How to seal the seam on the ceiling between the plates? Instruction, technology

If you have made repairs at least once in an apartment or house, then you know that it should start from the ceiling. On the rough surface you will see cracks that appear at the joints of the floors. Even if the surface is whitened, then the cracks will appear again, which will raise the issue of sealing joints between the plates.

Preparation of tools and materials

than to close the seam on the ceiling between the plates

If you are thinking about how to repair a seam on the ceiling between the plates, then you should prepare tools and materials, among them:

  • putty;
  • putty knife;
  • a blade for a drill;
  • masking tape;
  • fine-grained sandpaper;
  • gun for sealant ;
  • primer;
  • hammer drill;
  • mixer;
  • PVA glue;
  • acrylic sealant.

As a putty, you can use dry gypsum mixture, but when choosing a primer, you must choose one that has deep penetration. The spatula must have an elastic flexible blade, while the hammer can be replaced with a drill. But for him you need a nozzle in the form of a shovel. If sandpaper could not be found, then you can use the sanding mesh.

Material Guidelines

how and what to fix the seam on the ceiling between the plates

Sooner or later, you may also be faced with the question of how to repair the seam on the ceiling between the plates. The technology of the work is described in the article, but to achieve a high-quality result, it is necessary to choose the right materials.

In the store, you should buy SC cement, used to fill deep seams. This material has expansion properties during hardening, so it fills the entire space of joints and seams. You will also need dense heat-insulating materials, which are necessary for sealing wide joints. It is better to purchase those that are made of foamed polyethylene or polyurethane.

Experts advise using elastic putty as well. When buying a serpentine net, it must be borne in mind that its width should go beyond 50 mm on both sides. For the final work you will need primary and finishing putty, which will finish the entire area of ​​the ceiling.

How and how to repair a seam

how to close the seam on the ceiling between the plates technology

If you have a question about how to repair a seam on the ceiling between the plates, you should decide on the order of work. These manipulations can be considered rather laborious, rush in this matter will become an obstacle. First, the seam is embroidered, it is necessary to use a drill or perforator for this, the tool should be supplemented with a nozzle in the form of a scapula.

The remains of the cement screed are removed with a spatula or knife. If this step is neglected, the fresh solution will not adhere well to the surface. The resulting gap must be cleaned of dust, smear its surface with a primer, applied with a plentiful layer. The layers should be allowed to dry. Gypsum plaster is mixed with a construction mixer. If the composition needs very little, then you can do without a mixer.

The solution should have a consistency of thick sour cream. The crack is filled with plaster, and the furrows should be decorated in several passes. Each previous layer must be dried before laying the next. If you are thinking about how to repair a seam on the ceiling between the plates, then you can use mounting foam. It is used when the seams are especially deep. After drying, the remaining material is trimmed with a knife, the surface is leveled, and gypsum plaster should be rubbed into the pores of the foam.

Final work

how to fix the seam on the ceiling between the plates instructions

After all of the above steps, the layer should be allowed to dry. Only then can you begin to strengthen the masking tape. Its width should be 3 cm larger with respect to the seam.

Putty should be applied on top of the tape. These layers should dry completely. The surface of the boards is primed and putty is finished . Its carrying is a thin layer. Instead, you can use a painting fiberglass, which is primed and painted in the desired color.

Alternative material options

how to close the seam on the ceiling between the plates options

Quite often, novice masters think about how to repair a seam on the ceiling between the plates. Instead of foam, glue is sometimes used to lay ceramic tiles. The masking grid can be replaced with a regular bandage or gauze.

A thin cloth is also suitable, which must be soaked in water and steamed with an iron so as not to collide with shrinkage. In order to facilitate the work, the ceiling is peeled off by polystyrene foam tiles that have no seams. Small gaps can be covered with acrylic sealant. Silicone sealant should not be purchased, because it does not hold paint.

Another solution will be the simultaneous formation and subsequent filling of cracks. First, a thick cement mortar is prepared, to which water glass is added. The bandage is dipped into this composition, folded in the form of a tourniquet and laid in the gap. It is necessary to work quickly, because the solution with glass will dry in a short time.

The same composition can align the ceiling, and after drying, process with sandpaper. When deciding on how and what to fix the seam on the ceiling between the plates, you must be careful, because there can be wiring in the ceilings, which must be protected from damage.

Recommendations of specialists for work

than to close the seam on the ceiling between the plates hide the seams

Many people are interested in knowing how to close the seam on the ceiling between the plates, the instructions presented below will help you with this. Before cleaning, the surface should be treated with spray water. It is better to moisten only that part of the ceiling on which you plan to work at the moment.

The moistened area is left for 15 minutes, and after that you can get rid of the old coating and move on to the next area. The whole procedure in the new zone is repeated again. Until the entire plane of the ceiling is cleaned, work must be repeated again and again. As soon as you can get rid of the old coating, you will be able to assess the amount of upcoming work. As a rule, there are several joints per room, the number of which sometimes reaches three.

Thinking over the question of how to close the seam on the ceiling between the plates, the options presented above are worth considering. At the preparation stage, the seam should be cleaned by deepening by 50 mm. Then, using a wide brush or an iron brush, the seam is cleaned of small residual concrete.

To seal the seam, you can use special rollers made of foamed polyethylene. It is important to choose products of the right thickness. A strip of sealant is applied to one side of them. After the roller can be tucked into the previously primed joint. Use a spatula for this. The craftsman should make sure that there is room to fill the space with concrete.

When sealing joints with expanding concrete, it is necessary to put recesses for decorative plaster. Once the mortar has dried and the groove has been prepared, elastic putty can be applied to the surface. The work should be carried out using two spatulas, one of them should be wide, the other medium or narrow.


how to close the seam on the ceiling between the plates tips

A composition from a container is recruited onto a wide tool, and a narrow one will be needed to putty on the joint. The solution is sealed in the seam and leveled to the level of the ceiling surface. Excess putty should be disposed of. After 2 days, which are necessary for the mixture to dry, you can begin to reinforce the seam. To do this, a thin layer of putty is applied to the surface, on which the mesh is fixed. It should be pressed into the solution and remove the excess with a spatula.

The primer is applied after drying the joints using a roller. It is better to apply it in two layers.

After the ceiling has dried, plastering can begin. First, a thin layer is applied, and after it dries, you can lay the final finish, which should be smooth. It is necessary to use a putty knife during application, leveling the surface to the ideal state.

Filling a hole in a seam

Now you know how to repair the seam on the ceiling between the plates. We hide the seams together with the holes in them. There are two ways to act in this case. The inside of the hole is closed up, which can be done with a narrow brush. The inner walls are cleaned of dirt, sprayed with a primer.

Once the first layer has dried, you can begin to apply the second. Thinking about the question of how to repair the seam on the ceiling between the plates, you need to read the tips. From them you can find out that the seams, like the holes, are filled with foam. After it dries and expands, the excess should be cut, in the inner space of the hole, a cone must be cut, the height of which will be 50 mm. These manipulations are necessary for laying cement mortar.


Many beginner home masters think about the question of how to repair a seam on the ceiling between the plates so that particles of cement do not fall out. As in the case of cracks, the holes should be finished with putty, on a layer of which a sickle is glued. It should be well leveled and left to dry. To fill large holes, you can use plywood or trim the laminate. The dimensions of the sheet should be larger than the dimensions of the hole by 100 mm.


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