Element of the roof - endova. Roof: scheme and device

On a roof with a very complex configuration, an element such as an endow is usually present . The roof, the scheme of the rafter system of which is designed in this way, should be isolated from precipitation and melt water as carefully as possible. The roof element that covers the junction of two slopes forming an internal corner is called the new element . A lot of rainwater is always drained into such troughs. And therefore, when covering the roof, they should be given maximum attention.

Design Features

In order to avoid leakage of the roof, the gutter of the junction of the slopes should be properly waterproofed before installing the main material. In most cases, three main elements are used to clad this significant roof area:

  • waterproofing agent;
  • lower endova;
  • upper endova.

roof roof scheme

The arrangement of a continuous crate is a procedure by which, among other things, the reliability of such an element as a valley can be ensured . The roof, the scheme of which suggests the presence of such elements, or rather, its frame, is assembled using a special technology.

As a waterproofing material for a valley, roofing material or a special self-adhesive carpet can be used . The latter option is considered more preferable. A special tape is more expensive than roofing material, but it also protects the joint from moisture much more reliably. The upper and lower planks of the valleys usually come with roofing material. But sometimes they have to be done on their own. In this case, galvanized sheet or aluminum or copper sheets are used.

Features of the assembly of the rafter system

The relative complexity of assembling the frame is what distinguishes a roof from a valley. The rafter system (a diagram of such a design is presented below) in this case is mounted using additional elements.

The casing for the valley is usually filled after installing the main pitched . At the first stage , the rafter leg is mounted at the break point . Where it has the greatest load, a rack with jibs is installed . Further, short ones are brought to the main rafter at the right angle.

roof with roof rafter system

At the next stage, the crate of the rays themselves is packed. A not too thick board is used for this. In order to make a gutter of the valley, between the elements of the already packed crate , additional ones of the same thickness are simply installed. Thus, the gutter is usually equipped with a metal tile.

Under the ondulin , a slightly different endova is most often mounted . The roof, the rafters of which in this case is the same as when using a metal tile, at the break point is sheathed not by a continuous crate, but by two long boards laid from the ridge to the ledge . The width of these elements usually exceeds 10 cm. Lay boards on a slope from top to bottom, leaving a gap of 15 cm wide in the area of ​​the main rafter leg along the joint axis .

How to make a lower bar for metal

This element of valley is usually made of tin. The width of a continuous crate under the bar is most often equal to 60 cm (30 cm on each side of the joint). Depending on the roof structure, angle, etc. this indicator may be greater or less. In any case, the lower bar cut out of tin should be about 10 cm wider than the crate. In order to prevent the flowing water from falling onto the rafter system and the roof insulation, the edges are bent at both sides at an acute angle. For these same sides, subsequently, using the kleimers, the lower endow is fixed to the rafter system.

roof roof rafter scheme

Lower bar for ondulin

Under this material, as already mentioned, a slightly different endow is arranged. The roof, the scheme of which involves the use of a joint of two vertical boards as a lathing, can also turn out to be quite reliable. But the bar in this case, of course, needs to be done a little differently. For its manufacture in the middle of a strip cut from tin, a gutter is bent. Its dimensions should correspond to the width of the gap between the supporting boards (15 cm).

Endov roof device: upper bar

This element is most often made of metal sheets coated with a polymer layer. When selecting the latter, make sure that their color does not differ from the color of the roofing material itself. If this rule is not observed, the finished roof will look sloppy. The upper valley is bent in accordance with the configuration of the junction angle of the slopes.

Gutter waterproofing

This procedure should be carried out as thoroughly as possible when arranging such an important element as a valley . A roof, the scheme of which involves the use of a continuous crate under the lower bar, usually turns out to be reliable. But only if the hydroinsulator is mounted correctly on the gutter.

The ruberoid strip to the continuous crate of the junction of the slopes is attached to bitumen mastic. For additional fixation when using such a material, nails with wide caps can also be used. They are stuffed in the upper corners of each ruberoid strip so that subsequently they are lapped . The width of the latter should be at least 10-15 cm.

roof roof metal

Mounting the lower and upper strips

After the waterproofing is fixed, you can proceed with the assembly of the valley itself. Kleimers of the lower bar are installed at a distance equal to the pitch of the main crate. Laying strips of strips begin from the bottom. Horizontal overlaps between the elements, as with the installation of a waterproofing, are 15 cm.

Sheets of metal are pushed into the gutter so that their edges do not reach the central axis by 6-10 cm. Ondulin is pre-cut along the extreme lines of the gutter curved in the lower bar. The upper valley is installed from below. Mount it in a wave with a step of about 20 cm.

Other types of endows

The technology described above for sheathing the gutter of the junction of the slopes is the simplest. This is how they usually do their own work . However, valley roofs can be sheathed in other ways. On steep slopes, for example, they often arrange a closed site. Using this technique, the most reliable roof valley is obtained. In this case, metal tiles can go a little more than when using open technology. The fact is that with this method of sheathing the gutter, the sheets are joined end-to-end.

roof valley device

When using flexible shingles as roofing material, the interwoven technology for arranging the valley is usually used. In this case, the elements of the roofing material are led directly through the gutter to the opposite slope.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F21126/

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