How to make a house of firewood and clay

The technology of making a house of firewood and clay is similar to that used in the construction of a brick building. However, bricks are replaced with chipped or solid pieces of wood. The diameter of the chocks may be different, and the length should be the same. Cut the wood into pieces according to the selected wall thickness.

Modern experts have dubbed this technology of construction clay-pot. In this article we will look at how to make a house of firewood and clay.

how to build a house of firewood and clay

History of occurrence

This way of building houses is not new. Buildings using this technology are found in different parts of the world. For example, in the state of Wisconsin in the United States, a 19th-century building was built by Polish immigrants from cedar. And in Greek and Siberian villages preserved parts of buildings laid out of clay from wood, more than a thousand years old.

how to make a house of firewood and clay

Clay and firewood house construction: materials for work

The project of a log house can be considered one of the most environmentally friendly, since natural components are used in its construction:

1. Wood chocks. It is not necessary to cut healthy plants in the forest, the waste from the woodworking workshop or the trunks of fallen trees are quite suitable. Specialists recommend the use of coniferous wood.

2. Fastening (cementing) solution. The main components are open clay, as well as sand and hay.

The combination of clay and wood is optimal for construction, as these materials have similar indicators of moisture absorption and moisture loss. The room creates favorable conditions for living.

Foundation construction

It’s not so difficult to build a house out of firewood and clay with your own hands. At the preliminary stage of work, it is necessary to build a foundation. First, choose the shape of the house: it can be round or contain corners. To build a house of firewood and clay in the form of a square or rectangle, a special frame of beams is installed.

The interior space is filled with building material. With a circular stacking of logs, the frame can be abandoned, since the shape of the house will ensure reliable adhesion of the elements.

If wood is used in the construction, it is recommended to make good waterproofing. When pouring, it is better to use only high-quality concrete mix, since the construction of such a building must comply with all accepted building codes. A layer of mortar is applied to the surface of the finished foundation, after which they proceed to the next stage - the construction of walls.

Laying logs in the construction of walls

The surface of the walls should be fairly flat, so logs of the same length are chosen. Experts recommend laying masonry with a thickness of 60 to 90 cm. To avoid deformation and cracks in the wood, the log blocks are split into several parts before starting work. After this log, it is necessary to dry well and free from the bark. In construction, it is better to use wood of one species of wood.

To prepare a bonding solution, quarry sand and building clay are mixed in equal proportions. The reinforcing property of the composition can be given using hay, sawdust or resin. The components must be evenly distributed, so the mixture is kneaded for a long time.

Stack logs evenly, the space between them is filled with a solution. Layers should be applied evenly, and the masonry should not have smudges. The edges of the logs should slightly protrude from the clay mass. According to the project, entrance and window openings are left in the walls.

Above the structure should be sheltered from the weather by a temporary or permanent roof. Moisture must be avoided on walls. Within six months, the materials at home should be completely dry. After that, they begin to install windows and doors, replace the roof.

do-it-yourself house made of firewood and clay

Facade decoration

When the box of the house is built, then you can proceed to the exterior decoration. Most often, walls are leveled using plastering, but then the building will not be different from all the others. To protect materials, experts recommend lining the house with thin battens.

Many owners of eco-houses prefer to leave an authentic facade. Masonry from logs can become an independent decorative element. In this case, you need to take care of protecting the wood from moisture and insects. One of the methods is applying high-quality paint and varnish materials to the wooden surface and using special impregnation from pests.

house clay chock of firewood

Useful tips for a beginner: how to build a house of firewood and clay

When embarking on a new activity, it is very difficult to avoid mistakes. Therefore, the masters recommend to build a small barn or utility room for the start using clay-pot technology and only then a house made of firewood and clay. There are some simple tips that can help with your work:

  • To better maintain heat, the solution is applied only to the edges of the logs when laying, and the inner space is filled with sawdust and resin.
  • The same length of logs can be achieved using a goat. One end of the barrel is pressed against the support, and the chainsaw tire is pressed close to the stop at the cut site.
  • Bandaging the corners of the house can be easily done using a beam. It is stacked through a predetermined step.
  • If the facade of the house will be plastered or it is immediately difficult to make an even vertical surface, then you can apply a shield masonry. A plywood or board shield is installed on one side of the wall. Logs are placed on the solution tightly to this shield, after a day the limiter can be rearranged higher.

building a house of clay and firewood

Advantages of a Log House

The development of construction using clay technology has become more and more active recently. The reason lies in the fact that this method of masonry has a number of undeniable advantages:

1. Profitability. The cost of construction is significantly lower than when using classic technologies. For the future owner, a house made of firewood and clay becomes profitable. After all, putting a log house, erecting a building from brick or ordering a frame house will be quite expensive. The price is formed by two key factors: remuneration of labor and the cost of material for the house (clay, lump of firewood, etc.). Suitable trees can be found in the surrounding area. And if you get down to business yourself, you won’t have to involve a construction company in your work.

2. Energy efficiency. Clay and wood houses retain heat well at low temperatures, and during the summer period the rooms are cool.

3. Environmental friendliness. When using natural materials: clay and wood. These components can be assembled by yourself. Trees are recommended to cut selectively without harming the forest.

4. High qualification is not required. Even a beginner can cope with work. To build a house does not need professional knowledge in the field of architecture and construction. You can cut blanks for the house, relying on basic carpentry skills.

house of firewood and clay

Main disadvantages

Like any construction method, clay-peeling technology has not only advantages, but also disadvantages:

1. High labor costs and temporary losses. The components have an uneven structure and shape of the edges, require careful adjustment during installation. To make the walls of the house will require a lot of effort and patience. With self-construction of a house, the construction process may be delayed.

2. Low liquidity of real estate. Such a house made of firewood and clay will be difficult to sell, since most homebuyers prefer the usual options.


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