Mari names: review, features and interesting facts

What does the Russian name Alexander sound in the Mari language? Why are the Maris so called their children? What languages ​​does the Mari borrow names for their babies? What beautiful name is better to choose for a girl or boy from the Mari language?

The Republic of Mari El is located in the Middle Volga region. The ancestors of the natives began to inhabit this land about 1,500 years ago. Since the land of this people is spread out on both sides of the river, the Mari were divided into two groups: mountain and meadow. They had a lot in common, but differences were found in language and traditions.

Mari beliefs

Centuries ago, power began to forcibly introduce serfdom, high taxes and forcibly converted the Mari faith to Christianity. The latter resisted for nearly a third of a century. Part of the population left their homeland, having moved to Perm Territory, Tatarstan, Bashkortostan. The departed Mari were called Oriental. Paganism is the faith with which this population lived from the very beginning. Although both writing and Russian culture tried to supplant the Mari language.

The Mari have no churches, all their prayers and sacrifices they perform in the groves. The Mari believe that there are 40 gods, and the main one who receives the most important prayers is the Bright Big God. Even the names in this people have ancient pagan roots, for example, Eshpai - the Mari name, which means "friend".

Mari clothes

The Mari costume deserves attention. The fabric for him is made of woolen threads. They must be of different colors. Needleworkers make embroideries on dresses using symbols of revival and renewal of life, fertility of the earth: plants, birds, ram horns. Girls make jewelry from beads and coins, which sew on the chest on the suit. When moving, it makes sounds, the Mari believe that thereby it scares away unclean forces, serves as a talisman for the mistress.

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Name selection

The Mari believe that what name you give the child, such a person will grow up, so they very carefully and thoroughly approach his choice for his child. Someone wants the baby to be in good health. Someone believes that if there is power, then the rest will come by itself in time. They want to endow the girl with beauty or prudence.


How to choose Mari names for boys? If there was a revered person in the family, or who achieved important things in their life, then, naming the child in honor of him, the parents assumed that by doing so they transfer positive qualities to their baby. And bad qualities remain in the earth with the dead.

marie and horse

The names of the Mari are borrowed from several languages, for example:

  • The male name Azamat, meaning "powerful", is taken from the Bulgarian roots.
  • Chatterbox - that was the name of the Mari prince, borrowed from the Tatars. The name is close in meaning to the word ax.
  • Ersai. This name has Hungarian roots, it means a wise, sensual person.
  • Ilmari. The male name, whose roots lead to Finland. Skillful, prosperous. God of wind and air.


Mari names for girls are borrowed from Tatars and Finns:

  • Aino. It comes from the Finnish word only. Young, beautiful.
  • Atnalche (week).
  • Toktamche (stop).
  • Taxula (full).
  • Shamagul (flower).
  • Karasch (black).
  • Kulanchas (wild horse).
  • Asylvius (Princess).
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Key National Mari Names

These names include:

  • Easy. Man's name. Means "small."
  • Iserge. Man's name. Translated - "born on Thursday." And Isa Kai (female counterpart) - "born on Thursday."
  • Izudyr. Feminine name means "little daughter."
  • Osherge. The male name, translated - "white son". Oshalche (female counterpart) - "little white."
  • Iuskudyr. Woman's name. The meaning is "daughter of a swan."
  • Pa-chesh. Masculine name with the meaning of "joker."
  • Emysh. Woman's name. Means "fruits, berries."
  • Yol-tash. Man's name. Translates "friend."
  • Korak. Man's name. It means crow.
  • Yumashne. Man's name. The meaning of "God bless."

What else are boys called

Male Mari names still have these:

  • Maris - "respectable, strong." A woman next to such a man is protected.
  • Eshpai is a Mari name meaning "friendly, beloved, sweet." Always loyal to his friend. Great partner.
  • Azim is the "elder brother." Always support, always nearby in difficult times. Protects against enemy attacks.
  • Tomai is "healthy." Since childhood, prefers active games to chess. Always the first in physical competitions. He likes to win and be a leader in everything. Strongly experiencing failures and mistakes. He closely monitors his health. High life expectancy.
  • The steps are a "farmer." He loves nature and its gifts. Prefers to live on earth rather than in an apartment. Very merciful, caring.
  • Akati Studying is easy for him. It amazes teachers with its abilities. Savvy. Subsequently, he can become an excellent teacher or achieve great success in business.
  • Onar is the head, leader. Strong-willed. Always at the source. Leads forward.
  • Aksar. As a child, a robber often injures himself during active games. Grows up courageous and courageous. She will always protect her woman and be devoted to her friends.
  • Hobbies. Firm, always stands his ground, principle. It’s hard to argue with him; there is always an opinion on any question.
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  • Vazhpatyr. - "head of the family." Takes all cares on himself. Always ready to help. Strong. Bogatyr. Always assembled. Reliable.
  • Yudan - "born at night." Noisy, rebel. Likes to be the center of attention. Leader.
  • Talvius is "mighty." Rock. Not afraid of anything. Educated and smart. Before attacking, he will study the enemy well and will strike at “sore spots”.
  • Yanei is "cute." All adore him in childhood and give him their love. Growing up, Yanei shares his love himself, which seems to be enough for everyone without exception. Kind.
  • Yandar will never cheat. Prefers the bitter truth. A pure soul man strives for spiritual balance. Silent Great father.
  • Estay is a "jack of all trades". If you undertake to do something, it does everything perfectly. Weighted approach to solving problems. It is difficult to convince him of something, since he studies everything thoroughly and finds many arguments in his favor.
  • Ergai - "the one who was born in the morning." Everything is planned a month in advance. He likes to do things more than talk about them. Reliable partner.
  • Eldagi - "companion and comrade." Honest, strong, not very vulnerable. Communicative. He loves companies. A good family man, loves children.
  • Yushka. The translation of the name is associated with the Mari sacred bird - Swan. "Smart, gullible, kind, resourceful."
  • Yamet - "beautiful." Growing up, a man likes to be in sight, receive compliments. In childhood, he grows naive, however, growing up, he acquires wisdom.
  • Pull - the "father". Reasonable, multi-tasking. I am always ready to listen and give capacious advice. Faithful, faithful.
  • Yumai - "God." So the Mari called the child if he was born on a holiday or if the parents gave their child to God.
  • Aldiyar is a "friend who is always there." Always glad to meet you. Will never forget kindness. An important person in the life of others.
  • Elembat is the "master of home and life." Not ready to compromise, a little tyrant, tough, rude. Will not tolerate disobedience.

