Calla lilies - care for the bright wings of spring

Callas are a beautiful ornamental plant cultivated both at home and in the open ground. A flower with a bright perianth, has the appearance of a wing, for which it bears its second name - wingfly. Highly decorative, due to its inflorescence, as well as a thick leafy rosette of spear-shaped leaves, which also look charming. Indoor callas, the care of which requires skills to maintain and extend the growing season, are widespread everywhere.

Indoor calla plants are very unpretentious, but at the same time they respond very lively to caring for them. This is a shade-tolerant crop that responds well to adequate lighting in combination with abundant watering. However, he does not like overdrying. To maintain optimal humidity conditions, it is very convenient to use lower watering. To do this, the flower pot must have a deep pan into which water at room temperature is poured without impurities. Soil with roots will absorb the necessary amount of moisture. One of the advantages of such watering: you will never β€œflood” calla lilies, the care of which is nevertheless considered specific. If the plants are adults, then the pot should be at least 30 cm. If you are replanting a young plant, then the pot should be smaller, otherwise the soil free from the root system will simply sour. In the summer and spring, during the period of maximum growth and vegetation, calla lilies need abundant watering and additional feeding. At the beginning of the month, it is better to make organic fertilizers, and in the second half - mineral fertilizers. If this is not possible, then simply pour fertilizer concentrate for indoor plants, as indicated in the instructions.

It is known that all nutrients are washed out by water, and the soil becomes poor. This can be fixed if once a month, remove the topsoil by 3 cm and replace it with peat. Calla lilies, care of which involves the selection of soil, prefer moderately heavy mixtures for their growth. Therefore, the best combination will be clay and peat with sand earthen mixture. In order to stimulate the growth and enrichment of the soil with substances, transplantation of the plant is carried out in spring. To do this, plant abundantly watered, get out of the pot and shake the ground, which is not braided by the root system. Transshipment is always done in a larger pot. Therefore, pour 2 cm of new soil into the pot and insert a lump with a flower. On the sides, pour new soil and compact the soil. This is a stress-free procedure for a plant, rather than a transplant, when the root system is revised.

Callas are planted to a depth of 10 cm, watered daily, and loosen the soil. After the daughter process has taken root, it is possible to fertilize with mineral fertilizers, while the flower should not stand in direct sunlight.

In winter, the flower is at rest, so watering should be drastically reduced to 1-2 times a month and put the flower pot in a cool, dry place.

Calla in the garden grows well on loose loamy soils with the addition of peat. Landing begins in early May. It is better to choose a site with diffused light or in the shade of a tree with a not very dense crown. We close up the shoots in the soil at a depth of 7-10 cm and water abundantly. On hot sunny days, watering is best done twice a day - morning and evening. For the winter, we dig up tubers in the middle of October. We rinse under water, without excessive compression and grinding. We dry it in a cool place, put it freely in a box and put it in a dark cool place with a temperature of at least 5-7 Β° C. Root hairs are cut off from the tubers with scissors, as well as leaf cuttings.

It is better to purchase varieties adapted to the temperate climate of our strip so that there are no problems with acclimatization in plants. Then the callas are indoor, the care of which was described in this material, will always please with their bright perianths.


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