Where do domestic pigs live?

If you decide to get a pig, then you probably have an acute question about its content. And this is not about nutrition, but about the conditions of its residence. What is good for one breed of pigs is bad for another, especially if you are pursuing a specific goal when buying an animal.

First, let's find out where the pigs live.

where do pigs live

Since the pig is already a domesticated animal for more than 7 thousand years, they live, as a rule, in a specially constructed pigsty or in a barn converted for it. If we are talking about dwarf breeds like mini-pigs, then they are kept in a city apartment or country house, like ordinary cats.

Weight, farrowing, meat quality and animal health will depend on the conditions of the pigsty.

Pig conditions

Where does the pig live? In a pigsty, - most people will answer, and this is true. It should be borne in mind that in such a room should be warm. Moreover, different breeds of animals and their age require a different atmosphere. A certain temperature where pigs live needs to be maintained year round. Temperature preferences are associated with the level of accumulated fat in the body of pigs. On average, babies feel comfortable at a temperature of 18 to 22 degrees Celsius. For older individuals, whose weight has not yet reached 90 kg, content in conditions from 14 to 20 degrees of heat is suitable. Adult individuals feel great at a temperature of 12 to 16 degrees. It is important that there are no drafts, and air humidity does not exceed 85% in the place where the pigs live.

where does the pig live in the pigsty

Consequences of wrong content

If you ignore these conditions, you can get unpleasant consequences from neglect of pigs. For example, if the temperature regime is violated, and the pig starts to freeze, this will lead to an increased consumption of calories to maintain body temperature. The animal will begin to eat more, and increased appetite will affect the breeder's budget. At the same time, the quality of pork will suffer.

At an elevated temperature, pigs, on the contrary, lose their appetite. This, of course, adversely affects the health of the pig and the quality of the meat.

In the pigsty, it is necessary to install a heating and temperature control system to prevent the animals from freezing in the winter and overheating in the summer.

where do pigs live in a stable

In the place where the pigs live, there must be cleanliness so that they do not suffer from infectious diseases. The pig itself is a clean animal. She never makes a toilet at her feeding trough and in the place where she sleeps. The animal prefers to empty itself as far as possible from these places. The owner's task is to provide her with so much space so that the pig herself can organize her toilet away from the feeder. The approach to the toilet should be convenient for the breeder so that he has easy access for cleaning. Accordingly, it is imperative to keep the place where the pigs live (in a stable) clean, avoiding the dilution of dirt.

In the place of sleep, you need to spread a lot of straw so that the pig does not freeze during the night.


Lighting in the pigsty also plays an important role. The room should have many large windows in order to be well lit by daylight. Pigs love to bask in the sun. But since their active day is more than daylight, it is necessary to provide the pigsty with artificial lighting. This is especially important when the sow is sucked by small piglets.

An open-air corral should be organized at the pigsty itself. The animal needs outdoor walks.

Good ventilation in the pigsty itself is also needed. You also need to provide space in the room for cleaning pigs with a drain of liquid.

The supply of water to the pigsty will greatly facilitate the keeping of animals. Pigs always need clean water, which changes daily and is poured several times.


Where does the pig live - in a crib or pigsty? And if this is a small mini-pig whose height does not reach 60 cm in length?

There is such a breed, artificially bred by crossing a lop-eared pig and wild boar - mini-pigs. These are small pigs that can be bred in a city apartment. Moreover, some mini-pigs are bred as pets instead of cats and dogs, and some breeders arrange a small pigsty in apartments, breed animals and sell them for meat.

where does the pig live in a crib or pigsty

For whatever purpose pigs are brought up, certain conditions must be created for them in the apartment.

  1. Lack of slippery floors. It is difficult for pigs to move around the laminate on their hooves. Their legs are constantly dispersed, and pigs often get dislocated limbs.
  2. It is necessary to equip a couch. The best place to relax is a small, cozy house built on the floor of which you need to put a lot of cloth rags.
  3. The pig does not sleep well in daylight. But if she climbs into her house, where it is dark and warm, then she can calmly fall asleep.
  4. Organize a toilet tray. Mini-pigs are easily accustomed to the tray and never go past it.
  5. Mini-pigs need clean street air. Organize constant ventilation in the apartment, opening the windows more often. If it is not possible to walk with a pig every day, organize a balcony under the pen.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F21120/

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