Alien doll - girlfriend for daughter

A company from America under the name MGA in 2013 introduced to consumers a completely new product, which before that knew no analogues. This is an alien doll. Today, the company offers several models, each of which is unique in its own way. In fact, all the toys are extraterrestrial beings that flew to Earth in order to gain new knowledge, and with their own mission. There are 5 popular dolls in total, and all of them will be discussed below.

Hovering in the air

alien doll
The first alien doll to be released by the company is named Una Verse. She, like all other models, is filled with radiant liquid, giving the toy a unique look. She flew to the planet in order to bring cosmic makeup techniques to her inhabitants. The peculiarity lies in the fact that Una Verse is not affected by terrestrial gravity, it floats in the air. The doll has a favorite whom she calls the Molecule. It does not have a specific color, all its shades are different. Just like the mistress, the molecule soars in the air. It should be said about the cherished desire of Una Verse: she dreams of learning to dance and not to tear herself from the surface of the planet.

Rainbow Alien

The next alien doll is named Alie Lectric. The liquid with which the toy is filled does not shine in one color, but in different colors, as a result of which Eli got the nickname โ€œrainbowโ€. It should be noted that the doll will not flicker in different shades on its own, for this you need to click on the button, which is located on the backpack. Her mission is to teach all earthly girls to behave as befits real stars. With regard to its particular features, it consists in the glow of various shades, Alie Lectric is too emotional, and it always changes color. Pet Eli's name is Hi-Def, and he can not be called a living favorite, because the baby is more like a funny robot. Alieโ€™s desire is quite mundane: she wants to learn not to blush and not change color when the boys are next to her.

alien dolls novi stars
Real alien star

The name of another Novi Stars alien doll sounds like Mae Tallick. A talkative toy dreams of only one mission - to become a popular earth star. The doll does not have certain features, however, it successfully complements the entire collection. She also has a pet that looks like a regular teddy bear, but her ears are shaped like mechanical cones. The dream of a toy coincides with the mission - to become a singer.

Cyborg doll

Another unique alien doll is not quite ordinary even among other models of the collection. The fact is that she is a cyborg, which was called Roe Botik. Since this toy was produced later than those listed above, its kit includes not only a pet, but also additional accessories. These are shoes, hairpins, a hairbrush and other small details.

"Flaming" doll

The developers of the product decided to focus not only on the body of their inventions, but also on their hair. This fantasy was embodied in a model named Ina Ferna. This alien guest has no unique features, except for its explosive nature. The mission of the doll is to leave fiery memories in people's lives about herself. Unfortunately, she does not have a pet, but the toy is self-sufficient anyway. The desire of a "fiery" girl: to learn to talk with people so that they are interested in the topic.

There is another interesting invention at MGA - doll torsos. They are made so that the faces of the girls are slightly larger. Accessories are included with them, and the babies have the opportunity to apply makeup.

new alien dolls

Do children need such toys?

Some people say that all old and new alien dolls are not suitable for children's games. In fact, they meet safety standards, the liquid that is inside the toys will not be able to do harm, even if it enters the body of the child. Moreover, these unique developments of the company invariably delight every little girl.


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