The project of the gazebo with barbecue, barbecue and stove. Projects of saunas and barbecue baths

A bathhouse with a gazebo, in which a capital barbecue is built - the structure is very convenient and practical. To build such a building is not too difficult. The main thing is to draw up a project correctly, making all the necessary calculations. Saunas with a gazebo and barbecue can be built from a variety of materials and have a different layout. In this article, weโ€™ll talk about what this structure can be and what should be taken into account during its construction.

Architectural features

When designing a gazebo with a barbecue in a complex with a bath, you should first think about what the layout of this structure will be. Parts of such a building are located in the following sequence: arbor, dressing room, bathhouse. They are being built on the same foundation, under one roof. Very often they are placed in a row. Sometimes such a building also takes the form of the letter G. That is, the arbor is attached to the dressing room on the side. The choice of layout in this case depends on the location of the building on the site and the desire of its owners.

barbecue project

The gazebo at the design stage should be divided into two โ€œlogicalโ€ zones. The guest will have a table and benches. In the โ€œkitchenโ€ - barbecue, a place to store dishes, skewers and firewood. Any arbor (with barbecue, barbecue and stove) can be attached to the bathhouse. Projects are developed in this case, taking into account the personal preferences of the owners of the site. A barbecue differs from a barbecue only in a slightly more complex construction. On it you can fry not only barbecue, but also meat on the grill. The oven is also used for cooking ordinary dishes. Sometimes a cauldron (oven for pilaf) is installed instead.

Arbours are very popular summer kitchens with a barbecue, a brazier. Projects of such structures are practically no different from conventional ones. The only thing is that the arbor in this case is made a little larger, and equipped not only with a barbecue or barbecue, but also with a gas or electric stove, as well as a cutting table.

Material selection

Such structures are usually built from logs or beams. In this case, the bathhouse with a gazebo will look as harmonious as possible. However, such buildings are quite expensive. Therefore, often the owners of suburban areas build the bathhouse itself from a log or timber, and make a dressing room and a gazebo (or just a gazebo) shield.

Of course, you can use other materials to build such a building: brick, ordinary concrete blocks, or even make it jellied. In this case, it all depends on the material capabilities of the owners of the site. Designs of bathhouses with a gazebo and barbecue, thus, can be very different.

gazebo with barbecue projects

Dimensions of the structure

When designing a gazebo with a barbecue and a bath, among other things, you should decide on the area of โ€‹โ€‹each part. The gazebo is usually made quite large. Indeed, in fact, in this case it replaces the rest room, where all family members will gather. In the bath, they usually wash themselves in batches. Therefore, it can be made smaller. When choosing the area of โ€‹โ€‹the structure, the following parameters are taken into account:

  • For each person washing in the bath, there should be about 4 m2 of area.
  • The same goes for gazebos. That is, for four people will need at least 16 m2.
  • The height of the structure should not be too large. Otherwise, there will be no good steam in the bath. From floor to ceiling should not be more than 2.1 - 2.3 m. Accordingly, a dressing room and a gazebo will have the same height. This indicator will have to be adjusted only if there are too tall people in the family.

Type of foundation

The type of base under the bathhouse with a gazebo is selected depending on the type of soil and the material used to build the walls. Under the log, block and shield construction, a columnar foundation will be enough. Under a brick or concrete bathhouse with a gazebo you will have to arrange a tape.

gazebos with barbecue grill and stove projects

Sometimes under buildings of this type, a combined foundation is also poured. That is, a ribbon is erected under the bathhouse, and pillars under the arbor. This, by the way, is the most common project of a gazebo with a barbecue and a bathhouse.

Type of roof

Most often, a gable or hip roof is installed over structures of this type. The latter option looks more impressive and solid, but somewhat difficult to implement. More material is spent on the hip roof, and its rafter system has a rather complicated structure. However, if the owners of the site have experience in assembling such roofs, of course, it is better to use this option for a bath with a gazebo. Bathhouses and gazebos with barbecue, barbecue and stove, the designs of which are quite complex, look simply luxurious under this type of roof.


After the material for the walls, the type of foundation, the location of the gazebo and the dimensions of the structure are selected, you can begin to draw up drawings. Since this building is quite complex, there should be at least three. The project should include a profile drawing of the structure and frontal. In addition, a plan diagram (top view) is compiled, which indicates the location of all equipment and furniture (barbecue, stove, benches, tables, etc.). On each drawing, methods for assembling nodes and connecting structures are indicated. For example, if the bathhouse is built from a log, and the extension is planned to be made as a switchboard, you will have to take into account the difference in subsequent shrinkage, etc.

projects of gazebos with barbecue photos

A bathhouse and a gazebo with a barbecue (projects of such structures can be seen on the page) are being erected with the preliminary preparation of two more documents. It is advisable to attach a sheet to the drawings with the calculation of the quantity and cost of all necessary materials, as well as a 3D drawing of the future structure. The latter can be done using a computer program. Or just draw by hand.

Projects of gazebos with a barbecue (photos of baths with a special addition can be seen on the page) are thus quite complex and should be compiled taking into account many different factors.

bathhouse projects with gazebo and barbecue

What you need to know

During the construction of this complex structure, it should be borne in mind that:

  • Gazebo with a barbecue, the projects of which can be different (open, closed, glazed construction, etc.) is built according to certain rules. So, the foundation for a barbecue is being built simultaneously with the base for the walls. Barbecue is going first. After that, you can erect the walls of the gazebo.
  • In a wooden barbecue, you can not put too close to the walls (at least 20 cm). Otherwise, they may catch fire.
  • The walls of the structure are usually assembled in stages. First, the bath box is assembled, then the shield dressing room, and at the last stage - the arbor.
  • A septic tank is installed next to the bath (4-6 m). The floors in the washing and steam rooms are made slightly inclined towards the water collector, to which a branch pipe is connected. If the bath is supposed to be used in winter, the main line should enter the septic tank at a depth of at least 60 cm.
  • When assembling the floor in the gazebo between the boards leave a small distance (2-3 mm). These slots are necessary for the discharge of rainwater that has got inside.
  • The ceiling in the gazebo can not be sheathed. Without it, the structure will look even more spectacular.
  • The heater is placed against the wall between the bathhouse and the dressing room. In this case, the owners will not have to freeze when leaving the washing room in the autumn and winter.

arbors summer kitchens with barbecue barbecue projects

As you can see, the project of a gazebo with a barbecue in a complex with a bathhouse can be absolutely anything. Structures of this type are distinguished by size, layout, type of material used to assemble the walls, etc. In order to draw up the most successful drawing or choose the most suitable one, it is worth considering first of all your own financial capabilities, as well as indicators such as the number of people in the family and features of this particular site. In this case, the bathhouse with a gazebo will be comfortable, practical and durable.


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