during the course of time of all zones. When Miina found out about this, she was confused. The hero did not know how to distinguish these two from each other. They wear the same outfits, and always have fun together. Among their favorite activities, one should highlight skateboarding, as well as jointly playing computer games. Mituna also had an excellent relationship with Kurloz Makar. He was the character’s morayrail, and therefore due respect has always been shown to him. Because of this relationship, Kulloz refuses to tell the whole story of the loss of strength incident. Rumor has it that only with his moireil Kaptor was more consistent, and the duality of his character showed less. It is not known what this is connected with, even if it is true.

mituna captor biography

The end of the biography and interesting facts

This character was remembered by his unusual strengths and oddities to many fans of the comic, but his biography ended during the incident on the Far Ring. In this location, Miina had to kill all her opponents in order to continue her own existence and her own team. Thus ended the biography of Mituna Kaptor in the comics, although there were some mention of him later. The name the hero received from the Sanskrit Mithuna. This is a reference to the zodiac sign Gemini, under which the Heir of Doom was born. His alternative pseudonym comes from the word “helmet”, although it is translated from English as “helmsman”. So it was called in the post-scratch version.

mituna captor theme

Other entertaining data

The Mituna Kaptor theme is related to the GameBro game, and this is at the same time a reference to Latula. Her variation is called GameGrl. This indicates that these characters are matesprits. There is a theory about Mituna losing her abilities and enhancing the duality of character. In a post-scratch version, Helmsman attempted to transport the Condescension artifact to the planet Alternia. This would help prevent the start of the Comprehensive Bulk. He failed to do this, but Mituna in ordinary reality achieved his goal. He managed to make the delivery of the artifact, because of which he was significantly injured in the physical and mental directions. All his actions were aimed at saving friends, which fully justified the damage. This is all the known information about Mituna Kaptor from web comics. To get acquainted with the appearance of the character and his character, you should read the source. This hero forces attention to itself already from the first appearances on the pages.


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