The franking machine is ... A device for marking letters, parcels, postcards

The technical support of post offices is represented by simple devices, most of which are managed by ordinary employees without special training. This also applies to devices that provide franking. This operation represents several types of applying stamps and stickers and, as a rule, is carried out using special devices. These days, a franking machine performs similar tasks. This is a small device that is easy to maintain and reliable. It serves to perform simple, but of the same type of tasks in post offices, saving employees from painstaking work.

franking machine is

What is franking?

Initially, franking was introduced to enterprises as a way of registering the fact of payment at a certain tariff. In the future, only its marking function remained. In particular, franking postal items involves the operation of gluing stamps or other marks that are recognized by a particular organization or telecom operator. Actually, the presence of a stamp is required to confirm payment for a class of service that applies to a marked postal item. By the way, before the advent of automatic devices, franking was carried out manually. At first it was carried out by conventional painting, and then special marks and labels began to be introduced.

Today, marking is done in several ways. For example, the use of forms with unprinted signs is common, imprinting, sticking on payment signs, etc. Typically, mail is marked using franking machines, but there are other ways, including the use of seals and stamps.

Device franking machine

postal items

Often such devices have a small case. The material of manufacture may be metal or plastic, as well as their combination. Developers strive to design machines with a focus on ease of use and attractive appearance. To interact with the hardware provides a display. It should be noted that a modern franking machine is a rather ergonomic device that is easily controlled by buttons and presents information in accordance with the requirements of the maintenance staff. As a rule, screens are arranged at an angle, which increases the convenience of reading data.

Some models provide special connectors for weighting tariffs that determine the amount of collection. Today, there are practically no devices without the function of printing the results of work. Moreover, the latest devices mark mail items with an identifier and date. Usually in this way incoming correspondence is registered.

The principle of operation of the apparatus

franking machine service

The work of the equipment is built taking into account several parameters that can be entered at the factory. For example, one of the main meanings is “Advance”. There may also be different forms of reporting and the procedure for issuing them. In this regard, the franking machine is a complete device for inputting and outputting information. Another thing is that the source data and parameters for operation can be entered at different stages of machine maintenance.

Traditionally, a register block has three meanings. First of all, this is the already mentioned “Advance” field, in which the countdown is calculated and the total amount of fingerprints of the device is saved. It may also provide for the total amount of advances, which is the result of adding up the machine’s prints from the moment it began to operate. Another value is the number of prints that have been recorded since the use of the device. When all parameters are configured, the machine starts operating. This may require a cassette for a franking machine, which is a cartridge containing ink ribbon. Typically, the resource of such additions is at least 1,000 prints.


cassette for franking machine

To begin with, it should be noted that the declared service life of such equipment by manufacturers is possible only subject to observance of maintenance measures. First of all, the device should occupy a safe place in terms of mechanical stress and vibration. Further, the printheads should be checked regularly - this is done in the process of revising the nozzle. Also, maintenance of franking machines involves the replacement of ink cartridges. In modern electronic devices, special toner sensors are provided that send a signal to the display a few days before the print resource is exhausted. Replacement of ink cartridges, as a rule, is carried out through simple manipulations with the latches of the device.

Manufacturers and prices

For universal needs, it is worth recommending Pitney Bowes products, models of which are capable of serving on average from 8 to 12 thousand envelopes. Such equipment costs 250-300 thousand rubles. Functional and productive devices in the same price range are offered by PostBase. Its lineup also features a post-processing machine with integrated weights. This is a reliable and ergonomic franking machine, the price of which is 325 thousand rubles. The performance of this model from PostBase is 5,000 letters.


franking machine Price

In addition to high performance and functionality, franking machines are developing in terms of ergonomics. Modern versions are already endowed with touch screens, the ability to create graphs and provide an inkjet printing principle. It is also worth considering that the franking machine is not only a tool for marking. With it, you can control the data on shipments for a certain period. For example, you can record readings on loan amounts, the number of completed shipments, compile statistics on residual amounts, etc.


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