Interesting facts about butterflies for children. Lemongrass butterfly: interesting facts

Bright fluttering butterflies can hardly leave anyone indifferent. Whirling smoothly over a flower meadow, they fascinate with their beauty and deeply touch the strings of the human soul. In addition to beauty, these extraordinary insects are interesting for their behavior and life characteristics. In this article, we will share with readers unusual stories from the life of butterflies. In our material we have collected a variety of interesting facts about butterflies. Especially informative such information will be for younger schoolchildren and preschool kids . Information can be used in the lesson or simply told to children in order to expand knowledge of the surrounding world of young researchers.

Interesting Butterfly Facts

Who are butterflies?

Butterflies are lepidopteran insects. This means that on their wings there are many small scales that, by refracting sunlight from different angles, form a characteristic pattern.

Often children confuse flakes with pollen. Try to shake off, brush the wings of an insect. In fact, you should never do this. The wings of the butterfly will be remembered, it will not be able to fly and will die.

But in nature there are butterflies without wings. These are species such as steppe and common. They live in a cocoon and feed on what they have managed to stock more with caterpillars.

There are butterflies that know how to dive. These are insects such as underwater fires. Interesting facts about butterflies for children of grade 2 can be used in nature studies. It will still be difficult for preschoolers to understand the physiology of insects. But to teach kids to take care of nature is possible and necessary at any age.

Butterflies have three pairs of legs and a long proboscis, which, if necessary, turns into a full-fledged organ of nutrition. These lepidoptera are pollinators of plants, just like bees. In addition, they never sleep. Some attract attention with their unusual bright color, while others, on the contrary, are masked. So, for example, a lemongrass butterfly looks like a leaf. Interesting facts about this beauty can be found below.

Butterflies live all over the world except Antarctica. But the lifespan of these insects is short: from several days to six months, depending on the species.

The science that studies butterflies is called lepidopterology.

What do butterflies eat?

Depending on the species, insects can feed on flower nectar, sap from trees and rotten fruits. Some prefer tears and droppings of animals. At a certain period, do not mind eating mud, thanks to which you can stock up on minerals. A Caliptra-type butterfly eats the blood of cattle. In addition, some subspecies can be sucked in and drink blood from an open wound, while others are even able to independently pierce the skin with a sharp proboscis.

These interesting facts about butterflies can be presented in a playful way to even the smallest children.

Interesting Butterfly Facts for Kids

The magic of birth

So far, no scientist has been able to explain all the metamorphoses that occur during the development of the insect. Interesting facts about butterflies can be told by telling about the stages of the appearance of such an unusual insect. So, a butterfly goes through several stages of formation: an egg - a caterpillar (larva) - a pupa - an adult.

A sexually mature female lays eggs most often on tree leaves. Some species protect their offspring by digging eggs into the ground, others cover with their own scales, while others have the ability to produce special mucus.

Depending on the type of insect and external factors, the caterpillar from the eggs can hatch within a few days or months. This period is characterized by the fact that the insect actively eats, stocking up with necessary substances.

In the process of molting, morphological changes occur - the insect turns into a chrysalis. Butterflies protect their peace in different ways: some make cocoons from silk thread, which they themselves produce, others build a "house" of sand grains and earth, and others - from their own cuticles.

Fluttering beauties with uncracked wet wings are born. Therefore, at the time of hatching from the pupa, it is extremely important for butterflies to have a support in the form of a branch - clutching its paws, the insects dry and spread their wings. Then they can safely make their first flight.

We recommend bringing such interesting facts about butterflies for children of primary school age , walking in the spring in the park or in the summer cottage. And it is possible to consolidate theoretical knowledge by observing during walks the development of an insect from a larva to an adult butterfly.

Interesting Butterfly Facts

Butterflies in Mythology

Interesting facts about butterflies, their origin and people's attitude to these insects can be found out by getting acquainted with archaeological artifacts. Butterflies are the oldest insects. Excavations have discovered remains that are 150 million years old. About 160,000 species of these unusual representatives of the fauna are counted.

In ancient times, butterflies, like all mysterious and unsolved, were simultaneously admired and feared. The unusual life cycle of the insect provoked the mystification and deification of such a creature.

During excavations, frescoes of ancient Egyptians were found, on which butterflies are depicted. In those days, people identified human life with this insect.

In some nations, a butterfly is a harbinger of happiness, joy, and love. Others believe that the fluttering insect is the souls of dead people, the embodiment of demons and witches.

In ancient Greek myths, butterflies are found in the role of Psyche - a girl who personifies the human soul, and the Scandinavian peoples came up with elves - good little men with butterfly wings. In India, the butterfly was considered the ancestress of the whole world. And Buddha dedicated a sermon to this insect. In many beliefs, the butterfly represents rebirth and immortality.

Such interesting facts from the life of butterflies will interest not only children, but also adults.

Interesting Butterfly Facts


According to the behavior of butterflies, people portend the weather. So, if the hives hid - it will rain soon. In rainy weather the nocturnal butterfly flies - to be warm.

If butterflies flutter over a person - to good news, happiness.

A butterfly flew out the window - not for good, it is necessary to release the insect at will.


Today you will not surprise guests with a salute of butterflies at a wedding or anniversary. It turns out that this tradition is not one hundred years old! It originated in Japan. The lightness and charm of insects were compared with the art of a geisha. Therefore, butterflies at the wedding were considered the wish of the bride to comprehend female wisdom. A pair of butterflies symbolized a strong marriage. These interesting facts about butterflies have long been noted by modern wedding organizers, offering young people holiday decoration with live and artificial butterflies.

Modern Chinese weddings cannot do without the butterfly symbol: before the wedding, the groom gives the bride a piece of jewelry in the form of this insect as a symbol of love and care.

Butterflies were specially bred even at the court of Louis XIV. In the king’s winter garden, one could meet insects of various colors and species.

The most interesting facts about butterflies

Record holders

The most interesting facts about record-breaking butterflies:

  1. The largest representative of the species is Tisania agrippina. Its wingspan is almost 31 cm. Slightly smaller than the bird wing. Its dimensions reach 28 cm.
  2. The smallest is the baby Moth. Its open wings are 2 mm long.
  3. The longest proboscis is at Brazhnikov. In a species that lives in Madagascar, the length of this organ is 28 cm.
  4. The most common in the world is the butterfly Vanessa Cardi of the Nymphalidae family.
  5. The loudest squeak is the worried Dead Head of the Brazhnikov family.
  6. The sense of smell at Peacock-eye is sharply developed. They pick up the smell at a distance of 10 km.
  7. The Brazhniki fly the fastest.
  8. The heaviest butterfly representative is Buaduval.

Interesting Butterfly Facts for Grade 2 Children

Lemongrass butterfly: interesting facts

In our latitudes, you can find lemongrass belonging to the Belyanok family. It is very difficult to notice in the foliage, as the color resembles a leaf of a tree. Often you can see how children are surprised at the unusual "leaflet" flight. This color is a protective disguise.

Another interesting feature of lemongrass is the fact that it never lands with its wings open. If you disturb a butterfly, it will fold its wings and paws, and then fall down, thus disguising itself as a twig or fallen leaf. She is a long-lived woman, as she can live more than a year.

Butterfly Lemongrass: interesting facts

We told you just some interesting facts about butterflies. It is important for children to learn that butterflies are extraordinary creatures. Each species has its own characteristics and inexplicable abilities. They are fascinating and inspiring. It should be emphasized that it is impossible to destroy such beautiful creatures for fun or fleeting hobby. From a very young age, adults should explain to babies the importance of such a small creature as a butterfly in the world around them.


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