Borrowed female Mari names

  • Aigalche - sensual, modest, capable, coveted. Quiet, calm.
  • Eldavi - radiant, gorgeous. Dreamer. Ready for any feats. Sociable, funny.
  • Such is vigorous. Never lose heart. Doesn't like boredom.
  • Toymalche is strong. It is difficult to find a suitable partner because of his excessive will. Weakness is seen as a vice. Independent. Closed. It is difficult for her to trust others.
  • Elika is tender, sensual, feminine. Always support in difficult times. Good mother for children.
  • Elesia is a sensual person. Visionary, wise. They listen to her opinion. Often has great power.
  • Marvin - the Mari force.
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  • Evika - slim, beautiful. Fascinating men. Creative chooses a profession for himself. He loves the stage, the audience and, of course, applause. Afraid of loneliness. Mentally closed to others, it is difficult to pick up a "key" to it. Emotional.
  • Saskavius ​​- born when berries and fruits ripen. Outgoing, lively, resourceful, cheerful. Survive any adversity.
  • Yulaviy is modest, slightly pinched. Keeps devotion. A true friend and partner for life. Will always be there, never condemn.

Primordial names

There are original Mari names for girls.

  • Kechevi - bright, sweet, sunny, warm. Always smiling, knows how to create coziness around herself.
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  • Unaviy is a guest. Cheerful, open. There is always something to tell. He openly shares his experiences. Quickly makes new friends. Easy to climb. Active
  • Chabi is a cub. Always wants to be protected. Grows late. In childhood, moody. When he finds a person who loves her sincerely, he calms down and begins to feel happy.
  • Okay - dear, beautiful, shining. Always in sight, everyone likes to like.
  • Ivika is a beautiful moon. Mysterious, capable, talented, fragile, tender.
  • Chachaviy is beautiful. Loves everything dear. Prefers quality things over fakes. Romantic.
  • Live - kind, gentle, affectionate, best, good. Reliable companion and partner in life.
  • Elavi is a loving life. Active, funny, noisy, screaming, eye-catching. Always full of ideas and thoughts on how to implement them. It sometimes goes astray, but not for long. Quickly returns to operation.
  • Sarvi is a beauty. Always young. It attracts attention with its appearance. Blooming.
  • Erwin - early. Such a girl has a day painted to the smallest detail. He knows what he wants from life. He does not like to doubt. I'm used to getting my way. Very upset if something goes wrong. He can blame anyone for this, he does not admit his own guilt.

Traditions and surnames

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Mari names and their meanings are still important for representatives of this nationality. The population of the republic is very sensitive to the choice of the name of the child, sincerely believing that it affects the fate of the baby.

Mari names can have one root, since the latter are made up of names.

So, the female name, Sala, which means "noble," can go into the name Salin, Safin.

Selei is a man's name. It stands for "younger brother", can be used in the name of Seleev.

Suyangul is the name of the boy. It means "wedding", usually the name of a child who is born during the wedding, most often with some close relative. Surname may be Suyangulov.

Suerbai - literally means “bird”. Surname may be Suerbaev.

Echu is a masculine name meaning "winner", and the surname is Echuev.

Interesting Facts

Well-known Russian names are often phonetically modified, for example, the Mari name Alexander will sound like Elyksan (Oleksan), Pelageya will be Palagi, Anton will become Onton, Andrey - Ondri, Arina - Oriina, Dmitry - Metri, Nikolai - Miklai, Ksenia - Oksina, Sergey - Sergush.

Marie woman

In the Mari language there is no concept of gender. Therefore, all male and female names differ only in meaning.

Alim is a masculine name. The female name is Alima. They translate as "knowing."

Also Sabir is a masculine name, Sabira is a feminine name. Meaning of "patient."

We examined how the Russian name Alexander sounds in the Mari language. Why are the Maris so called their children? What languages ​​do they borrow names from for their babies? What beautiful name is better to choose for a girl or boy from the Mari language? After reading the article, you can answer your own questions.


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