Douglas Adams. Writer's work

Douglas Adams is a famous English writer. His wonderful books are read all over the world. Among the most famous works is Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Douglas Adams had a strong will to live, a desire to explore the most hidden corners of our planet. He was able to create parallel worlds, new galaxies in his books and bring all this to the reader so colorful and varied that from a few lines is breathtaking.

The formation of creative activity

Douglas Adams was born in 1952. His family was the most ordinary and seemingly unremarkable. Douglas successfully graduated from high school, and then went to college with a degree in English Literature. At that time, he began to feel a need for writing. His first vivid novel, which brought fame and fame, was "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy."

Douglas Adams

The thing is really worthwhile and interesting. This was the beginning of Douglas’s career, after which he felt the additional strength in himself to create the following, no less interesting and unique works. A distinctive feature of his creations is an adventure orientation. Douglas Adams worked in the genre of humorous fiction. All his books are imbued with incredible optimism, faith in a successful outcome of events.

Douglas Adams. "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy"

A popular work reflecting the worldview of the author himself. I must say that the best ideas and quotes from this book are used in the famous box office film "Men in Black." The protagonist - Arthur Dent - is a very curious and talented journalist working for the Air Force. He intends to find parallel worlds in the Universe and become a great explorer.

douglas adams hitchhikers across the galaxy

The hero has his own thoughts on how to live correctly. A huge role in the work is played by another character - Ford Prefect, who is so intelligent that he helps Arthur to deal with difficulties and overcomes significant obstacles with him. This wonderful book was written by Douglas Adams. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is his visiting card and a unique pass into the world of great literature.

Talking aphorisms

The writer's books are filled with wise thoughts. These statements remain for a long time in memory and are key in many of his works.

"Happiness is much more valuable than righteousness." Many people consider it necessary for everyone everywhere to prove their case. However, they do not take into account one circumstance. Being right does not mean demonstrating one’s own superiority over others.

douglas adams books

A person who knows the truth, as a rule, is calm and prudent, he does not have the need to argue with anyone who has a different, opposite point of view on the subject of conversation. It is necessary to show tolerance for people and to maintain peace of mind. It is this quality that Douglas Adams notes. Quotes emphasize the undeniable value of his entertaining works.

"For the most fortunate, life eventually became rather boring and monotonous." The phenomenon of the essence of man is that he eventually gets used to his own success and begins to perceive it as something obligatory, even ordinary. When luck at some point turns away, the person who is used to it is lost, does not know what to do next. Trouble seems much more global and widespread than it really is.

douglas adams quotes

A person who has achieved great heights often gives in to small difficulties only because they seem unknown and destructive to him. Here the author emphasizes this idea: we ourselves come up with a limiting framework, and then we suffer from our own illusions.

“I prefer to be happy than to do everything right.” The point is that you cannot pre-program a sense of happiness. Moreover, it is impossible to keep him near him for a long time. Emotions tend to change, therefore it is impossible to become happy once and for all, you need to constantly work on your condition. Rare people really follow the voice of their hearts, most of us live simply by inertia. To act according to a predetermined pattern is obviously to deprive oneself of creativity and a constructive approach.

Other books

What other works did Douglas Adams create? His books are all vivid and memorable: “All the best and thank you for the fish”, “Mostly harmless”, “Life, the Universe and everything else”, “Long tea party”. Everyone can choose something suitable to their taste. The main thing that distinguishes them is the unlimited faith of the main characters in their own success, the expanded boundaries of perception, the unbridled desire to learn new things.

Instead of a conclusion

The writer D. Adams has created wonderful books. Even today they are interesting to a thoughtful intellectual reader. Such works make us think a lot and open up a new world for us.


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