Call panel: gadget description, how to choose?

Each of us wants to feel safe, and especially at home. Modern gadgets allow you to create a reliable system using the intercom. One of its components is the calling panel.

Many people focus only on choosing a video intercom and forget at the same time that the calling panels are also different and it is important to choose this element of the system correctly.

call panel

In this article, we will talk in detail about the functions, types and characteristics of the gadget and describe how to choose it for your needs and installation location.

Device description

So, what is the calling panel for a video intercom? This gadget consists of:

  • metal back cover;
  • boards with electronic elements;
  • a microphone;
  • stubs;
  • metal case;
  • protective glass for camcorder;
  • protective filter for IR illumination;
  • dynamics;
  • color overlay on the body;
  • protective metal visor;
  • installation angle;
  • mounting plate;
  • metal call button.

As you can see, this small device has a lot of components. This is not surprising, because the call panel performs a number of functions.

video door station door station

The main ones are remote contact with the guest through instant transmission of audio and video information, as well as the ability to control the lock using a special key.

Scheme and device connection

Despite the large number of components, the scheme of the call panel has a fairly simple look.

intercom door station

It is immediately worth noting that such elements as the power adapter of the lock and the lock itself are shown for clarity and do not apply to the components of the door station.

As you can see, the connection of the door station is made thanks to 4 wires, which are marked in different colors and are responsible for sound, video, power.

What kind of wires are needed?

Connection to the monitor is carried out using a four-wire cable. Often use SHSM. This should not cause connection problems if the distance between them is up to 50 meters. If more, use a coaxial cable.

The calling panel for the video intercom is connected to the lock with a two-wire cable of the type, the main thing is that the cross section be at least 0.75 mm square. In this case, the power supply will be at a stable level and without interruptions, unless, of course, a voltage drop or shutdown occurs in the network.

Installation tips

The calling panel for a video intercom, like any other equipment, may not bring the expected benefits and may not reveal its potential if it is installed improperly.

Therefore, be sure to follow the following tips from professionals:

  1. Installation on doors or other moving structures is not recommended.
  2. The level of the device on the wall should be approximately 160 cm from the floor.
  3. Connect to other equipment only with solid wires, without unnecessary twists.

The advisability of the first advice is that any mechanical impact from a moving door or other elements can adversely affect the operation of the device. Although the door station cases are mainly made of high-strength metals, constant vibration can lead to malfunctioning of fragile electronic equipment.

call panel connection

Neglecting the second piece of advice can reduce the device’s performance quite seriously. The call panel for the intercom should be located so that the fullest possible viewing angle of the camera is activated.

Security depends on it.

No one standing at the entrance should be able to hide below, on the sides or above from the gaze of the camera. Practice shows that for most devices the optimal installation height is 160 cm.

The third tip is about the integrity of the wires. Of course, for beginners it is quite difficult to connect all the equipment the first time, and this leads to the fact that you have to re-cut, strip and twist the wires. Moreover, each such connection affects the quality of the transmitted signal due to the fact that interference and loss are possible.

In order to avoid this, it is necessary before finally fixing the system, once again measure everything and make sure that the work is done correctly: the length of the wires is enough and there is no excess supply that needs to be cut off. And for connections, it is better to use not just twisting the wires, but soldering with subsequent insulation with a tape designed for this.

Choose the right device

In this section, we will consider what you need to pay attention to when choosing and buying a device.

Firstly, the door station can be designed for indoor installation (i.e. indoor) and outdoor. This determines the strength and durability of the device. The outer panels have increased dust resistance, water resistance, and are also often made in a stronger structure, which protects the internal elements from vandalism and breaking.

Naturally, this affects the price of the device. Be careful: if you decide to save money and buy a door station for indoor installation, while installing it outside, it will quickly become worthless. First of all, this will happen due to the harmful effects of the environment, namely weather conditions.

Secondly, the call panel for the intercom can be both with a video camera and without it. This moment can significantly affect the cost of the entire device.

Without a camera, the panel is quite cheap, and anyone can afford it. But with the presence of video, gadgets become much more expensive, and their cost can vary significantly depending on the characteristics and capabilities of the camera itself: color image, recording quality, focus, viewing angle, IR illumination, etc.


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