Metering devices. Installation of metering devices. Meter readings

Counters are equipment that is used to measure the consumption of resources by consumers, provided as a single room, apartment, and the whole house. They are conditionally divided into common metering devices and apartment-based.

In new apartment buildings, in accordance with applicable law, a construction company is required to install metering devices, since if this equipment is not available, then the object will not be allowed to operate. In the old housing stock, apartment owners are self-installing. A collection of homeowners is required to decide on the installation of common house meters.

metering devices

Increased distribution

In our country, the tariffs for consumed resources rise in price annually, and this applies to all regions, both central and remote. Organizations involved in the control of their use issue bills with impressive amounts calculated on planned consumption per person, and not on actual use. This becomes the main reason for installing meters, but not everyone knows that you can save on this, thereby saving the family budget.

meter readings


Every citizen is obliged to pay for used resources and utilities, but few people have a desire to overpay. Meters can bring real savings, and they also allow you to track readings for the possibility of choosing a more economical option for the consumption of electricity, gas or water.

Those who already have metering devices know that there are rules for their installation, which are as follows:

- the meter must have a specialized seal after installation is completed, and sealing is the responsibility of the employees of the water utility;

- it is allowed to place the device within 20 cm from the entrance to the water pipe in the house or apartment. This allows you to prevent the pipe from cutting into the measuring device;

- installation of a check valve is required. It is used so that the consumer can not rewind the readings, for example with a vacuum cleaner;

- the presence of a coarse filter in front of the counter for screening sand and large particles. This helps prevent mechanical damage to parts and increase data accuracy;

- The device must be certified in Russia. Otherwise, the user may receive a refusal from the employees of the water utility and unregister the device.

Gas and electricity meters are installed by specialists of gas facilities and energy enterprises. In this case, the presence of the device passport refers to the general rules, while the serial number indicated in the documentation must match the device number.

common house metering devices

Preferential groups of citizens

As you know, beneficiaries have the right to count on the free installation of meters, they include the following categories:

  • victims of political repression, prisoners of concentration camps, rehabilitated persons, rear workers, participants in the Second World War;
  • single poor citizens and low-income families;
  • widows of war veterans;
  • retired citizens;
  • families with minors with disabilities.

Large families also have the right to preferential installation of meters in a house or apartment. In this case, installation fees are not charged, but the installation obligation transfers to the family, and it does not matter whether a third-party specialist will deal with it or if the tenants will do it themselves.

The above-mentioned preferential categories of citizens can completely install water, gas and electricity meters. No fee will be charged either for metering devices or for calling workers. Immediately after installation, registration must be made. For self-installation, you must contact the management company, if a specialist was called, then he will carry out the registration process in his documents.

Local authorities in most regions of the country introduced a free installation of meters for the population, for this, funds from the regional budget are allocated. In the capital, such benefits are absent, only in some areas of work are paid by budgetary funds.

installation of metering devices

DIY installation

You can install the metering device for water yourself, then you need to invite a specialist whose responsibility is to seal the meter and recalculate the readings, as payment will start from the day the seal is fixed. Do-it-yourself installation is easy, just know how to handle plumbing tools.

Before installing the meter, you must pay attention to the statute of limitations of the state inspection of the device. The date can be found on the seal of the casing. It also requires determining the type of network, the number of disconnecting devices and their rated currents (RCDs, circuit breakers). Mounting on metal, plastic and wooden shields is allowed. The design of shields, niches and cabinets should provide simplified access to current transformers and clamps. In addition, it is important to ensure the possibility of installation with a slope of 1 ° and the convenience of subsequent replacement. The design should include removal and installation of the device from the front.

After installing the meter yourself, as mentioned above, you need to notify the specialist of the organization involved in accounting for resources. Then you need to visit the accounting department of this department to recalculate payment, as well as record the installation date and meter readings.

energy meters

Installation of gas metering devices

It is forbidden to install gas meters on their own. This is explained by the explosion hazard, therefore, all pipes and devices that are related to the transportation of this substance must be carefully insulated and have sealed joints. Ignoring the rules is fraught with sad consequences - a leak, gas can explode when interacting with oxygen or fire. If self-installation of metering devices is revealed, specialists can cut off the supply of the resource.

thermal metering devices

Which company to give preference?

Before calling the installation specialist, you need to decide on the company. It is worth paying close attention to whether the company performs warranty service of devices and whether it has a license, since it bears responsibility for the correct installation. It will also be useful to learn about the preparation of the act on the work performed and the conclusion of the contract.

Modern counters

Individual electronic metering devices are more accurate than induction meters . Many have an additional function that allows you to connect the device to automatic data collection systems for commercial accounting. Electronic meters are less susceptible to temperature extremes, are more reliable in operation, carry out more accurate metering of electricity at low loads , and also have a wide operating range in the accuracy class.

They are used to control the energy consumption of a device with a radio channel (the function of data collection at a distance). An electricity sales agent using a special reading device can take control readings of metering devices without entering the consumer’s apartment.

What is a two-rate counter?

There are multi-tariff and single-tariff metering devices. The former are able to maintain accurate consumption data at different times of the day. They take into account energy at separate tariffs “Night” and “Day”, so that the consumer has the opportunity to use electricity at night at a reduced rate.

Before installation, such devices must be programmed into zones that operate in the region of use. These zones and tariffs corresponding to them are determined by the regional administration.

individual metering devices

Advantages of the Day-Night device

After installing the multi-tariff meter, it is more profitable for the consumer to use household energy-intensive appliances, for example, a dishwasher and washing machine, heater, water heater, at night. One kilowatt hour of a night tariff costs much less in comparison with usual.

Two-tariff energy metering devices are beneficial not only for consumers, but also for energy companies. The thing is that during the day there is an uneven load at the stations: the peak is observed in the morning and in the evening, while at night the power engineers are forced to reduce the amount of generation. The technical condition of the equipment suffers from an uneven load schedule. In addition, the energy company works at full strength during periods of maximum activity, including at those facilities that have high production costs. More widespread use of a multi-tariff meter allows power engineers to significantly reduce costs.

Thermal metering devices

Heat meters are designed both to detect the amount of heat and to measure the mass and main characteristics of the coolant. The spent energy is recorded not only at the source, but also at the consumers. The source may be a boiler room, thermal district station, and CHP. Consumers include residential buildings, public and industrial buildings.

The installation of such meters allows you to control the hydraulic and thermal modes of operation, evaluate the rationality of energy use, and also note the parameters of the coolants: pressure, temperature, volume. The profitability of the acquisition of the device by many years of use is confirmed and in most cases pays off in a short period of time.


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